Hello ladies,
I hope everyone is doing well. I am completely confused
DH & I BD on 9DPO just to be on the safe side, all OPK have been negative. I took my temp today and it went high and then this happened on my chart
Look at the implantation part thingy. That got me like, say what? My CP today is very high and hard as a rock

I tried to test today with the pregnancy strips that came with the OPK ones, but it was negative like I thought. My DH thinks I should go out and buy a test, but I don't want to just yet. My symptoms are crazy as well! Like night I got so hungry, I couldn't control it! I had a sandwich then mac and cheese. My back today is hurting and my skin in breaking out. (it's been doing that the past days) I don't know if the one time looks like I O'd, but I haven't had any fertile signs like CD 12 when I got the +OPK. I have no clue what's going on anymore. What do you ladies think? As always I'm tired, feel sick when I wake up, gassy and now I'm thirsty as well
P.S We found out yesterday for sure my mom's dog is pregnant. Even the dog can get pregnant without problems -.-
p.s.s the back ache and skin break out didn't happen to my last cycle either.