Miscarried 1st baby over Christmas 2012.Share positive stories of conceiving again.

ttcmoon - I really hope you get answers and ovulate soon! must be so frustrating for you. But on the positive side, even though you have had 2 losses, you know you can definitely get pregnant so it will happen for you again. I havent tested for a few days as it was upsetting me so I thought it was best to wait for a while.

Lou - That must have been so hard reading about your friend, its so hard but we will get that one day. I hope you get your period soon so you know you're ready to start again when you feel like it. Do you still get a period even if you don't ovulate? Like you, some days I feel ok and think I am 'surviving' this but some days I feel like someone is just holding a big net over me and I'm trapped and can't see a way out. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, it will happen when your body is ready. I know that sounds lame but its not meant to.
Ah thanks, it was an amazing day! I was looking at them yesterday as a girl in work is about to get married so we were going through my pics, I would go back there in a second!! Although I wouldnt let so many people buy me drinks!!!!! By the end of the night I was getting soppy and tearful with my friends and felt like absolute crap the next day!! you just don't have any control over it though, people are constantly shoving drinks into your hand and before I knew it I was a liiiiittle bit drunk!! oops!

Charlie - you are so right, I really wish I was pregnant this month. When I think that I should be almost 12 weeks and instead I am no weeks I find it really hard to understand and accept. I hope your symptoms are something good! I definitely have something going on in my belly, but it could just be my period coming too. I have no idea its exhausting trying to guess whats going on! Really sorry you had a hard time on sat night! I was the same during the day on saturday, just couldnt get a grip of myself at all.
Maybe I'll watch The Notebook or something this weekend!! that always makes me sob!!

AFM - as I've said Im very up and down, feel like normal me sometimes, then others I just feel awful. We also have my husbands kids with us a lot (they are 12 and 15) and even though I love them to bits sometimes if I'm not feeling great I just really struggle to keep things together in front of them and try to be the happy smiley person they are used to? I don't want them to think I'm a total grump but its just so hard sometimes.

I know what you mean Charlie about not blaming ourselves. I think I always will though as I can't 'blame' my baby for not being strong enough to make it. My situation is quite tricky as I dyed my hair on the 18th December, same hair dye I've used the last few times when I went from blonde to brown and I've had no problems. However this time I had a massive allergic reaction and ended up in hospital. They told me my body reacted this way because I was pregnant and my hormones were going crazy. When I was in hospital I was on a drip and they gave me all sorts of things but said nothing would harm the baby.
Then a week later I started to miscarry, being told the baby had stopped growing about a week earlier..... They assured me again it was nothing to do with the reaction or the medication they gave me, and I accepted that. But for me its too much of a coincidence? And I think even though it would be devastating to think I did something to cause it, it would be less worry for me if they could have said it was caused by that as I would know it wasn't my body and its not likely to happen again?
I dunno. With the hair dye thing and the mc we had the worst month of our lives and I think it just takes time to get over the stress and devastation of it all.

We will get there girlies. We are surely about to move onto the next stage soon i.e. either another pregnancy or our period. Time is a healer and its ticking by all the time and we're closer to feeling better and getting our babies every day xx
Dw Charlie, you haven't offended you're right we should all stop blaming ourselves. It really hurts when people who don't deserve children have them and you find out people have been drinking/taking drugs thoughout their pregnancies giving birth but makes you realise how strong those little ones can be, there is nothing any of us could have done to change the outcome or we would have.
Good to see you back here, I took your advice and had a good cry yesterday. How you getting on with being back at work etc?

Elleff - unfortunately I still get periods even when not ovulating which makes it difficult to know if I have or not, my cycles are between 50-60 days but I've sometimes been 5 months without one.
Oh god that will be me, drunk bride at my wedding lol. I can't handle my drink at all anymore, I very rarely drink now because of ttc but since the miscarriage I've had a few and one glass of wine goes straight to my head!

Obviously with your experience with the hair dye you had a rough month but just try to remember that the doctors would have told you if they thought it had anything to do with your miscarriage, its just a horrible coincidence but it will drive you crazy thinking about it too much.

afm - I feel a little frustrated because back in August I tried really hard to be as healthy as possible, eating better, working out, no alcohol and I cut out caffeine. My cycles went down to around 35 days which I've never had before but now I have a feeling everythings a bit all over the place again. So yesterday I forced myself into our little gym and got back into things and man am I hurting today! I cleaned the entire house as well which felt so good to do, as much as my OH really does do so much for me he's more or a tidier than a cleaner lol.

I've realised a lot more people at work know about my mc than I first realised but it doesn't bother me. I actually spoke to a male colleague about it today, I had a bad day last week and he had to speak to me about a comment that was made to him about me. He told me how sorry he was and he knew how I was feeling. At first I thought I wanted to punch his lights out but it turns out his son died aged 2. He didn't tell me when this happened and I didn't like to ask too much but it made me put things into perspective. I honestly have no idea how I could cope with that.

Also can't tell if my boobs hurt a little cause af is round the corner or because I keep touching them to see if they hurt haha.
One day closer today girls x
Oh my God ur work college losing their baby at two sticks in my head! You don't even want to imagine what they have/are/will go thru bless them.
I've been eating badly and drinking too much with very little exercise do next week girlies that's gonna change!! Im off Sat & Sun and I have told myself I can be lazy, eat as much rubbish as I want and have a drink whenever I want this weekend but come Monday....that all stops!!! I have no will power so wish me luck!
Any plans for the weekend girls? Xx
Oh!!!! And eat better!!! Less take always!!
All of this will hopefully help towards getting pregnant? I hope x
Charlie, hows your weekend off going? I love weekends before a health kick.
I'm sure eating better and exercising will make you feel tons better, it always does for me and the healthier we are the better chance we have.

I Know what you mean, when my colleague told me about his little one I felt like I had to keep it together because he was, I can't imagine how awful it must have been I wanted to cry for him.

I've also decided to cut back on drinking, get back to the gym etc. although I slipped up last night, not badly though.
I would have been 12 weeks today and I'm sort of ok about it, well not as bad as I thought I would be but last night I didn't want to be alone so I went out with friends for a few drinks. Big mistake! Metformin and as little as 2 glasses of wine do NOT mix :( I feel terrible, I was up most of the night feeling sick and getting really hot and I'm still the same now, had to be up at 6am for work too. That will teach me lol.

I know I said I was going to plan to do something today to keep me busy but I decided work was the only thing to keep my mind off everything, I finish at 3pm though and off to buy everything I need to make my wedding invitations :)

How's everyone else doing? Anything to tell?

Hi gals! :wave:

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! :cake: Hope you guys have a great day! I didn't know you were planning to move to Australia - that's so exciting! Australia is definitely very high on my wish list of places to visit (probably because I'm obsessed with koalas!! :haha:) Congratulations on your appraisal going well! And I hope you get Clomid & it works wonders for you x

I did indeed go to Sharm! We stayed in the Ritz Carlton (easy knowing we weren't paying! :haha:) We were only there for a week as well but we did get to Cairo so got to see the Pyramids, Sphinx, mummies & papyrus museam/factory. It was brilliant but it definitely is a country where you would need a long holiday there to see everything. It would have been great to see the Valley of the Kings & you can fly over to Jordan & back too which I'd have loved.

You definitely get a lot of peace from the burial, don't you? I could hardly sleep before we buried our son but as soon as it was done we drove home (despite it being custom here to go out after) & we both fell asleep on the couch! Hope your DHs back is ok by now. And did you go to the doctors yet yourself? I don't want to get your hopes up but my DHs aunt sent me a message to say she lost a baby & was pregnant again three weeks later so I've everything crossed for you x

Also I know what you mean about wanting something to blame. I was prescibed medication for my bad morning sickness & I can't help but think it was the cause of what happened but I know it's not the case (although even so I won't be taking it next time!). And we all have bad moments/days. My Mam (who unfortunately is speaking from experience) tells me these moments become fewer & farther between.

I was resisting the OPKs & temping until next cycle too but I caved! :haha: I think DH will be ok when his job does eventually go (he's got a pretty unique set of skills in his field so is pretty sought after - lucky git!). I really hope your DH gets the job he has his eye on. And feel free to rant away - sure isn't that what we're here for? :hugs: The charity work I do is for an animal charity. We take in stray cats & dogs as well as any animals (most recently we had two turtles!!) people want to surrender as much as we can - we are very limited on space & funds. I do a bit of everything. I was doing shifts in the kennels before I started working but will hopefully get back to it at some stage. I also help with the administration work - e-mails, Facebook, filing & storing the adoption forms & managing the database. I'm also on the committee so have to go to meetings every few weeks & I get to as many adoption drives & fund raising events as I can. Reading back over that it sounds like a lot!!

Good luck with the wedding invitations!! How is it going? And I hope you reach your work goal - it certainly sounds like you're well able for it & it sounds so exciting!!

I am SO sorry to hear about your losses. I hope all goes well this time :hugs:

For me it was a month yesterday. I should be due AF on Monday according to my charts but I know this cycle is going to be an odd one. We timed things well in relation to my +OPK but my temps are all over the place so I don't know what's going on but I guess we'll find out eventually! And I am so with you on the health kick (& the lack of will power :haha:). I'm going on a 1920s night out (where they show a film from or based in the 1920s, have cocktails inspired by the 20s & play music from the 20s) & I tried my dres on last night & it's a bit... snug!! :blush:

Like the other girls said, if you're only two weeks after AF now I'd imagine it would be too early for symptoms as you may only be ovulating now but best of luck & be sure to keep us posted!!

As I said above, AF is due tomorrow but no cramps or anything yet. My temps are all over the place so I don't know what to expect. I want to leave it until at least next weekend before testing.

Emotionally I've been doing ok despite it being a month yesterday from when it all happened. I did have a "moment" on Friday. There's a new girl starting in work (so obviously she wouldn't have a clue about what happened) & I was on reception when she came in & we were making small talk & she was talking about one of the girls she'll be working with & how exciting it is that she's pregnant & it was so hard to sit there & smile & agree with her. It just caught me off guard & I was already a bit down because there's another girl in work that's pregnant & she wore a maternity top on Friday that I so wanted (- it had written on it "does my bump look big in this?).

Nothing to report apart from that really. We were back to the grave yesterday & planted some primroses for the month anniversary. I had a little cry last night but I was a lot better than I thought I'd be. I was out shopping most of yesterday with one of my best friends for this 1920s night so I think keeping busy is key. And work is crazy busy which is both a blessing & a curse! :haha: But I've a four day week this week because I'm off on Friday for a long weekend up in Donegal with DH :happydance:
Hello , I am so sorry for all you loses :( . I have had one miscarriage myself :( . Its been 2 years .I have had missed miscarriage . Which means my baby ( egg ) stop to grow at 4 weeks but my body kept the pregnancy and the pregnancy symptoms till 13 weeks , which is when I started spotting and later at the ultrasound found out I am not carying a baby which was really hard to think you r over 3 months pregnant and exept seeing your baby you find out there in nothing but dead egg ;( . I have had really bad miscarriage . End up in hospital due to too much pain that I could not even walk and I also bled so much I thought I would bleed to death . I set on the toilet and litteraly pouring blood ( sorry for TMI ) . I waited 6 month before we started to try again . I wanted to be sure my body and also me are ready . Now I have 9 month old crawling all around the house :) . Keep possitive thinking :)) Everythink is happening for a reason :)
Hi gals! :wave:

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! :cake: Hope you guys have a great day! I didn't know you were planning to move to Australia - that's so exciting! Australia is definitely very high on my wish list of places to visit (probably because I'm obsessed with koalas!! :haha:) Congratulations on your appraisal going well! And I hope you get Clomid & it works wonders for you x

I did indeed go to Sharm! We stayed in the Ritz Carlton (easy knowing we weren't paying! :haha:) We were only there for a week as well but we did get to Cairo so got to see the Pyramids, Sphinx, mummies & papyrus museam/factory. It was brilliant but it definitely is a country where you would need a long holiday there to see everything. It would have been great to see the Valley of the Kings & you can fly over to Jordan & back too which I'd have loved.

You definitely get a lot of peace from the burial, don't you? I could hardly sleep before we buried our son but as soon as it was done we drove home (despite it being custom here to go out after) & we both fell asleep on the couch! Hope your DHs back is ok by now. And did you go to the doctors yet yourself? I don't want to get your hopes up but my DHs aunt sent me a message to say she lost a baby & was pregnant again three weeks later so I've everything crossed for you x

Also I know what you mean about wanting something to blame. I was prescibed medication for my bad morning sickness & I can't help but think it was the cause of what happened but I know it's not the case (although even so I won't be taking it next time!). And we all have bad moments/days. My Mam (who unfortunately is speaking from experience) tells me these moments become fewer & farther between.

I was resisting the OPKs & temping until next cycle too but I caved! :haha: I think DH will be ok when his job does eventually go (he's got a pretty unique set of skills in his field so is pretty sought after - lucky git!). I really hope your DH gets the job he has his eye on. And feel free to rant away - sure isn't that what we're here for? :hugs: The charity work I do is for an animal charity. We take in stray cats & dogs as well as any animals (most recently we had two turtles!!) people want to surrender as much as we can - we are very limited on space & funds. I do a bit of everything. I was doing shifts in the kennels before I started working but will hopefully get back to it at some stage. I also help with the administration work - e-mails, Facebook, filing & storing the adoption forms & managing the database. I'm also on the committee so have to go to meetings every few weeks & I get to as many adoption drives & fund raising events as I can. Reading back over that it sounds like a lot!!

Good luck with the wedding invitations!! How is it going? And I hope you reach your work goal - it certainly sounds like you're well able for it & it sounds so exciting!!

I am SO sorry to hear about your losses. I hope all goes well this time :hugs:

For me it was a month yesterday. I should be due AF on Monday according to my charts but I know this cycle is going to be an odd one. We timed things well in relation to my +OPK but my temps are all over the place so I don't know what's going on but I guess we'll find out eventually! And I am so with you on the health kick (& the lack of will power :haha:). I'm going on a 1920s night out (where they show a film from or based in the 1920s, have cocktails inspired by the 20s & play music from the 20s) & I tried my dres on last night & it's a bit... snug!! :blush:

Like the other girls said, if you're only two weeks after AF now I'd imagine it would be too early for symptoms as you may only be ovulating now but best of luck & be sure to keep us posted!!

As I said above, AF is due tomorrow but no cramps or anything yet. My temps are all over the place so I don't know what to expect. I want to leave it until at least next weekend before testing.

Emotionally I've been doing ok despite it being a month yesterday from when it all happened. I did have a "moment" on Friday. There's a new girl starting in work (so obviously she wouldn't have a clue about what happened) & I was on reception when she came in & we were making small talk & she was talking about one of the girls she'll be working with & how exciting it is that she's pregnant & it was so hard to sit there & smile & agree with her. It just caught me off guard & I was already a bit down because there's another girl in work that's pregnant & she wore a maternity top on Friday that I so wanted (- it had written on it "does my bump look big in this?).

Nothing to report apart from that really. We were back to the grave yesterday & planted some primroses for the month anniversary. I had a little cry last night but I was a lot better than I thought I'd be. I was out shopping most of yesterday with one of my best friends for this 1920s night so I think keeping busy is key. And work is crazy busy which is both a blessing & a curse! :haha: But I've a four day week this week because I'm off on Friday for a long weekend up in Donegal with DH :happydance:

Where abouts in Donegal are you going? I live in Derry! Where do you live ? x
Thanks a lot dears!!!!Had a great day with DH :)
Uploaded photos on FB.....
Hi girlies,

Lou- That is so sad about your work friend, honestly none of us know what other people have gone/are going through before we judge them. We're all guilty of it, I definitely am.
Hope the sore boobs is a good sign!! How did you get on yesterday in the end? I would be 12 weeks weds and I am dreading it. Also 29th is my one month anniversary. :(

Charlie - good luck with the health kick! its hard work but well worth it, I have struggled to get back into the swing of things this year but literally dragging myself to the gym and I do feel good after.

Karry - you must have been non stop on holiday! how did you get to all of those places, did you fly? I heard it was like a 10 hour bus journey?
Thats great that your husbands aunt got pregnant again so quickly! gives us all hope. I'm sure the morning sickness meds had nothing to do with what happened to you, I don't blame you not taking them again though. I guess we just want answers, some reason as to why.
Any sign of af yet? How are you working out when its due?

Proudmomma - thankyou so much for sharing with us it really does help to hear positive stories about conceiving successfully again. I hope I can do the same with other people in the future.

ttcmoon - glad you had a nice anniversary! will have a look for your photos!!

AFM - I had a nice weekend with my very lovely husband. We had a few (eek!!) drinks on friday night and just had a laugh. We did talk about the baby etc and I had a little cry. Always so good to hear he is feeling the same. We do mention it all the time but we don't always 'talk' about it if you know what I mean. We talked about how it will affect the next time and how its so unfair that we have been robbed of the opportunity to have a stress free pregnancy etc.
We did have a lovely weekend though, I hate Mondays!!
I went for a blook test this morning as I have been so tired since the mc so they are checking my b12 and testing for anaemia, just make sure I'm all healthy for whatever the future throws at me!

I tested yesterday and got a BFN :( but no sign of af yet either? Very sore boobs though. I'm tired of second guessing what everything means!! I really need to chill...
We are booking some days off work today to go and visit family in feb and March so will have some nice long weekends to look forward to. Its my husbands birthday soon too so need to think of something nice to do for that! xx
Hi everyone can I join the group? I am so sorry for all your losses. I also miscarried over Christmas at 9 weeks. I was devastated and since then i have been on a rollercoaster of emotions. I'm wondering when everyone is going to start trying again or if anyone has had a past experience of trying after miscarriage. I just got my first period this past thursday. It came exactly 28 days after my miscarriage. My husband and I are trying to decide if it is the right time to start trying again. I feel that if I have a normal period I want to start trying next time I ovulate which would be about a week/ week and a half from now. My husband is more hesitant about trying this cycle. I really want to be pregnant again but it's scary making this decision. Any advice?
Hi everyone can I join the group? I am so sorry for all your losses. I also miscarried over Christmas at 9 weeks. I was devastated and since then i have been on a rollercoaster of emotions. I'm wondering when everyone is going to start trying again or if anyone has had a past experience of trying after miscarriage. I just got my first period this past thursday. It came exactly 28 days after my miscarriage. My husband and I are trying to decide if it is the right time to start trying again. I feel that if I have a normal period I want to start trying next time I ovulate which would be about a week/ week and a half from now. My husband is more hesitant about trying this cycle. I really want to be pregnant again but it's scary making this decision. Any advice?

Hello , I am so sorry for you loss :hugs:
My doctor told me It is best to start again when you feel ready ( even emotionally ) . But he also told me , once you have been pregnant the body needs to heal properly . He said it is possible to get pregnant right away , but the best you can do is 6 months . He said he would wait at least 3 months to lower the possibility of having another miscarriage . :shrug:
It was hard but we have waited for 5 months and got pregnant after 4 months of trying . Our baby is now 9 months . Good luck with everything :hugs:
Thought i'd share:
I got pregnant in november 2010 and had a MMC in december. I was 39 then and was devastated, totally convinced I would never get pregnant again. We started trying after one cycle and I was soooo obsessed with I was going mad. I turned 40 and still no BFP :nope: But got pregnant the following month so 4 months of TTC in total :thumbup:
I know have the most gorgeous 1 year old :cloud9: And considering trying again sometime (eventhough i'll be 42 soon).
never give up, good luck to all of you!!
Hi everyone can I join the group? I am so sorry for all your losses. I also miscarried over Christmas at 9 weeks. I was devastated and since then i have been on a rollercoaster of emotions. I'm wondering when everyone is going to start trying again or if anyone has had a past experience of trying after miscarriage. I just got my first period this past thursday. It came exactly 28 days after my miscarriage. My husband and I are trying to decide if it is the right time to start trying again. I feel that if I have a normal period I want to start trying next time I ovulate which would be about a week/ week and a half from now. My husband is more hesitant about trying this cycle. I really want to be pregnant again but it's scary making this decision. Any advice?

Hi Blueskys

You are more than welcome honey!! I started to MC on 27th Dec and had a D&C on 5th Jan. My surgeon in the hospital who performed my D&C told me that up to about 2/3 years ago they recommended we wait 3 months before ttc but new research says we don't have to. They say to wait until after your first period so they can date our new pregnancy. If you are ready emotionally go for it!! I haven't had my first period yet but we are ttc now. Im not expecting to get pregnant this cycle BUT it has happened to so many. Plus my surgeon said we are really fertile after a mc. Hope this helps. Good luck and chat soon.
Ps you are not alone. I bet if you wrote on here at anytime how you are feeling someone will say "me too"

Charlie xx
Hi everyone can I join the group? I am so sorry for all your losses. I also miscarried over Christmas at 9 weeks. I was devastated and since then i have been on a rollercoaster of emotions. I'm wondering when everyone is going to start trying again or if anyone has had a past experience of trying after miscarriage. I just got my first period this past thursday. It came exactly 28 days after my miscarriage. My husband and I are trying to decide if it is the right time to start trying again. I feel that if I have a normal period I want to start trying next time I ovulate which would be about a week/ week and a half from now. My husband is more hesitant about trying this cycle. I really want to be pregnant again but it's scary making this decision. Any advice?

Hi really sorry about your mc. We know how you feel, it is so up and down! I started TTC again the day after my bleeding stopped on 5th January, and at the moment I'm just waiting for my period or a bfp.
Its really up to you whether you are ready to try again or not. I know emotionally I am probably not ready, I am going to stress a lot when I do get pregnant but I decided that I would feel that way whether I got pregnant in a month or 2 years. We planned to be pregnant, I was over the moon when I was, I got used to it in my head, and then I lost it and all I want is to be pregnant again.
Good luck with whatever you decide :hugs:
Ladies have any of you had your period yet? xx
not yet :(

All new ladies are welcome here to join us!Thanks for sharing your stories Proud and Kosh.
Dear Blue I am so sorry for your loss.I too started bleeding christmas leave, the start date was 28th Jan.I am still waiting for my period to come.I have PCOS so not sure, if I am going to get it at all.I would like to wish best of luck, you got your period so this is a new cycle with new hopes!Good luck honey

Karry,elleff,charlie,lou - how you all are doing?
Proud momma- thank you for sharing your experience and advice and congrats on your baby!

Kosh- thank you for sharing your story and fothy ur support! I' m so happy that you had a happy ending! If you feel like it is right you should try for your second rainbow!

Charlie- It sounds like we started to experience our miscarriages on the same day. On Dec 27 we found out that our baby no longer had a heartbeat. I was scheduled for a Dnc the next day ( they tried to squeeze me in before the weekend and new year) and while I was in pre-op I started to get horrible cramps and passed the baby on my own. My doctor told me to wait for one or two cycles to try again. That is why I want to try now once my period is over. My husband wants to try now too but is more hesitant because the doctor added the "or two" part. I want to make the decision to try this time around together and I want him to be all in. If he has a doubt in his mind I will wait for the next cycle ( but I really really really want to try now!) Thank you for making feel like I am not alone. It helps to know there are other people I can relate to.

Elleff- Emotionally I feel the same way! Hopefully I will be able to become pregnant again, and if it does happen I know I am going to be a nervous wreck! Starting now I think we just have to take it one day at a time.

Ttcmoon- thank you for all the positive thoughts! Good luck to you also!
Hi gals! :wave:

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! :cake: Hope you guys have a great day! I didn't know you were planning to move to Australia - that's so exciting! Australia is definitely very high on my wish list of places to visit (probably because I'm obsessed with koalas!! :haha:) Congratulations on your appraisal going well! And I hope you get Clomid & it works wonders for you x

I did indeed go to Sharm! We stayed in the Ritz Carlton (easy knowing we weren't paying! :haha:) We were only there for a week as well but we did get to Cairo so got to see the Pyramids, Sphinx, mummies & papyrus museam/factory. It was brilliant but it definitely is a country where you would need a long holiday there to see everything. It would have been great to see the Valley of the Kings & you can fly over to Jordan & back too which I'd have loved.

You definitely get a lot of peace from the burial, don't you? I could hardly sleep before we buried our son but as soon as it was done we drove home (despite it being custom here to go out after) & we both fell asleep on the couch! Hope your DHs back is ok by now. And did you go to the doctors yet yourself? I don't want to get your hopes up but my DHs aunt sent me a message to say she lost a baby & was pregnant again three weeks later so I've everything crossed for you x

Also I know what you mean about wanting something to blame. I was prescibed medication for my bad morning sickness & I can't help but think it was the cause of what happened but I know it's not the case (although even so I won't be taking it next time!). And we all have bad moments/days. My Mam (who unfortunately is speaking from experience) tells me these moments become fewer & farther between.

I was resisting the OPKs & temping until next cycle too but I caved! :haha: I think DH will be ok when his job does eventually go (he's got a pretty unique set of skills in his field so is pretty sought after - lucky git!). I really hope your DH gets the job he has his eye on. And feel free to rant away - sure isn't that what we're here for? :hugs: The charity work I do is for an animal charity. We take in stray cats & dogs as well as any animals (most recently we had two turtles!!) people want to surrender as much as we can - we are very limited on space & funds. I do a bit of everything. I was doing shifts in the kennels before I started working but will hopefully get back to it at some stage. I also help with the administration work - e-mails, Facebook, filing & storing the adoption forms & managing the database. I'm also on the committee so have to go to meetings every few weeks & I get to as many adoption drives & fund raising events as I can. Reading back over that it sounds like a lot!!

Good luck with the wedding invitations!! How is it going? And I hope you reach your work goal - it certainly sounds like you're well able for it & it sounds so exciting!!

I am SO sorry to hear about your losses. I hope all goes well this time :hugs:

For me it was a month yesterday. I should be due AF on Monday according to my charts but I know this cycle is going to be an odd one. We timed things well in relation to my +OPK but my temps are all over the place so I don't know what's going on but I guess we'll find out eventually! And I am so with you on the health kick (& the lack of will power :haha:). I'm going on a 1920s night out (where they show a film from or based in the 1920s, have cocktails inspired by the 20s & play music from the 20s) & I tried my dres on last night & it's a bit... snug!! :blush:

Like the other girls said, if you're only two weeks after AF now I'd imagine it would be too early for symptoms as you may only be ovulating now but best of luck & be sure to keep us posted!!

As I said above, AF is due tomorrow but no cramps or anything yet. My temps are all over the place so I don't know what to expect. I want to leave it until at least next weekend before testing.

Emotionally I've been doing ok despite it being a month yesterday from when it all happened. I did have a "moment" on Friday. There's a new girl starting in work (so obviously she wouldn't have a clue about what happened) & I was on reception when she came in & we were making small talk & she was talking about one of the girls she'll be working with & how exciting it is that she's pregnant & it was so hard to sit there & smile & agree with her. It just caught me off guard & I was already a bit down because there's another girl in work that's pregnant & she wore a maternity top on Friday that I so wanted (- it had written on it "does my bump look big in this?).

Nothing to report apart from that really. We were back to the grave yesterday & planted some primroses for the month anniversary. I had a little cry last night but I was a lot better than I thought I'd be. I was out shopping most of yesterday with one of my best friends for this 1920s night so I think keeping busy is key. And work is crazy busy which is both a blessing & a curse! :haha: But I've a four day week this week because I'm off on Friday for a long weekend up in Donegal with DH :happydance:

Aw that sounds lovely, I’m a big sucker for any animals! I donate all the old bedding from the hotels to our local shelter and they usually let me have a little cuddle with some of them whilst I’m there. I’m printing the rest of my wedding invites right now, getting quite excited now J
Must have been hard for you at work with others getting pregnant, hardest thing trying to be happy for others at a time like this, hope you're ok
Have a lovely long weekend too x
Thanks a lot dears!!!!Had a great day with DH :)
Uploaded photos on FB.....

Glad you had a good day, my internet has been driving me insane but I will take a look at your pics later x

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