Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Oh my goodness Emera!! Huge hugs to you and little Roh - how frightening! Well done for dealing so well with things :hugs: I really hope that Roh is feeling better soon.

Its such a shame that your OH didn't come to support you in the hospital :( Could he finish work early today so that you could get some rest? I imagine you didn't get much sleep in the hospital :( I hope he steps up and starts giving you some support soon :hugs:
emera - :hugs: how scary! i remember taking erin to hospital with bronchiolitis at 4wks but she didnt have blue lips or anything. i am so sorry you had to go through that experience on your own :grr: to your OH. what are these men like? :shrug: all my 3 have hd bronchiolitis and it's terrible to hear their breathing. have you been given an inhaler for roh? i have been prescribed atrovent with all three. if you find he's still sounding funny take him back as owen developed microplasma afterwards and needed 2 courses of antibiotics. :hugs: and i hope your OH gives you some time off later.
Thanks girls :flower: To be honest in my OHs defence, he hasn't seen Roh since he got really bad, and i do tend to get very calm in emergecy type situations, so as i said ok, when he said he would stay at work he likely hasn't realised how stressful its been. Happily he finishes early today anyhow :thumbup: still, grr at him for not worrying more!..... :dohh:

Maybe - no inhaler, just advice to take him back in if he gets worse again.
:hugs::hugs::hugs: Emera - that must have been so frightening!! I really hope Roh is back to full health as soon as possible! I think I'd have been very miffed if my OH had left me to it. Your are so brave xx

Maybe to your OH :grr::grr::gun: and :grr::grr::gun: for good measure you are fantastic for putting up with him. H&F a few for your OH to :grr::grr::gun: why do they not realise what they have?? Lots of :hugs: to you both!

Sarah I like you sulk training you did with Steve, thatt's what I intend to do when we hit the terrible two's :rofl:. I really hope the Weddings all work out for you, you are so motivated. I can't even be arsed to list stuff on ebay that we need to self!

We my OH has been off for the last 3 days and although he is great, I find it so much harder with him at home, he gets to have a shower, without constantly planning his jobs for the day of without pannicking that Will is crying. I think having all this responsibility and insufficient sleep for 7 month is begining to take it's toll. So when you says "do you think you could just..." I feel like :gun: NO! I know I am behaving like a :brat: which just makes it embarassing!

Will is lush :cloud9: and is just moving when he is on all fours, more of a shuffle though. We all had the same porridge for breakfast this morning, which makes him look so grown up, I didn't even need to whizz it up for him and he loved it!

The teething has progressed to new heights, his sleep has been really affected and he keeps waking up crying and then settling back down :sad2:. Saying that he had a great night Friday and did 7 -7 with one feed at 3 am. I had a good night out although I was desperate to get home and was in by 10 pm.

Hope you all have a good day, I'm so sorry if I've missed anyone xx
Emera: :hugs: I am so glad that Roh is ok :hugs: :( That must have been so scary!

H&F: I am sorry things are tough with your OH :( Leaving when he promised to look after Amy was so unfair of him :( You really do need some time off sometimes.

Sarah: I am sure your business will take off! It would be great if it does with all the rewards you will get working for yourself :)

Amy: you are a strong woman and an inspiration!

Maybe: Its really too bad that they dont offer teachers part time positions :( Sorry your work situation is unhappy :(
I work for a charity as a Fundraiser and they after I went on maternity leave they moved the office to Essex. I have spoken to the Office Manager and it sounds like they are happy for me to work from home! That would be wonderful if it works out. I really miss having a full salary and not just statutory maternity pay!

Bobby has been doing really well with the BLW. We went to Nando's today and he has a cous cous and chickpea salad! We asked for it with no dressing and took out the olives. He really went to town :lol: I had to leave a good tip because I felt bad that he made a mess.

Do you BLW'rs think its ok for Bobby to eat olives? I remember reading somewhere that it wasn't but I am not sure where.
Mode - how grown up, that is so sweet that he ordered his own meal. Not sure about Olives! It's amazing how much they have grown in 7 months...

How is Bobby's sleep now?
Hey all - thank you for all the suppost.

Emera - That must have been so worrying but very glad he is home and on the mend.

I really dont know what to do. I have been on my feet all day doing things and have just made dinner and am really hoping Dave to put Amy to bed. I have spent the day asking myself do I love him anymore and the answer is I dont know ... I am fed up of being put down I also understand how tight money is and I have dropped most of Amy's activities after christmas but he has told me I cant go out for lunch tomorrow and I really dont want to be controlled like that. We are going to a free christmas activity at the childrens centre then the girls are going for lunch and I was really looking forward to it and now I cant go.
Maybe and Hope&Faith sorry you are both having hard times with your OHs. Maybe I think the idea of carrying on without him and letting him see what he is missing is a good one.

Sarah that would be great if you could make a go of your business. Google Adwords would be great as you will appear at the top of any searches.

Emera oh bless you and Roh having to go through that. I hope he is feeling better soon.

L-C and Modo wow your two are growing up so quickly. Modo not sure bout olives. Brine is quite salty if stored in brine? Or at least it tastes salty!

We are doing well. Had quite a lot of snow our side of Manchester but still managed to get to everything. Che has 2 teeth now and seems quite into the BLW. Don't think he is eating too much still but is consistently trying things now.

Nights could still be better generally still waking 3x but seem to have just got used to it.

Had a great night out on Saturday with a friend up from Essex. Went to the Xmas markets and for a meal.

Hope everyone else is well.

modo owen hasnt had olives yet but dylan and erin definately had them as babies i dont see why not. i use olive oil in cooking!
Mode - how grown up, that is so sweet that he ordered his own meal. Not sure about Olives! It's amazing how much they have grown in 7 months...

How is Bobby's sleep now?

Thanks LC :D They all have grown up so quickly :cloud9:

Bobby is sleeping well, thanks for asking! He usually goes to bed at 6.30am and wakes at 6.20am and plays in bed til 7 am. Sometimes he just sleeps till 7am :)
LC: I hope Will gets his teeth soon :hugs: Well done for him getting up on all fours. Bobby has no interest in crawling just rolling into trouble finding wires and putting them in his mouth! DH had to tape all our wires to the floor!

H&F: I hope your OH put Amy to bed. I really can't believe he has told you that you can't go out :growlmad:

CG: Nice to hear from you :hugs: Glad Che is enjoying BLW and I hope he sleeps through soon :hugs:
Definitely no looking back Modo, I'm so glad we are dummy free to! Really pleased Bobby is sleeping well now.

He did it tonight he crawled, I have the cutest video of it, I'm so chuffed, he of course has no idea what all the fuss was about so glad me and OH were there to see it.

Will woke from his sleep this afternoon in such a state, he only had 20 minutes, so he has gone to bed with calprofen or cuprinol as DH keeps calling it! and nothing yet poor thing x
I just read muddles' breakfast post and it made me think, do you all offer a drink with meals? I sometimes do but not always, maybe I should? He would happily throw a sippy cup about at mealtimes :rofl: I cany rtemember what the blw book says about drinks, I'll have to have a look.

Sarah sorry I meant to answer you and forgot!

I give Bobby a covered free flowing cup with every meal (I also have the doidy cups to be he just keeps spilling them on himself). He used to throw it about as well but he soon learned that it was for putting in his mouth, it's just he couldn't remember which end to use. Sometimes he would "drink" upside down! He has recently started getting better with it putting the spout in his mouth but he still hasn't figured out the tilting the cup part :D
Definitely no looking back Modo, I'm so glad we are dummy free to! Really pleased Bobby is sleeping well now.

He did it tonight he crawled, I have the cutest video of it, I'm so chuffed, he of course has no idea what all the fuss was about so glad me and OH were there to see it.

Will woke from his sleep this afternoon in such a state, he only had 20 minutes, so he has gone to bed with calprofen or cuprinol as DH keeps calling it! and nothing yet poor thing x


Well done Will

I hope he gets his tooth soon and feel better :hugs: poor baby :hugs:
:flower:sarah - aww shucks, thats one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me!! :blush:

maybe - having to work full time sucks doesnt it! at least we've got bnb for therapy :haha:

emera - OMG poor you and poor Roh!!! well done for being such a fab, brave mummy! even my DH wouldve rushed straight to the hospital for that! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::flower::flower:

LC - ahh, I'm glad Will is making you smile so much :) Alex's sleep has been crummy lately and I think he's teething the top teeth - his top gum is so swollen. Just think, only about another year of teething to go! :rofl: and well done for crawling Will!!! :thumbup::thumbup: Alex is so far off - he just likes to sit on his butt like his Dad :rofl:

modo - wow, thats fantastic news! I really hope it works out for you to work from home :hugs: I would give Alex olives - I read its fine :hugs:

H&F - its so sad when money causes friction :hugs: it seems a bit mean that you cant go for lunch! Especially when you do so much at home x

CG - ahh I'd love to go to a Christmas market! Good to hear Che is getting on so well xx

well i've been feeling crummy lately and last night Emily was up all night feeling rough so I kept her home from school. I was hoping to get to the shops to get some shopping done, maybe I'll brave the shops tomorrow :wacko:

Emera how are you and Roh this evening? :hugs: I hope you got some rest. I know what you mean about your hubby - when he realises how horrible it was for you I'm sure he will wish he had been there for you both :hugs:

L-C YAY for the crawling!! I love it that Oliver eats what we eat, its so cute! He will try absolutely anything, its fab :)

Modo thats great that you might be able to work from home! That would be so good! I think Olives are fine in moderation, so a couple every now and then would be fine - I love olive's so Oliver will be trying them soon too :)

H&F I'm sorry things are so difficult for you at the moment :( To be honest if money was super tight I would give lunch a miss, but if Dave is just saying that to be a bit mean, and you can afford it, well thats not fair. I hope you can sort things out.

CG Hey! How are you and Che doing? The Christmas market sounds great! I'm still trying to work out Google Adwords, do you know much about them? I am all signed up and have my add all done, I got two clicks today :haha: I think I should be #1 for a lot of related searches but I'm not sure my settings are right. I figure I'll have to play about with it over time to get what works for me.

Amy thats okay :hugs: Its true :kiss: I hope you and Emily are feeling better soon!!

I've had a bit of an ironing session tonight :haha: My ironing pile was HUGE so I've done all Oliver's and all Steves. Just mine to do tomorrow night and then to keep on top of it . . . phew!

Oliver is trying SO hard to crawl, he gets onto his knees and kind of bounces backwards and forwards? He can crawl backwards pretty quickly too :rofl: I don't know how long it will be until he gets going, but bless him he seems really frustrated sometimes when he can't get where he wants to go. He looks so cute when he sits and plays with his toys now, so grown up! He has one of those things with the stacking rings, he loves it when I stack them all up and he pulls them all off! He laughs so much too, its tooooo cute :)

We still have no teeth although I think I can feel two little bumps at the bottom. He is still teething pretty bad poor boy, and everything gets shoved in his mouth :haha: He was shaking his head quite a bit today and seemed a bit off colour so I think I'm going to book him a doctors appointment, I'm worried about his ears. He has always shaken his head a bit when he's asleep / getting to sleep, but today he has been doing it when he was wide awake. We went shopping and he was tired but wouldn't sleep, he was throwing his head around and then he started really, really screaming. Steve had hold of him and I had to take him outside into the mall and try to calm him down, I ended up breastfeeding him sat on a bench in the middle of a very busy White Rose Centre :haha: To be honest I doubt anyone could even tell what I was doing, I'm a very confident bf'er but now he's getting so much bigger it is harder to be discreet, plus he gets nosy and flashes my nipples at everyone :rofl: So anyway, I'm worried that with the head shaking and the crying that he might have an ear infection, so I will get an appointment to be on the safe side.

My parents are hopefully coming up tomorrow, the plan is that we will take a walk into town and do a bit of shopping etc, and I will hopefully get a little housework done too. I've just seen that it looks like we might be getting a lot more snow though - urgh! I still can't find a 4x4. I might go and look at a Rav4 because I just can't find a 5 door diesel Freelander anywhere near here!

I hope everyone has a good night :hugs: xx
Well OH got to have the fun too today, as about when he got home, Roh's breathing went really down hill again, and he had to be rushed back to hospital, he's in overnight now, but seems alot more stable with the oxygen. OH is there with him and i just got home for some rest. Doubt i'll be able to sleep i'm so worried, but i need to try, or i'll be a wreck before so long. I'm so worried about him, and he looks so tiny with all the tubes and stuff for the oxygen :cry:

Off to try and nap :hugs:
sarah - I think you're being very sensible taking Oliver to the docs to get his ears checked. Holly had recurrent ear infections as a baby and failed numerous hearing tests (they used to test them at 6 months) and there was talk of her having gromits fitted but she just grew out of it. Breastfeeding Alex in the day is not quite the relaxing "us" time it used to be becasue he is the same, on - off - look around, back on - hear something and look around! :haha:

oh emera, so sorry to hear Roh is back in hospital :hugs::hugs: he's in the best place though, Bronchiolitus is horrible. I've nursed a lot of babies with it in the past, its heartbreaking when they are really struggling. really hope you get some sleep :hugs::hugs: glad your OH is supporting you now.

Alex is awake! better go xxxx

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