Mommies with style ! November/ December Babies !

I'm going to join you girls if thats ok :D Just got my BFP an hour ago, beta isn't hugely high at 129 15dpo but the nurse said anything over 100 is good so thats ok I guess :)

This is completely surreal, it does not feel real! I am so used to seeing everyone elses BFP posts and pregnancy tickers and now I look at my own and think that its too good to be true!

Miel, you're only 4 days infront of me!!!

Oh and sorry...a bit of background for those that don't know me. TTC almost 3years, we just got pregnant from our 4th IVF cycle (we had 2 fresh and 2 frozen, got pg on a fresh cycle) i'm 26 and DH will be 28 in 2 weeks (what a great b'day pressie hey :happydance:)

I'm 4wks 1d today and the last 5 or so days, it just feels like AF is going to come which is a bit scary. Mainly lower back AF style cramps. I have mild stitch like pains all over my tummy and tired...OMFG, I have to have a 15min granny nap every hour or so :rofl: Boobs bigger and a bit sore but i'm also on progesterone support so that could be it too.

Just can't believe I finally made it! This bubba had better be a sticky bean!!!
i am without word for you as well !!! i was without word for myself as well...!!!lol!

FJl it's a honor to be your cycle buddy !!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:
Oh my god FJL!!!!! I am sooooooooo happy! God knows you deserve this and I am so pleased to see you here - we will be due only days apart!!!

I have been trying for two years so I understand how much heartache you will have been through in THREE years!!! SO this is high time!!!

I think its fab that you FJL and Miel are my pregnancy buddies! There must have been some strong baby dust floating around LTTC this last 2 or 3 weeks!!!

Yay for us!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
OMG this is MORE amazing news FJL, i cant beleive it i am over the moon :wohoo: :yipee: :wohoo: XXX
Symptoms wise FJL that all sounds perfect, im on progesterone to, so it's good to have someone to discuss symptoms with who's on it to, cos i'm not sure which of mine are preg related and which are progesterone. XXX
good morning ladies :)!!!

it's almost 7 am in san Francisco !and so so glad it's the week end !!!
morning then miel, hope ur feeling good, is it sunny in san fransisco? its sunny/hazy and warm here in yorkshire in england,
Hi Ladies :)

I hope you don't mind if I join you.

I'm 28, hubby 33, 10 weeks pregnant tomorrow... due Nov 8th.

It's been great reading this thread, hearing my own thoughts echoed in you guys. As most first time mums, I feel pretty clueless, but if my couple of weeks can reassure any of you I'm more than happy to help.

mrsstreet, really sorry about your news hon, good on you for being a top friend to the others here. And big congrats to everyone who's been ttc for a little while.

I'm really glad to have found this forum, it's a great way to share a great experience.

Morning girls!

I went to bed at 8pm last night :rofl: I was SO tired. I got up 4 times to go to the loo last night (imagine what i'll be like in a few months time :shock:) then woke up at 5am, I had to pinch myself to make sure it wasn't a dream, then I was so excited I couldn't sleep, so I have been up since but it is now time for my nana nap!

Have a great day girls!

Oh, and i'm going for a follow up beta in a few days time to make sure everything is ok and numbers are rising as they should.

So wonderful to have some LTTTC girls as my preggo buddies :D
Hello ladies

Also wondering if I could join you. I am currently 26 and Dh is 31. This is my second pregnancy and my son is almost 3 years old. We were TTC for 10 months when we got pregnant.

I am about 7 1/2 weeks along and will not see the doctor until week 12. I really wish it was earlier but I am relatively healthy.

This pregnancy is nothing like my first. I had no m/s with James and gained a ton of weight. THis time I am sick all the time. I have to see a nutritionist to regulate my weight gain.

I know how happy all of us are to be here!!!
welcome Seraphin and Mrso :)

i just left a e mail to my regular Obgyn to see if i should do a blood test to figure out my twins situation :)
welcome Seraphin and Mrso :)

i just left a e mail to my regular Obgyn to see if i should do a blood test to figure out my twins situation :)

NO kidding. I think I would want to know sooner then later if I was having Twins!!!!!
i was wondering ladies ...Do you a lot of white CM going on ? i noticed i get that a lot ...
i do hunni, i panicked at 1st but al my pregnancy books say its normal
oh thanks missymojo...i noticed as well i have less cramps that the first couples of the days of my BFP ....
Yeh Im getting a lot of thick creamy cm... and the cramps have settled down quite a lot but still getting twinges every now and again! I am so paranoid!!!
Yeah... my cramps let up as well and I also have a bit of CM.
I have some CM but mine is kind of white and watery so I wasn't sure if it was the gravity of the progesterone support or actual CM :rofl:

I am still crampy, mainly in the back and especially after i've doing something active such as housework or gone for a walk etc. I lay down and rest after and i'm fine.

I'll be happy when my cramps settle down because I get paranoid that i'm going to bleed.

Miel, congrats on being 5 weeks today :happydance:

OMFG...I had the most bizare dream last night :shock: The short version is that I was :sex: (very very vividly) with some guy infront of my DH and then my DH murdered this girl with his bare hands and I was downstairs in another room while it was going on and all I could hear was this poor girl screaming and pleading. It was awful! I was so glad to wake up.

Thats some dream!!! I must admit I have been getting some pretty vivid reams recently - its another symptom!

Which was dp more upset at - him murdering somebody or you bd with some other guy!??!?! :rofl:

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