I would imagine it's area dependent, I know there was a place in Bath you could get them done, and in Birmingham?
Oh my god. Ticking.clock, you are skewing facts, horrendously!
The smallpox vaccine was banned, yes, but that was using LIVE SMALLPOX, the vaccine created by Edward Jenner was considerably safer and HAS eradicated smallpox everywhere in the world, you can claim better sanitation till you're blue in the face but the fact is there hasn't been a natural case of smallpox since the World health organisation completed a campaign of vaccination between the 60s and 70s, and only one laboratory acquired incident since then.
Also, herd immunity is not a myth - you state in your post that naturally occurring herd immunity exists, so you've ust contradicted yourself? If you are claiming that it's a phrase that's been coined by people who want you to vaccinate, should you not be telling us that the public perception is flawed rather than talking yourself in circles?
And 'injecting embryo cells', that old chestnut. There are no embryonic cells actually present in the vaccine! Yes, cell lines from 3 medically indicated abortions are used in the development of vaccines, but the vaccines are purified of cell material before they are administered. The individual vaccines will also be grown in cell culture, although it may be another animal, I'd have to check. As for heavy metals, as someone else said, you'd get more heavy metals in the diet than in a vaccination, so unless all these children are having adverse reactions to tuna I'd find this questionable...

so you are questioning MEDICALLY PROVEN thirmasol poisioing?? as my son has had his CONFIRMED by hospital tests, it is a myth that injesting tuna will cause the same levels........
i eat tuna yet have no traceable ammount of thirmasol/mercury in my tissues yet my son does have thirmasol poisioning and it is this reason (and the health issues he now has) as to why his qualifies for DLA at the highest rate

so please dont say i am skewing facts when i live , NO sorry my son lives with the reality of vaccines gone wrong :thumbup:
There does seem a lot of pros as to why to take him to get it.
I didn't know that about your son ticking.tock :(
Well I'm very sorry for your son, but I refuse to believe that the vast majority of cases will be affected in this way. I think there must be other factors involved, not just the presence of mercury, because otherwise every child who had these vaccinations would be affected
My LO got it done, I didn't look into at all really, if the jag wasn't 'safe' or caused any type of autism then the government would stop it as soon as its 'proved' I reckon.
Obviously things might go wrong, like everything else - but I would say the chances are very low... x
Well I'm very sorry for your son, but I refuse to believe that the vast majority of cases will be affected in this way. I think there must be other factors involved, not just the presence of mercury, because otherwise every child who had these vaccinations would be affected

sorry but we seem to be going round in circles.........

let me explain..

when pregnant with my son (1999) at the height of the MMR scare i had many chats with my GP, and midwife which continued until my son was given his MMR.
My daughter had her MMR and was fine, and No i didnt have my MMR as i was born very prem and my vaccines were different (baby vaccines at 7 years old for example)

anyway, after many chats with our GP as is was very worrying at the time as you can imagine, i was told time and time again that it was safe 100%...

My son was given his MMR and within mins his arm swelled up had a raging temp and wasnt allowed home until they got his temp under control,
his arm was so swollen (thirmesol reaction) that we couldnt get anything but vest tops on him for well over a week, and my lil happy healthy content baby became a devil child :cry: very angry and unsettled, started to loose weight and just very cranky.

he does NOT have autism btw

anyway, he was refered for tests at the hospital and after almost 3 years of visits inc OT, child and family unit etc one of his dr's ordered another round of tests as he had severe bowel issues (not pooping for 4/5 weeks at a time ON meds to make him go!!)
the tests showed medium levels of thirmasol, which his specialist said was un-naturally high (eating tuna as you say can but not always causes trace ammounts of thirmasol and is flushed out your system within 7 days)

the thirmasol in my son has.....
damaged the neurons in his brain and caused sight damage
he now also has a condition called Prosopregnosia
ADHD (no family history of it)
Bowel disease, which has caused him to be dairy intollerant as his bowel is super sensitive to a protien in cows milk
he has a sleep disorder and needs medication to aid that
he also does not register pain or temps normally.. (he thinks needles tickle!!)

my son up until having his MMR was a chunky baby (99th centile) he is now very small and under the 25th centile, he is almost 12 but wears clothes for a 9 year old.

When reviewing his medical notes the specialist was shocked to find that his fathers family history was ignore as the contraindications state that children with a family history of...
Heart disease
also, children who were born Prem, have had bleeds on the brain, febrile convulsions etc (long list i will see if i can find it if not ask your GP)
etc should not have the MMR, my sons father has diabetes and his fathers family have a strong history of diabetes yet my GP never knew that this was one of the contraindications and therefore should NOT have given the MMR to my son.

My GP now says that it is not safe for my son to have more vaccines, and that any future children are at a higher risk of having a reaction so if i do go ahead it will have to be given in hosptial!!
my daughter was advised to not have the cervical cancer vaccine too

so, if i'd known then what i know now i would never have had the vaccine done

I know people will say "well your son was one of thr rare few who have suffered" well these illnesses are mild for most children too, depends on if your prepared to risk it

My LO got it done, I didn't look into at all really, if the jag wasn't 'safe' or caused any type of autism then the government would stop it as soon as its 'proved' I reckon.
Obviously things might go wrong, like everything else - but I would say the chances are very low... x

so you have to ask yourself why Tony Blair, who was PM at the height of the MMR scare refused to allow his son Leo to have the MMR yet took him for singles??
there are more risks than just autism

Yes we are going round in circles, because we're not going to change each others minds. Once again, I'm sorry about your son, but I know that I did the right thing by vaccinating MY daughter.
Yes we are going round in circles, because we're not going to change each others minds. Once again, I'm sorry about your son, but I know that I did the right thing by vaccinating MY daughter.

and thats fine, just dont dismiss my experiences as skewing facts :hugs:

i guess this is one of those things that unless you witness first hand you dont believe it, as when my daughter had her MMR (just when the whole scare was gathering momentium) i didnt believe it could be dangerous
'M not dismissing your experiences, just some of the things you were saying were skewed, such as your statement about the smallpox vaccine being banned, as the banned vaccine was different to the vaccine used in more modern times.
It's very easy to take facts like that out of context :shrug:
'M not dismissing your experiences, just some of the things you were saying were skewed, such as your statement about the smallpox vaccine being banned, as the banned vaccine was different to the vaccine used in more modern times.
It's very easy to take facts like that out of context :shrug:

like herd protection??

btw you can get all 3 single vaccines from your GP if they agree with your reasoning for wanting singles :thumbup:
I asked my GP about single shots and he said I would have to pay for them :(.
ticking.clock you mentioned about fathers history (I know your son had it a while ago) my OH has eplisey and was wondering would that effect Kian and the vaccine? I have tried researching it online but can't find anything.
You certainly can't get them from my GP.

And yes, herd immunity is taken out of context, but as a student all I was taught about herd immunity was that it meant that those with immunity provided protection for those without...none of these arbitrary figures. So surely if that can be obtained through vaccination rather than exposing our children to disease that's a good thing? And I will reiterate that it's not a myth!
You certainly can't get them from my GP.

And yes, herd immunity is taken out of context, but as a student all I was taught about herd immunity was that it meant that those with immunity provided protection for those without...none of these arbitrary figures. So surely if that can be obtained through vaccination rather than exposing our children to disease that's a good thing? And I will reiterate that it's not a myth!

When I was studying health and social care, the whole 3 years I was there we were taught this too :)
Cool, I think if I could go back and rethink my degree I'd consider health and social care, sounds really interesting :)
I prefered the health part of it, the social part was rather hard :(.

I think I am going to *try* and talk to OH about this, bring up all the points you ladies have said and hopefully he will help make an decision :)
Ah, see I'm doing biochemistry, and it's the social part that I wish we had more of an insight into!

And I think that's a good idea, I think it's a lot easier to talk this sort of stuff over irl anyway! Good luck!
I had been told the individual jabs weren't available not even privately. Is it different areas perhaps?

riley is having his in harley street in london. There is also a clinic in manchester

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