Just a quick one from me, I'm on my phone. Steve came home early from work and stole the laptop as soon as I left it unattended

so I haven't had a chance to get on properly. Oliver and I had a lovely day though with my parents, he was so lovely all day
Emera I'm glad Roh is improving! Sorry about your OH, Steve is exactly the same when he's tired. He's utterly horrid! I do what I can to avoid him if he hasn't had much sleep, and I always try to make sure he won't be tired - its like having another child

I hope you have a good night tonight sleep wise. Your exercise class sounds great! I could really do with something like that! I still have about half a stone or so to loose.
Amy I'm sorry your oh is hogging the tv
I have been wrapping pressies this evening, I thought I was doing well until I realised that I haven't even started on Olivers, and we still have two big Amazon orders to be delivered! I said to Steve you know if you want to help I don't mind and he just said 'oh no honey, your doing a great job' typical