Metformin & PCOS

I'm so glad to hear your appointment went good hippie!! :happydance: Hopefully the 1000mg of Metformin will make you O and you won't even need Clomid!! As far as the robitussin goes, it does taste HORRIBLE! But, it did a fantastic job of thinning my CM, so what the heck. I might as well try it, CVS was out of preseed and won't get a new shipment til Tuesday. So if all else fails, I'll be trying that for next cycle :D

Krissie, I can't wait to hear how your appointment goes today!!! :hugs: Hoping for the best!

Swiss, I hear ya on that one. I am willing to deal with WHATEVER it takes to get a sticky bean!! I guess I'm on the lucky side and only REALLY had side effects when I first started taking it, and when I upped my dose. If by my next appt at the end of Nov I haven't had any success TTC, my doc may want to up my dose of Metformin. And I know he'll up the dose of Clomid as he's already told me that. I'm just hoping I don't have to worry about all of that lol. But I wouldn't stress too much over not starting Clomid right away, I think most docs try Metformin alone for a few months to see how your body reacts to it. I was blown away when my doc said if I wanted to be pregnant right now, he'd prescribe Clomid. Of course I was like HECK YEAHHHH I wanna be pregnant RIGHT NOW! haha.

Well, as for me... This morning super early I had a sharp pain on my right side, I felt it two or three times before I fell back asleep. I'm not sure, but its around where my ovaries are so maybe O pain? Either way we will be dtd tonight :haha: I haven't had any ewcm, which sucks, but if the robitussin can thin out what I have there now then its better than nothing I guess. I think I'm going to test on CD28, which will be Halloween :) and if no AF or BFP, then I'll retest on CD 35 as my doc said to. If nothing by then, I guess its back to good ole Provera :dohh: God help me I don't have to go through that mess again!

Just got back from my drs. appt. She is having Geoff doing a SA before we proceed. She said if that comes back alright then we will start Clomid. So I should know in a couple weeks.

I am feeling frustrated, even though I know that is the best option. What would be the point in taking Clomid if that isn't the only issue. So yea... back to waiting. I guess when you have waited this long two more week isn't that long.
Hi Krissie, sorry you have to wait longer :hugs: I know my gyn asked if my DH or I had children and we said from his previous marriage. So he is able to do his part so to speak. I may want to ask for a SA because he has a seizure disorder and TBI from a horrible car accident 10 years ago. Even though he was able to have a child with his previous wife after the car accident, he's been on different medicines since then and maybe his age (he's 31).
I do hope the SA comes back great so you can get on Clomid and get you sticky bean:happydance:
Thanks Hippie. I know Geoff and I have only been with eachother so we wouldn't know. I know he has questioned it several times in the past so it is good to know. I have faith that all things happen in God's timing so I need to work on my ability to wait.

A SA isn't a bad thing to check on, at least it is that much more piece of mind. It isn't to expensive. The fertility clinic here charges $75. Which is better than I anticipated. Hubby isn't to keen on the idea, but he wants to know too.
Hey there, my name is Jazmine(i'm new). I'm a young mom with a15 month old son. My husband and I decided to start TTC #2, in may. Though I knew something was wrong, as I wasn't getting my period after coming off bc...anyways I was sent for ultrasounds and blood work to find I have PCOS. I just found out today and just started taking metformin (500mg now and adding 500mg every week till I'm at 1500mg)... I had no problems conciving my son...ugh I'm having a down day...any words of advice?
Krissie, sorry you have to wait a little longer :hugs: But glad to hear your doc agreed to do clomid after the SA. These two weeks will fly by and you'll be taking clomid before you know it. (IF you haven't gotten a BFP by then!!!)

Hi Jazmine :hugs: PCOS can be so frusterating. But so far there's been a few ladies on this thread that have had good experiences with the Metformin. I'm currently on 1000mg daily, and it has already helped me lose a little weight. Just try to stay positive, it'll take a little bit of time to get into your system. But I have high hopes that the Metformin will work for all of us. :hugs:
Hi Jazmine... PCOS can look really scary when it is new to you. I know that both my doctor and my observation of other women with it does seem to be quite treatable. Metformin is really a great option for treating it. I hope it works for you. It really seems to be such a great thing for us.
Hi Jazmine! :hi:

Sorry to hear you have PCOS this time around. I know I was very upset when I found out I had it back in Aug 2012. I started Metformin 500mg (24 extended release) and after 50days being on it and losing some weight I got my AF since I stopped BCP back in Nov 2011. I will tell you being on threads like this with other ladies with PCOS has been the best and I've learned so much more about PCOS through others. My gyn couldn't believe how well researched I was about it, hehe. It's good to look into it and understand it better. I hope Metformin helps you out. I was upped to 1000mg yesterday so I'm hoping with the increase it will do wonders for me like other ladies I've seen :)

krissie - $75? That's a steal! I wonder how much it's here in NY. I doubt my our insurance will cover it, but for $75.00 it would be nice to know. I know my DH was sweet about wanting a SA when he first found out I have PCOS, it was cute. I know he means well, but for right now - will do the 3 months and see what happens. I'm sure in order for clomid to come into play they're going to want a SA for sure to make sure it's not just me.
Hi all :wave:
I have just been posting about this exact topic in another forum, when I found you guys :dohh:

I just started on met today for the first time. 500mg per day. No word of changing dosage each week or anything like that. I was looking for advice and info about it on the other thread, but after reading through this one, everything seems positive. It looks as if even if it doesnt help ovulation, it will help in other areas anyway, so why not?!!:thumbup:

Im on CD41 at the moment, my last cycle was 33 days long, so hopefully the met might kick start something. According to my CBFM i didnt o this month either. I know they cant be exact with PCOS, but I use it anyway.

:dust: to you all. Nice to have people in the same boat :flower:
Hi again Mum,

I think I replied to you in another post, was it the young PCOSer's one? There are a lot of thread's I look at and write in almost everyday. :)
Hi again Mum,

I think I replied to you in another post, was it the young PCOSer's one? There are a lot of thread's I look at and write in almost everyday. :)

Yep thats m hippiekinz :winkwink:
You left a lovely positive response :flower:

In other news........ OH MY GOD THE HEARTBURN!!!!! :sick: (theres no smiley for person ON FIRE!!)
Hello ready2Bmum :flower: Glad the thread is giving you a positive look on things :hugs:

So last night me and hubbs went on a date, we hadn't been out in a while. We went to Olive Garden and got pasta. Ohhh man am I paying for that decision today! I haven't had a sour stomach in a few weeks, but I guess all the pasta and high carbs just didn't mix well with the Met. I FINALLY got a hold of the lab technitian at the fertility clinic that did my hubby's SA. They're going to transfer his results over to my new ob since getting anything out of my old obgyn is a joke. And she said that my hubby had an excellent sample, which he was very pleased to hear :haha: I'm glad we finally got to hear the results. We had to pay $140 for the SA!!! $75 would have been nice haha. But glad to finally have the results almost a month later!

How is everyone else doing?
Hi guys... I have decided that I am going to work on my weight some more. I have been really slacking in that area. And after my doctor's appointment I really feel some weight loss and more dietary changes are in order. So if you gals don't mind, I am going to keep that posted in here so I have somewhere. I should probably start a journal. Oh well..

After thinking things through last night and today, I am feeling a lot better. Hubby and I are thinking of waiting a couple more months, maybe until after Christmas to see how the metformin does alone and if losing weight and lower GI will help us concieve without Clomid. But I am not sure at this point if I want to wait. Time will tell...
well had my HSG today and the doctor doing the procedure there said nothing appeared to be blocked and everything appeared normal...hes 95%sure. ill know more monday when he has had the chance to look at it more closely :) yayyy! im soooo relieved! now im cramping like heck! and it hurts to sit down lol but the procedure wasnt that bad. but i NEVER want to do it again!!
Krissie, I'd love to hear how your weightloss goes. I really need to get my butt back into gear on that as well. I've been soo lazy lately! I like your plan to see how the Metformin does on its own. I was actually very curious to see if Metformin alone would help me conceive. But I'm too impatient to wait to take Clomid, and since my doctor so willingly prescribed it I was all for it. Guess I might not ever know if Metformin alone will help me conceive (assuming the clomid works). Maybe with our 2nd?

Sugarpi, glad to hear the HSG was good!! Sucks that you are cramping though! I've never had an HSG done although it was reccomended by my last doctor. Not sure if my new OB will want to have it done or not, guess we'll have to wait and see. Hopefully it wont be needed :blush:
I am glad your HSG went well. It is nice to know that isn't a concern now! :)

Yea, I think we are going to try just the metformin for awhile. I am really feeling like that is a good route. I would like to lose some weight which would help with so much. And my hubby agrees that it would be a good idea as well. Although, I have lost some weight. I would feel better overall in the pregnancy and with myself I think. Plus I figure that would put me at the end of my last year in my specialist degree program instead of at the start of the year.

And I don't have that much I want to lose, 30 lbs is doable. And that would get me down to the weight I was when Hubby and I met which I really was a lot healthier then.
Thats great! 30lbs is TOTALLY doable! I have 55lbs left to lose before I am no longer "overweight". I'm rooting for you!! :hugs:

Today I've had a lot of watery cm. My cervix is very high and very soft, so I'm pretty sure I'm Oing between yesterday/today. I thought I may have been Oing on Wednesday, but now I'm pretty sure I didnt. I havent taken the robitussin for two days, so the water cm is all on my own :happydance: So I guess tomorrow starts my tww! Whoohooo.
Hi ladies!

baby - $140:shock:I don't even know how much it costs here in NY. Good luck!! :dust: to you!

I'm still going WWs to lose weight. I had a black/white cookie and OMG horrible gas all night! I have to be careful again on what I eat it seems :p

My temp went down this morning and I'm done with my AF! I ordered some OPK off eBay and they should be here tomorrow since the place is located right where i live! I could of drove over and picked them up lol:haha: So I'm going to try OPK twice a day at CD10 to see if when I O. I know I must of O'd last because 12 days after my +OPK i got my AF so I'm hoping for some good results this time :D
Krissie I'd also love to hear how your weight loss is progressing.I've decided I'm going to start trying to loose weight again myself now that I'm on the met.

AF came this evening!!!! After 42 days and 2 days on met it came!! Not sure if the met had anything to do with it or not but either way I'm delighted!!! :-D

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