Metformin & PCOS

Hippie the bottom test DEFINITELY is positive!!! Yaaay!! Good luck catching that egg!!! Ahhh I'm excited for you!

Mrstaylor, if you have PCOS I would definitely ask about Metformin. There's been a lot of success for ladies on this thread and other stories I've heard.

As for me, I had very light light light pale pink coloration to my cm when I wiped this morning, and just now I had an equally small amount of brownish. Not sure if it could be early AF or possible implantation as I'm 5DPO, but I'm praying for the latter!

I agree with babyjla, if you have PCOS is will help more.

ooooooooooo baby, sounds very promising!!! FX'd for you!!!!:dust:

Baby, you think it's right? I have no ovulation pain, nor EWCM. My CM is like wet/creamy, unless i'm going to in the next few days, but I feel it's early for CD considered let cycle it took my til CD23 i believe? Unless the 1000mg is doing something good :D I'm sorry it sounds like i'm questioning, but I want to make sure this is actually happening. With all the bad luck i've been having to see good makes me doubtful at times, lola. If that makes sense ;P

update: actually i can't tell if it's gas or cramps, but I'm feeling a bit of pain. Maybe tomorrow my CM will be better FX'd
You're welcome MrsTaylor :D

Well, OPK's usually are positive when you're going to O in the next 24-48hrs as far as I know. (I could be wrong, I'd have to read the box I have to be sure lol) So you might not get the EWCM until tomorrow or Friday :shrug: But everyone is different. I only had watery CM, no EWCM. It could be the 1000mg is making changes. And I think the longer you are on the Metformin the more normal your cycles will get, atleast I hope so hahaha. Just make sure you and hubbs dtd atleast off and on for the next few days to cover your bases lol.

Thanks! I'm trying not to get my hopes up. The spotting has gotten a little more noticeable, but earlier it was literally like two itty bitty spots on the tp. I've started having more CM too in the last hour and a half. It really feels like very slight PMS :( So I'm really not going to get my hopes up and just see what the next few days brings.
Could be implantation cramps? I'm really hoping it's good signs for you!

I think it will be the next 24-48hrs as well. I know it was creamy/a little bit watery CM today. I'm going to test again at 7pm to see how it looks. Last cycle when I checked I only have watery cm, but no EWCM. I use Preseed as well every time even if i'm not close to ovulating because you never know. I think DH & I will BD again tomorrow as well. We did as soon as we say the OPK be positive! I was like LETS GO! LOL:haha:Also pains are still coming more. I just had a quick sharp jab pain on the right side in the back and it went away. I'm really hoping these are good signs! I haven't felt cramps or pains since AF showed up.
I hope its good signs too. Its not as bad as AF cramps, but def kinda crampy/bloaty. I definitely think the crampy type feeling you're having is O pain!! Hahaha, well sounds like you're gonna have as high a chance as possible lol. Especially with using the preseed.
I really hope so too! I'm once again babysitting and I said to my MIL i'm cramping or getting some sort of pain. She was like you just had your period, but if I count CD then I'm CD 12 which usually around 12-16 it could happen so maybe I'll get lucky! I'll keep using OPK to see if I get a positive again later on by some chance. I know from now on 2pm i'm testing! hehe.

Keep us updated as well! :dust:
Yeah, it really sounds like O pains to me! Wow, you've been baby sitting a lot. Gettin some good practice in :)
haha, yea, I've been babysitting my nephews since 2009? I see them like 2-3 times a week :p They're 7 & 10, but i've known them since they were 3 & 5. They both have ADHA though, so sometimes it get's overwhelming, but very good practice. I just took another test and it the surge was gone. I can't tell if i'm having watery or if its from DTD, lol. I did the water test and some CM formed into a ball in the water. So I'm not sure. I'll keep the status on my FF chart Creamy. I'm hoping to have a temp spike tomorrow to confirm :D
Ohh well thats good that you see them so often :) I get to see my neice a few times a week but my MIL babysits her. And I can only handle my MIL so much haha. I've never heard of the water test... What is that?

Well, I had some red spotting on one wipe. Then pink spotting, then back to brownish. Still having very light brown spotting, which is more like brownish CM its so light. Been having mild cramps in my lower abdomen. Please please please be IB!!!
Yea, I don't mind my MIL that much. She gets on my nerves sometimes, but then she's reminded that I'm babysitting the boys and could just leave, hehe. (even though I wouldn't)

The water test is when you take a glass and fill it with water. When you check your CM and not sure if it's semen or CM then you put it in the water. If it dissolves - it's semen, if it's CM it forms into a ball and sinks. (I hope thats right - i had to google it) I mean whatever I got stretched a little before breaking, which semen wouldn't do.:shrug:

I really hope it's implantation! Do you temp? I know if you get a dip in your temp that usually means it's an implantation dip, which is a good sign.
Well my MIL treats me like I'm not good enough to be a part of the family so I try to avoid her. Are you sure it isnt the other way around? I'm not positive but it seems like when hubby pleasures himself into the toilet (maybe tmi sorry!) it sinks in clumps. But I'm not sure hahahaaa. I hope so too, the cramps have subsided now. So either it was implantation or a random cruel fluke in my cycle. No I dont temp, I might start if it doesnt happen this cycle. I just never did wanna take the time to do all of that haha
hmmmm maybe? I don't know, mine seems to scatter when I go to the bathroom, LOLS! I'll check tomorrow when it dries up more.

Sorry to hear about your MIL. I know how that feeling was. My MIL HATED me before marrying her son since he was married once. She thought I was here to take him money and leave him dry like the ex did. Plus DH having a DD from first marriage didn't help. It took a while for her to warm up to me and now we get along great. She does like to pick on my weight at times since I lost so much and then had a bad gain. It's like *UGH* I've lost 21lbs now and I haven't told her i'm losing weight either. When I mention making treats for the boys she's like "remember how much weight you lost?" *UGH* sounds like my mother at times :dohh:Good thing about WWs I eat what I like, I just track it from my daily points I get and I'm doing just fine. I really need to move more or something. I bet that would help me lose better. I need to get under 200lbs by the time I go back to my GYN. I think that would be a nice small goal.

Glad to hear the cramps passed:thumbup: I've read it can last a few hours to 2 days? I hate temping at times. My DH gets up around 8:10 so he grabs my thermometer and nudges it to my mouth. I sometimes turn it on and stick it under my tongue and when I hear it beep I turn it off and roll over with it still in my hand. hehe. Funny to wake up with it in my hand.:haha:
Hahahaa, I've honestly never paid much attention to it. It just seems like I remember hubbys being clumpy...??? Ahhh, who knows lol. My MIL is getting more accepting, but my hubby was her baby so she had some letting go issues haha. Still does. I'd love to be under 200lbs! Ughh, doc said he wants me to keep going with weightloss til I get preggers. Then he wants me to worry more about the baby, and I agree. The cramps I had lasted about 2- 3hrs I think? And the spotting is pretty much gone now also. So I'll see in the am if there's anymore or if that was it. Thats so sweet that he gets your thermometer for you! My hubby gets up at 5:30am and I always have to wake him up. Such a pain, he fights me tooth and nail to stay in the bed lol. But with him being the only one working right now and money being tight he has to get up lol. I just wish every once in a while he would wake up on his own!
HAHA! Your DH sounds like me! I NEVER want to get up and my DH gets up before me. I like to stay up late which then makes me sleep during the day. The family business is slow ATM with kids back to school, my mom has a dog/cat boarding business, so not much to do then sleep in :haha:
No one has said to lose weight, but I know I should for me and if I do get pregnant the baby as wel :)
Your signs sound sooooo promising! I hope the witch stays away so you get your bfp!! I'm cheering for ya!:dust:
Ohhh I could kill him some mornings lol. He always turns the alarm off and then goes back to sleep! Then I get up & make his lunch, get his work clothes out, give him his nexium while he's still asleep, and fight him for 30min to wake up lol. He's funny though because he talks in his sleep, and he'll be talking about an ac unit he worked on the day before while he's asleep hahaa. Oh wow, that is cool. I'm going to school to be a vet tech, and I always wanted to be an actual dvm and have my own clinic. But to go through all that school to be a vet I'd have to move out of state and we just bought our house 2yrs ago and are just starting out. And hubbs is such a home body he wont move more than 15min from his mom :haha:

And thank you, I hope so too. No spotting so far this morning :D I'm on CD21 today, and 6DPO so I'm REALLY hopeful AF aint coming :D
Hey guys- I have been trying to get over a nasty cold. I decided to call in sick today so I could try and relax, plus I have an exam tonight so it gives me some study time.

I totally get what you mean about the hubby being a pain. Mine sets three alarms in the morning and still manages to get up late. He is not a morning person, and he found out that he is getting moved at work so his shift will be starting at 6 am instead of 8 am. :dohh:

I am currently on CD 17. I have had some cm but no +opk. I know, I broke down and started. :haha: Hubby and I have talked about possibly waiting until June/July before starting Clomid. Although I understand that is probably a better idea, its so hard to be rational when it comes to babies. I feel like we have waited so long as it is, and even if we are trying it might not even happen right away. Plus I am afraid if we wait then we will say well what is one more year.. Well when you have said it for the last five years... But on the other hand it gives me time to lose weight more actively.

Baby- that spotting/cramping sounds good. I really hope it was implantation!!

Also- CM balls and sinks in water. :thumbup:
Sorry to hear you still arent feeling well krissie :hugs:Ughh, men lol. What can you do though, right? I know how you feel with wanting to maybe wait but then not wantint to. Me and hubby put off going to a new doctor for so long so we could get some of our debt paid off. But I hate to wait longer, and I know there's no way I'm putting it off again until I've gotten a bfp or I'm so exhausted from trying I cant take it anymore haha. Thank you! I sooo hope it was implantation. I had some more pale pink cm later this morning, but still no more cramps. I have had some bloating still but I'm not sure how I feel about it all yet. I'm still scared it could be AF coming early. But then again I know that implantation & early pregnancy symptoms can mimic pms. So I'm still on the fence with not wanting to get excited, yet wanting to be at the same time. :dohh:
Yea, I know I said it here before.. But I think just trying the metformin until summer is probably a good idea. Our concern is a combo of work and health. I really do feel losing some more weight will help. I had some super high blood sugar over the summer along with some higher blood pressure. Which I have had checked daily over the last week and it appears my drs. office visit was probably stress related. But one of my friends had a baby and had pre-eclampsia and now she can't have any more babies. And that really scares the crap out of me. Plus I am working full time and taking full time graduate credits. And if we did wait 2 years (yikes I know!) then I could drop down to working half time and stay home with baby more, which is really motivating to me. I would really like to be a full time SAHM but hubby is in school to be a teacher (which I currently am) and there is just no way we could buy a house and raise kids on that income. :nope:
Im sorry you wouldnt be able to be a sahm :( but atleast you have a head on your shoulders about things and know what would be best for you and your hubby and a baby. Two years is a long time, but its also a lot of time to do as you said and get into shape, get everything situated financially, and buy a home and all the things that are going to be that much harder with a baby. What would ya'll do if you happened to get pregnant on just the Metformin alone? I mean are you going to try and prevent it, or just not try- not prevent?
We are going to not try, not prevent. If I got pregnant I think we both would be over the moon. We are in a pretty good spot financially, and hubby will be leaving his job in about a year to finish his degree, so he could take care of the baby most of the day, and we would probably find an hourly daycare for when he is in class. It is not like now is a bad time, its just waiting would make it a better time and afford me the opportunity to work only part time but make close to what I am currently making. And then hubby will have his full time teaching job as well. We plan to move out of state when he graduates so that is why we haven't bought a house here.
Hello Every1 i was hoping i cud join u guys. My name is sherita im 24 n dh is 24 also were actually 4 days im aug 6 n hes the 10th n our anniversary is aug 9th.. Crazy rite lol. Anyways i have pcos and earlier this yr i found out i have type 2 diabetes n now high cholesterol n the only reason i even have diabetes is becus of me waiting so long to eat rite after finding out in late 2010 i have pcos. me n dh decided that we really wana b parents we went bk n forth with ttc n temping for a couple mths here n there then quit cus its jus so darn frustrating sumtimes. But now were really sure about tryin. I was given metformin n took it off n on for over a yr n then completely stopped. (i hate takin pills lol) but met def helps me wen i do take it, i lose weight n slowly ive seen af tryin to come bk but never took it consistently enough to let it wrk. My periods will absolutely not show without sum form of bc. Ive went yrs without one. So starting 2moro im gona get my met refilled and start the healthy process n hopefully i wnt have to take clomid which i did for 3cycles n the side effects was horrible so im really tryna do this naturally :)

Sorry it was so long lol.

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