Hi karyn! Welcome to the thread
Krissie, I can't believe you're still having pains! Hopefully they'll know exactly what it is tomorrow and get it stopped

Can't wait to hear how it goes tomorrow, I'm so excited for you and hippie!
Hippie, don't forget to update us after the appointment!! Thats great that your Mom is going along! I wouldn't want my mother there,

she wouldn't understand any of what the doctor was telling her and the appointment would last hours.

It's also nice to have someone so close to you that knows what you are going through. NO ONE around me gets it, so its hard at times. Thank God for my BNB ladies! I think my mother has PCOS also, but she never really worried about it. She has regular cycles, and just started gaining weight in her tummy a few years ago. But her and my step dad were always unprotected according to her, and I'm an only child. So I think she has a milder case of PCOS and doesn't ovulate on her own.

I'm no doctor, but thats my guess.Obviously she O'd atleast once because I'm here lol. She has a lot of the other things I have like skin tags, dark patches of skin, oily skin on face, and now extra weight in her belly. She didn't want any kids at all, so I guess thats why they never tried to find out why she couldnt have more lol
Well, the robitussin worked wonderfully. I was actually SOOO surprised how quickly it worked. I took half the reccomended dose, and by two hours later my cm was a lot and thinner. So of course me and hubbs dtd. Who knows if I've O'd because I haven't done any OPK's, havent had any O pains

But atleast with friendlier cm we'll hopefully have a better chance. I'm going to continue taking it through Tuesday, and we'll keep dtd

I'm still hungrier today than normal, but nothing like yesterday. So I'm thinking I'm probably going to O today. Hubbs' little swimmers are in there if I do, so we're ready

Anyways, hope everyone's appointments go well!!