Yeah, I hear you about scheduling things during tri 3. I'm glad I'm off work mid june. I'm already fading fast. My boss mentioned sending me to a conference in December... and I'm like um I'll be a breastfeeding mother. Why would I want to leave my 5 month old baby to go to a work conference? Which is not what I said lol but I thought it! Same with she wanted to send me last minute to a conference this week, and thankfully I said no because I'm so sick right now.
Also ew sorry about that. I get the opposite comments. People tell me they wouldn't know I was pregnant until they see my profile bump. And I'm like so... the pudgey face, double chin, bigger thighs, bigger stomach from the front... I get you're trying to compliment me but all I heard was you don't look pregnant you just look fat. I read an article the other day that was like when you say x, y,z about a pregnant woman's body what she hears is 1,2,3. So just don't effing comment on her body haha