Metformin & PCOS

Baby - you're right, don't count yourself out! Fx crossed that you'll get your bfp and that your ear ache will go away soon!!

Hippie - It definitely could have been the themometer if your temps were different! I'm interested to see what your temp will be tomorrow morning with the new one. As for the negative opk - that would be expected if you had already ovulated cuz you're LH surge would have already passed.

Also, today I had some cramping and nausea (and I'm definitely not pregnant cuz I haven't O'ed) and I couldn't help wondering if it was related to the met. I only just recently increased to 1500mg and I'm wondering if the increase could be causing my stomach problems? I take all three tablets (500mg each) at once after breakfast but maybe I should split them up throghout the day? How do you ladies take them? I don't have any other symptoms and feel fine other wise so I don't think it's the flu or anything.
JL1363 - Yea I wonder what my temps will be as well:wacko:As for the negative OPK I'm only testing because anyone I've asked say "Oh it sounds like you didn't O" So now it got me thinking I didn't so I test just to be safe even though I know I did because I had the positive OPK and had slight O pains as well. Well here's to hoping the new thermometer helps me :)

As for Metformin, I take the 24 Extended Release ones so I haven't had any side effects. I take 2 500mg at dinner time.
Well ladies, the verdict was I dont have an ear infection! It is red and irritated, but not infected and no need for antibiotics...yet lol. SIL told me to take some ibuprofen/tylenol, and to put a cotton ball in that ear to help keep sound and wind out. Its probably either hurting from sinuses, or the wisdom tooth I have thats FINALLY cutting through the gums. :wacko: I guess its better than an infection though!!

JL, I take 2 of the 500mg pills (immediate release) first thing in the morning. When I first upped my dose it did effect my stomach a little bit, but it went away after a day.

Hippie, I think you def O'd when you got the positive opk. And if your new basal thermometer is reading higher temps, that was probably the cause for all the confusion. Can't wait to see what your temp is in the morning!!!
JL, it could be due to the increase. If it continues, try taking them throughout the day. What is your max dosage that you're supposed to take? I'm at 2000 mg extended release & I take half in the morning & half in the evening. Hope it clears up soon! :)
I am just annoyed! I took my temp and even WITH the new thermometer 96.80](*,) SERIOUSLY?!?!?! I EVEN temped with the old one - 96.80! I thought I was going to blow up. WTH is going on with me:dohh: I'm trying to wrap my mind around this temping, but it's leaving me baffled this month. Unless I'm it's going to take a few days to see a higher change. I swear if my temp stays at 96.80 OR goes to 96.63 - frack it - I'm considering I had a false +OPK and going to test twice a day until I see another +OPK.

I'm sorry I'm ranting like I am, but I'm just so upset. All I get for symptoms are the 3 same - feeling sick when I wake up, tired even though i sleep fine & creamy CM! That's it.:cry:I'm going back to bed.
JL1363 - I was wondering the same thing! I went out and got another one basal thermometer. The lady at the pharmacy said it sounds like I didn't O *rollseyes* but when I got home and took the temps they were different! The new one was higher while the old one was lower! Will see what happens the next few days. I did test again with OPK and it was negative like the others i've done on random days.

Baby - Well it's after 5pm here EST so i'm hoping you got the meds to help with your ear infection!

hippie, you said that you tested your temp when you got home with the new thermometer, but that isn't reliable. To get reliable temps, you must take your waking temperature, before you even get up in the morning.

Perhaps the OPK you had looked positive, but wasn't quite? I know with PCOS (I have it as well), you can often get OPKs that are quite close to positive, but end up just being due to the high levels of LH we can have in our systems.
JL1363 - I was wondering the same thing! I went out and got another one basal thermometer. The lady at the pharmacy said it sounds like I didn't O *rollseyes* but when I got home and took the temps they were different! The new one was higher while the old one was lower! Will see what happens the next few days. I did test again with OPK and it was negative like the others i've done on random days.

Baby - Well it's after 5pm here EST so i'm hoping you got the meds to help with your ear infection!

hippie, you said that you tested your temp when you got home with the new thermometer, but that isn't reliable. To get reliable temps, you must take your waking temperature, before you even get up in the morning.

Perhaps the OPK you had looked positive, but wasn't quite? I know with PCOS (I have it as well), you can often get OPKs that are quite close to positive, but end up just being due to the high levels of LH we can have in our systems.

I know I have to take it first thing in the morning. I only tested when I got home to see a difference, but i didn't record it or anything. If you read my newest post on here you would see that they both were the same temp when I took it first thing this morning. I know the OPK was positive because the test line was as dark as the control line like my last cycle. After I got my +OPK last cycle 12 days later AF showed up. Even though I had a +OPK with the temp shift I'm doubting it now because even with my new thermometer I got the same old temp of 96.80
Aww Hippie, I'm so sorry, that sucks! :hugs: I really thought you had O'd as well!! PCOS makes our bodies so confusing sometimes! :(
I am just annoyed! I took my temp and even WITH the new thermometer 96.80](*,) SERIOUSLY?!?!?! I EVEN temped with the old one - 96.80! I thought I was going to blow up. WTH is going on with me:dohh: I'm trying to wrap my mind around this temping, but it's leaving me baffled this month. Unless I'm it's going to take a few days to see a higher change. I swear if my temp stays at 96.80 OR goes to 96.63 - frack it - I'm considering I had a false +OPK and going to test twice a day until I see another +OPK.

I'm sorry I'm ranting like I am, but I'm just so upset. All I get for symptoms are the 3 same - feeling sick when I wake up, tired even though i sleep fine & creamy CM! That's it.:cry:I'm going back to bed.

I can offer any advice Hippie as I havent temped to date, but I feel for you. :hugs: Pcos is a bi@*h!!! :evil:
With any luck this will be your last month having to worry about it :dust:
Thanks ladies:hugs:

I think from my last cycle being 50days maybe I will O soon? I guess I was so happy to see a +OPK and thought maybe the 1000mg was making my cycle shorter I didn't think to see the whole picture :\ Oh well time to start testing OPKs again.
JL1363 - I was wondering the same thing! I went out and got another one basal thermometer. The lady at the pharmacy said it sounds like I didn't O *rollseyes* but when I got home and took the temps they were different! The new one was higher while the old one was lower! Will see what happens the next few days. I did test again with OPK and it was negative like the others i've done on random days.

Baby - Well it's after 5pm here EST so i'm hoping you got the meds to help with your ear infection!

hippie, you said that you tested your temp when you got home with the new thermometer, but that isn't reliable. To get reliable temps, you must take your waking temperature, before you even get up in the morning.

Perhaps the OPK you had looked positive, but wasn't quite? I know with PCOS (I have it as well), you can often get OPKs that are quite close to positive, but end up just being due to the high levels of LH we can have in our systems.

I know I have to take it first thing in the morning. I only tested when I got home to see a difference, but i didn't record it or anything. If you read my newest post on here you would see that they both were the same temp when I took it first thing this morning. I know the OPK was positive because the test line was as dark as the control line like my last cycle. After I got my +OPK last cycle 12 days later AF showed up. Even though I had a +OPK with the temp shift I'm doubting it now because even with my new thermometer I got the same old temp of 96.80

I did read your newest post, I just thought I would mention that, as not everyone knows! Sometimes you temp can dip for a day or two and then will go back up (after you have ovulated), but I am thinking that maybe you didn't ovulate afterall as well. I have also heard that some OPKs mention that the line has to be darker than the control line - but it varies from brand to brand, so you have to read the pamphlet. It's frustrating, I know - I haven't been ovulating on my own lately, and am awaiting my next course of action. Hope you see progression soon :)
My chart is ridiculous this month...

These are the last two I've temped... Not recent...

Dates are top left corner

And this month...

Can see the difference the Metformin is making. I need to get better at putting that in - have taken it every day for last two cycles.

Do you ladies think I've ov'd?
Awee hippie :hugs: I dont know anything about temps, but don't you check your cervix also? I can't remember if you said you did or not, but I thought you had mentioned it being high, soft, open that day? I may be wrong. If I'm right, I think you did O. And maybe your temps are off because you've been feeling a little under the weather? I wouldn't get so down about it yet, and if you think its possible you didn't O then keep doing opk's just to be safe :) I am so glad I dont temp haha. It seems like so much hassel, and on top of everything with PCOS already? No thanks!
JL1363 - I was wondering the same thing! I went out and got another one basal thermometer. The lady at the pharmacy said it sounds like I didn't O *rollseyes* but when I got home and took the temps they were different! The new one was higher while the old one was lower! Will see what happens the next few days. I did test again with OPK and it was negative like the others i've done on random days.

Baby - Well it's after 5pm here EST so i'm hoping you got the meds to help with your ear infection!

hippie, you said that you tested your temp when you got home with the new thermometer, but that isn't reliable. To get reliable temps, you must take your waking temperature, before you even get up in the morning.

Perhaps the OPK you had looked positive, but wasn't quite? I know with PCOS (I have it as well), you can often get OPKs that are quite close to positive, but end up just being due to the high levels of LH we can have in our systems.

I know I have to take it first thing in the morning. I only tested when I got home to see a difference, but i didn't record it or anything. If you read my newest post on here you would see that they both were the same temp when I took it first thing this morning. I know the OPK was positive because the test line was as dark as the control line like my last cycle. After I got my +OPK last cycle 12 days later AF showed up. Even though I had a +OPK with the temp shift I'm doubting it now because even with my new thermometer I got the same old temp of 96.80

I tried temping for a cycle & was confused about why my temps were always the same...finally I realized that my thermometer was showing the last temp with it's memory feature over & over.
Talk about frustrating! I decided not to temp after that. Too much hassle for something that was so uncertain. Instead, now I go in & have my blood drawn approx 7 dpo to confirm ovulation. I also have several follicle development ultrasounds as ov day approaches so I can see that I have a folly & how close it is to rupturing. Do you work with an RE in your TTC journey? I don't know what I would do without mine!
I do check my cervix and yup... Was high soft open cd21 and 22. Cd23 was low and open. Today is high and shut super tight... Can't feel opening, and I can ALWAYS feel the opening
Thats how mine was laura. Before O it was low, hard, open. During O it was high, soft, open, wet; then after O mine moved back down to low, hard, closed. At about 5dpo I noticed it had moved up super high, and is closed and semi soft. I've never felt it like this before, so I'm not sure whats going on. But I usually quit checking cervical position once it moves back down after O. So could be totally normal for me haha
I check my cervix through out the day. When I was away I tried to check when I could and I think that may effect what I put down, but like 2 days after FF said I O'd it was HSO for sure! I even BD on that day to be safe even though I found out afterwards I already O'd. My cervix for awhile has felt either medium or high and I believe shut. It also feels like it's not too hard, but not soft either?:shrug:I always get confused if it's open or not, but 2 days after O it was open for sure. It had to be, at least it felt like it. How do you ladies know when it's open compared to closed? For now it feels closed to me and when I check CM it's been creamy with streaks of it looks to be cloudy/clear mucus? I almost want to say it feels watery when i enter, but then creamy lotion looking CM comes out with clumps of this cloudy CM mucus. It's not sticky either, it's like creamy globs? Sorry TMI, but I don't know how else to describe it:shrug: Also thank you everyone for your kind words. I'm not trying to think myself out, but IDK. Only big sign I have going for me is on how tired I am! It's hard to believe how much I sleep and when I wake up I feel my stomach do slight flips and I can get my stomach to settle down and then I want to sleep some more? It's odd. I asked DH about it and he says I sleep so much - lol, I think he wishes he slept in like me:haha: No cramps either like last time, thankfully. I just don't know. All I can keep doing is taking my temp and hope tomorrow it rises some more, check cervix along with CM and test with OPK just to be on the safe side, ya know?
How many DPO are you hippie? Your cervix is HSO when you are Oing!!! It will stay that way for a few days (mine stayed like that for 3days anyway). When my cervix is open it feels like there's a little dimple on the tip, or a slit. Kinda strange but at times it seems to be a dimple, and others a slit.. :shrug: I never felt it closed before this cycle. I know its closed this time because I can't feel a dimple or a slit. At all. I've also been having creamy/lotion like cm. Some days its a lot, other days its a normal or small amount.
I'm now 8DPO and I'm wondering if it's closed at all then because mine feels like a slit as well. I know the one day it was open because my finger felt like it would go in? Now it feels like it can't. IDK - maybe I'll google, lol :haha:
See mine feels like a pursed mouth when it is open. When it's closed It feels smooth and slit-ish. Everyone is different

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