Emera how are you and Roh this evening?

I hope you got some rest. I know what you mean about your hubby - when he realises how horrible it was for you I'm sure he will wish he had been there for you both
L-C YAY for the crawling!! I love it that Oliver eats what we eat, its so cute! He will try absolutely anything, its fab
Modo thats great that you might be able to work from home! That would be so good! I think Olives are fine in moderation, so a couple every now and then would be fine - I love olive's so Oliver will be trying them soon too
H&F I'm sorry things are so difficult for you at the moment

To be honest if money was super tight I would give lunch a miss, but if Dave is just saying that to be a bit mean, and you can afford it, well thats not fair. I hope you can sort things out.
CG Hey! How are you and Che doing? The Christmas market sounds great! I'm still trying to work out Google Adwords, do you know much about them? I am all signed up and have my add all done, I got two clicks today

I think I should be #1 for a lot of related searches but I'm not sure my settings are right. I figure I'll have to play about with it over time to get what works for me.
Amy thats okay

Its true

I hope you and Emily are feeling better soon!!
I've had a bit of an ironing session tonight

My ironing pile was HUGE so I've done all Oliver's and all Steves. Just mine to do tomorrow night and then to keep on top of it . . . phew!
Oliver is trying SO hard to crawl, he gets onto his knees and kind of bounces backwards and forwards? He can crawl backwards pretty quickly too

I don't know how long it will be until he gets going, but bless him he seems really frustrated sometimes when he can't get where he wants to go. He looks so cute when he sits and plays with his toys now, so grown up! He has one of those things with the stacking rings, he loves it when I stack them all up and he pulls them all off! He laughs so much too, its tooooo cute
We still have no teeth although I think I can feel two little bumps at the bottom. He is still teething pretty bad poor boy, and everything gets shoved in his mouth

He was shaking his head quite a bit today and seemed a bit off colour so I think I'm going to book him a doctors appointment, I'm worried about his ears. He has always shaken his head a bit when he's asleep / getting to sleep, but today he has been doing it when he was wide awake. We went shopping and he was tired but wouldn't sleep, he was throwing his head around and then he started really, really screaming. Steve had hold of him and I had to take him outside into the mall and try to calm him down, I ended up breastfeeding him sat on a bench in the middle of a very busy White Rose Centre

To be honest I doubt anyone could even tell what I was doing, I'm a very confident bf'er but now he's getting so much bigger it is harder to be discreet, plus he gets nosy and flashes my nipples at everyone

So anyway, I'm worried that with the head shaking and the crying that he might have an ear infection, so I will get an appointment to be on the safe side.
My parents are hopefully coming up tomorrow, the plan is that we will take a walk into town and do a bit of shopping etc, and I will hopefully get a little housework done too. I've just seen that it looks like we might be getting a lot more snow though - urgh! I still can't find a 4x4. I might go and look at a Rav4 because I just can't find a 5 door diesel Freelander anywhere near here!
I hope everyone has a good night
