One thing I would like to add for your ladies is that the MMR vaccination used to have a compound called "thimerosal" in is which is a mercury containing compound....they have since removed this. Now, there are MANY MANY debates on MMR leading to autism. They have not admitted this BUT the thimerosal could have been the cause of autism- They are still researching this.
IMO, as a medical assistant student, each child should be immunized as following the proper schedule. Your child risk of getting an infection and/or disease is decreased a large amount when immunized.
I think this was mentioned but here is some info for you:
Diptheria (the disease) can cause breathing problems, paralysis, heart failure and death. Tetanus can cause paralysis of jaw (aka lock jaw), pertussis causes whooping cough and can cause brain damage. Vaccines for this ae DTap, DT & Td
Vaccine (IPV) Disease- Poliomyelitis- this disease causes paralysis of skeletal muscles
Hib- Disease- Meningitis, pneumonia, epiglottitis, and pericarditis- can cause bacterial meningitis, septicemia, and death
HBV- Hepatitis B can cause anorexia, fatigue, diarrhea, vomiting, liver damage, cancer, and death
and the list goes on and on...if you want info on other vaccinations i'm sure i know it as we just covered alllll this in class. I feel like it never leaves me now haha