Bunny - similar to markswife, my OB wants me to stay on the met until the end of my first trimester to help lower the risk of m/c. Wishing you a happy and healthy nine months!!

Congrats again!!
Fallen - I'm sorry hun, I don't know much about opk's testing for bfp :shrugs: Sorry about the bfn
Aein - I'm feeling ok, this week seems to be the hardest so far for the tiredness and nausea, but all in all, it's not too bad. I won't be able to tell the gender for another few months, but I can't wait until I'm able! I have another scan at the end of this month. How are you feeling hun? I'm sorry you're having a hard time

What did the doc day when you got your hcg tested? Are you gonna continue with the same protocol for next cycle? Try to stay postive, I really believe it'll happen for you

I wish there was some magic way to get all bodies to work properly
markswife - I hope you feel better soon!
Baby - GL with testing!!
AlyCon - I used evening primrose oil for a bit last year and it did give me really good ewcm, but I ended up stopping it because I was having a hard time pinpointing my o time, and they say you shouldn't take it after you o because it can cause uterine contractions. If you're like me and don't alway know when you o then I would recommend something like preseed instead - it'll make up for a lack of ewcm without the risks. GL!