Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Amy - yeah, gave him a bit of a tummy massage, and now having a nice snuggle and a little bit of boobie to settle him down, always seems to soothe his stomach anyway. I want to be asleep, but having a snuggle is something i'm happy to stay awake for :flower:
ahhhh I'm a total sucker for a snuggle too! as much as I like going to sleep when Alex is in his cot, sometimes when he wants a feed around our bedtime and then wont settle in his cot I love snuggling up next to him in our bed. I still look at his little face in wonder than he's my son :cloud9:
Awww Amy that's lovely! I admit I do the same too :haha: I still don't think its completely sunk in that I'm a mummy. Does it ever?

I love a good snuggle too. Especially when he's half asleep so he isn't grabbing at my face or my hair :haha:
I'm on child number two - and it still catches me off guard sometimes - that I am a MOTHER with TWO children! Seems crazy to think that at times - because even though I am in my mid-thirtys - I don't feel old enough to be a mom with 2 kids. Like - how the heck did that happen?? LOL. But its all amazing and wonderful - and very surreal sometimes too!
i feel the same even with three kids! it just hits you sometimes! owen was difficult to settle last night. think he wanted to see the xfactor :haha: i'm so fed up of waking up 10 times a night too :nope: it's really taking it's toll. the kids all have sniffles too :dohh: dylan crept into my bed at 6 and didnt have the energy to put him back in his bed. i'm usually really strict! :blush: then at 6.45 owen decided it was time to get up for the day and so the others got up too :dohh: am shattered and have job interview at 10.40 :dohh:
i cannot believe what a foul mood OH is in today! am so glad he's gone to work now!!! someone we know has just been given a year to live. he's my age so only 33 so i tried to put things into perspective for OH by saying that hopefully he'll live to see another december and he said really sarchastically 'oh how wonderful another 365 days to tell dylan off. what an effin life i may as well be dead' !!!!!!!!! :saywhat: he cant see past the end of his nose and here's poor lee, who i was really good friends with in my a-level days dying and his wife recently had a baby :cry:
Maybe I'm so sorry to hear about your friend! That is so sad! I can't believe your oh said what he did, that's just so selfish and such a stupid thing to say. I hope he realises how wrong he was to say that.

A good friend of our died in the summer, he had cancer and found out maybe six months before he died. He was about 56. He was always counting down to retirement and could tell you how many days it was until he could retire, and planning the things he would do. It made me think that you really should make the most of every day :cry:

I hope your interview goes well!

Emera I hope work goes well today!

Our night was okay, Oliver was crying in his sleep a bit again. I have no idea what that's all about! I have a few things to get done today, fingers crossed I can get it all done!!
:hi: phew what a busy weekend.

I am have been rushing around to get Christmas presents and cards sorted aswell as keeping on top of chores etc which has taken away my BnB time :sad1: After my hangover day I am soooooo behind. I would say never again but I had a fantastic time :winkwink: I had only taken a small amount of cash to stop myself getting plastered but when it ran out my friends just bought me drinks instead :dohh: Next time I must remember to pace myself with glass of wine-glass of water, why do I never remember these things at the time :rolleyes:

Joni has been a darling all weekend. Her sleep seems to be settling down again. Last night she woke at 10 with something bothering her but went to sleep with a cuddle and slept through to 6am :thumbup: I have cooked a few new dinners over the weekend and Joni has loved them. The beef casserole and haddock in cheese sauce were particular favorites which is great as we can all eat them :mrgreen:

I have been popping in everyday just to have a quick peek in here but am really struggling to find time to post back properly the way I want to :hissy:

Maybebaby - I am really sorry to hear about your friend :hugs: Life just is not fair sometimes :nope: But as you say things like this do help make us recognise and acknowledge the good things in our lifes. Hopefully your OH will come round to this realisation when he thinks about it again. Good luck with the job interview :hugs:

Sarah - I so know what you mean aboutwork being rubbish. We had a Christmas party and are also having a Christmas lunch and I have been invited to neither :shrug: My hubby does work for the same firm and I was able to ask him about the party and he bought me a ticket to go. I know I got to go to the party so it should be alright but I am still really peed off with the fact that I only went because I pursued it myself :growlmad: A friend mentioned the Christmas lunch and I said I had not been told about it but would like to go. Bless her she went into work and brought up the matter with my boss on the sly and he has now phoned and invited me :haha: it is on wednesday and hubby's area are at the same sitting as my team so he can show off Joni while I eat and chat :thumbup:
Joni was crying in her sleep last night too. I have no idea what was bothering her :shrug: I picked her up out of her cot and sang to her which brought her out of the sleepy crying enough to relax and drop back off. I tried to put her back in her cot drowsy, but she just started wimpering again which she only really ever does when she is poorly :confused:

Emera - It sounds like Roh is on the mend :thumbup: I love the late night snuggles too :flower:

Amy - :grr: at your hubbies outbreak :brat: Last time I checked you were a Mother not a housekeeper :shrug: Does Kerry not realise that looking after 3 children and the pets (including a new puppy which is kind of like having another baby!) is a full time job on its own. Blooming men :growlmad: I love the bibs, my friend has been making her own version and has let me have loads for Joni in exchange for cake and babysitting :thumbup: She is in the process of setting up the bib making as a business and Joni is going to feature on her website :)

L-C - Will's crawling sounds amazing. It is brilliant that you got it on video :thumbup:

Muddles - I love Love LOVE the pics of Oliver on FB :mrgreen: He looks so cuddly in his starry babygro. Do mind me asking where you got the babygro from?

Hannah - I hope Amelia's sleep settles back down for you. I have to say although Joni's sleep was dreadful for a long time I never knew any different. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to have a baby that is a good sleeper suddenly start waking up all the time :hugs: Oh and great weight :thumbup:

Modo - Bobby is doing so great with his eating and sleeping :thumbup: I think Joni and him must have been coaching eachother :winkwink: How did he sleep last night after the missed milk? I have had to re-organise Joni's routine now she is eating so well in order to space out her bottles and meals more evenly to make sure she is still drinking enough milk. SO far the new routine seems to be working but it does mean I am either giving Joni a meal or bottle every couple of hours which is forcing me to be a lot more organised, which to be honest is a good thing.

H&F - I hope you did not have to wait too long for your take away and you enjoyed the telly.

Well Joni has been asleep for nearly 2 hours so I better go and wake her. Her naps and sleep are still a bit unpredictable since her cold but it is looking more and more like she is edging towards having a long nap in the morning and only a short one in the afternoon. Trust Joni to do it her way and go against the grain compared to all the baby experts who say she should nap the longest in the afternoon :rolleyes: Headstrong and wilful like her Mum :haha:She did give me a real fright before her nap. I had put her down and left her as usual then taken myself off tot the kitchen to wash up. I could hear her grumbling as she put herself to sleep but then started really crying hard all of a sudden. This is not like her so I popped my head round the door and she was on her front with her arm stuck through one of her cot bars :shock: I have an airwrap cot bumper to stop her from being able to poke limbs in between the bars but it looked like somehow she managed to flop her hand/wrist on top of the bumper and as she rolled onto her front her body weight caused the bumper to sag so her arm went through. I am really thankful she did this during a nap rather than at night!

see you all later x
WE HAVE A TOOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just did the daily tooth check :haha: and Oliver has a little tooth poking through on the bottom!

My little baby is growing up!!!
Sarah - Woo :happydance: I can see one on Amelia's gums but I don't know how long it'll take to come through completely :nope:
Hannah there was no sign of this one at all before it popped through!
sarah - :wohoo: for oliver's tooth!!! that must be why he has been a bit more unsetted than usual! no2 will probably follow soon!

hannah - i have been able to see owen's teeth through the gums for ages but they refuse to pop out!

frufru - wow a 2hr nap! owen doesnt even do that long a stretch at night :dohh:
Maybebaby - Good luck with the job interview!! That's awful about your friend, that's given me a kick up the arse to stop moaning, shame it didn't work for your OH, that was an awful thing to say :growlmad:

Sarah - :yipee: for Oliver's tooth and out of the blue too, that must be why he was crying in his still :hugs:

Emera - Glad to hear Roh is on the mend!

Amy - I love those bibs!

Muddles - I haven't got you on facebook, will you be my friend?? Vicky Grimwood, would love to see the photo's x

Hannah - Great weight, hope you have a better night tonight! Sounds like teeth :wacko:

H&F - Hope you had a good Saturday night!

Frufru - sounds like Joni is really getting to grips with sleeping, two hours napping is unheard of in this house! morning or afternoon. Glad you have recovered from your night out :happydance:

Will is in bed resisting his nap :dohh: the afternoon naps have really gone out of the window, need to get them sorted again.

Will has taken to sitting up when I go in and get him from his cot he looks so grown up! Especially as he is 7 months today, can hardlty believe it! xx

I have been into work this morning to get my head around going back, although not until the 4th of April :happydance: still very vague about how where, what and when :shrug: but I don't really care, my focus has completely changed now!

Then couldn't resist spending another tenner on Will, 3 more small stocking presents, will have to wrap them quick and hide them from DH :haha:
Woo for Oliverwoo's tooth :happydance:

Still no teeth for Joni and I have no idea if what I can see is teeth right under the gums or not :blush:

L-C - I am exactly the same about going back to work. I have said I will think about it in the new year. Will is so strong to sit up on his own in his cot and to be crawling too. I am looking forward to Joni doing both but at the same time I want her to slow down so I have more time to enjoy every stage of her development :dohh:
It was so hard to wake Joni up that her nap this morning ended up being just under 2.5hours :shock: I started by opening the blind and curtains, then kissing her, then kissing her and nibbling her ear. When none of that did not result in even a flinch I put all of her clean clothes away letting each one of the 5 drawers bang as I shut it but still no joy :rolleyes: So in the end I actually had to pick her up and cuddle her awake :haha: Then this afternoon she has slept 2.30-4 so anothe 1.5 hours. She did get up a bit earlier today so by the time you take off the early rising her naps only total about 3hours which is about right for her :thumbup: so hopefully she should still sleep ok tonight.

Thanks to Joni's SUPERNAPS today I have managed to get all my Christmas cards written and addressed ready to stamp up and send :thumbup: Stamping will have to wait though as it is Joni's dinner time :munch:
Frufru I feel the same it all seems to be flying by and he's doing something different everyday. I'm desperate for a tooth to come through to ease his pain, but I want him to stay looking like a baby if you know what I mean. He has always been really strong it's amazing what he can do in only 7 months.

Fab napping from Joni, can she speak to Will please. Saying that he did do 40 mins in his bed this afternoon after lots of mucking around. He woke up in real state though, with a really painful scream, really hoping his teeth give him a break soon!
Awww thanks for the nice comments about the photos, I think he is super cute but I am a little bit biased! :lol:

Sarah my work didn't invite me to our Christmas do either though a few have sent me a Christmas card and the occassional text. When i phoned to ask if I could go in to speak to my boss that was the first time she had asked if I had thought about when I was going back. Could the crying in his sleep be dreams? Yay for the tooth :happydance:

Hannah Fab weight for Amelia! Try a Calpol Plug In or a Karvol one for the snuffles. Anbesol is great for teething too, as is Ashton and Parsons. Oliver was teething for almost 4 months before a tooth came through, then he got two in two weeks.

Modo that's great about the preloaded spoons, and that Bobby is eating more. We do preloaded spoons too. My H was eating some Monster Munch today when Oliver was having dinner and I knew he was going to start making noises and trying to get them so I sneakily gave my H one of the Organix tomato things and he made it look like he was giving Oliver a bit of Monster Munch and he was so excited he was doing his shaky arms that he does when you go to pick him up from his cot in the morning. :lol: What a great sleep!

Emera :lol: at your little shoplifter. The bubble thing sounds cool, I love bubbles. I love snuggles too, and stroking Oliver's hair. I noticed he plays with his hair when he is trying to go to sleep.

Amy hope you have a better nights sleep tonight. chores?! You put me to shame I use any excuse (and sometimes make some up :rofl:) as to why I haven't done any. Saying that I do keep on top of the washing up, washing, cleaning the bathroom and changing beds its the hoovering and dusting I am not so good at doing frequently though it never gets so bad you could write your name in the dust. :lol:

Frufru What a great nap! Oliver sleeps 40mins in the morning and 40 mins in the afternoon. The only time he sleeps longer is if he hasn't had his morning nap by around 1pm he then has one nap of 1h20mins in the afternoon. I gave up trying to get him to nap more as he is very determined to do his own thing :rofl: The babygrow is from Asda. It comes in a set of two. The other babygrow says 'Mummy's Little' then it has a picture of a Christmas pudding on it. My H has banned me from walking past the clothes and shoe section when I go shopping now as I keep coming home with things! I told him he should be grateful it's Asda clothes and not really expensive ones :lol:

L-C I have sent you a request on Fb. That's so cute that he sits up when you go in. I am just the same with presents.

:wave: Hi LogansMama How are things with you?

maybe so sorry to hear about your friend, life is so unfair sometimes. :hugs: How did the interview go? Hope it went well and that you get more sleep tonight.

:grr: to those of you with hubbies telling you to get your own pressies!

Lots of you have very active babies! Until he turned 26 weeks I hadn't really seen Oliver roll over now he does it quite a bit. he shows no desire to crawl though he does push backwards when on his tummy and since he was 14 weeks he has pulled himself to sitting then to standing as soon as you hold out your fingers. He is always 'talking' though so guess I have a talker rather than a walker! He says 'mmmmmmm mum' and 'ad dad ad' a lot but it's mainly screaming, shouting and a combination of other sounds. Cute though.

Oliver went to his first Christmas party today. It was good fun, apart from the melt down he had just before we left. After crying some of the walk home (he never cries once the pushchair is moving normally) he then fell asleep he was fine so think it was teething pain and tiredness. He had some Anbesol and an Ashton and Parsons before bed but will give Calpol if he needs it when he wakes for a feed.

I am going to my work tomorrow to tell them I am not going back! Eeeek I am so nervous, hope they aren't annoyed. There is a part of me that would love to go back but I really don't want to leave Oliver :cry: Don't say anything on my Facebook about it though please as I have a couple of work people on there.
Sarah: Yay for Oliver getting his Toothypeg (Frufru introduced me to this word and I love it!) Look out for the next one soon :D Sorry your work were jerks and didn't invite you to your Christmas parties :(

Maybe: I am really sorry your friend passed away :( and even sorrier about your DH's insensitivity :growlmad:

Emera: Snuggles are lovely :) Loved hearing about the shoplifiting :lol:

Muddles: Just visualising that was so so so cute :D Bobby isn't crawling yet either or sitting up oh his own but he does make a lot of noise :)

Frufru: Oh Frufru poor Joni :( Glad she is ok :hugs: Glad Joni sleeping has been settling down :hugs: I think they are communicating :D He woke up at 7.30 which was great :) He had more milk today for his last feed because Mondays are usually very busy for us and he only get's 1 and half meals. Thanks for asking :hugs:

LC: That's really great that Will is doing his own type of crawling :D
Hi everyone,

frufru - you're sooo lucky with Joni's super naps! Alex sleeps for 30 mins from the moment he shuts his eyes! He has 2-3 naps. I could get so much done if he supernapped! :hugs: to Joni for getting her arm stuck :hugs:

sarah - yey for the tooth! I thought it was on its way :hugs: I brush ALex's little teeth :haha: sweet :flower:

maybe - I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Life is too short :hugs::hugs::flower::flower: shame your OH made such a stupid comment :growlmad: hopw the interview went well :hugs:

LC - you're lucky you dont have to go back until April :hugs: I've been wracking my brain trying to work out a way I could stay off longer but my money's already run out :wacko:

muddles - dont worry about telling work, you're so lucky! Oliver is a lucky little man too :hugs: Alex has no interest in crawling, I love how they are all doing different things at different times :cloud9: Alex has just started saying ad-dad-ad and yuh yuh yuh, its so funny :)

Hannah - i read on FB your boiler is bust?? how are things? xx

Well I had another rotten night, poor Alex has another snotty cold and this time he keeps getting a fever. Hes so clingy and he loves rubbing his snotty nose all over me :haha: he took AGES to settle tonight, he's normally asleep between 6.30 and 7 ish but he didnt fall asleep until 8.30. He is struggling to breath with all the snot and everytime I tried to lie him down he'd cry. He keeps writhing around as if he has terrible wind but nothing comes up. I think i am in for another bad night :sleep: x
Evening :)

Gosh i'm totally knackered from work! :sleep: Even though i've been doing contact days for a while this was my first full shift, phew, it was hard work! I love baking, but the quantities are pretty scary, i don't know if i'll need my excercise class now i'm working again, stirring 12 kg of oats to make flapjacks is quite the work out (that makes 240 flapjacks and i have to make 720 in total :shock:). Really glad i have a giant cake mixer, but i still have to do some of the cakes in 2 batches i have to make so much of each mix! It went well though, and i'm back in at 6.30am tomorrow morning :wacko:

Sarah - :happydance: Congratulations on the tooth Oliver! Roh's second one arrived a week after the first, hope they come through close together :flower: The second one was worse for Roh, but for less time :thumbup:

Amy - Sorry for your rotten night! :hugs: Roh never did settle properly last night and ended up spending the night in our bed, just so i could get some sleep :dohh: Tonight he's fallen asleep on his own in his cot though, fingers crossed for a good one for both of us! :)

FruFru - I have nap jealousy!! Good for Joni for napping so well :thumbup: Poor her getting her arm stuck though :( Roh does it all the time, but we don't have bumpers so i think he must be used to it, as he seems to find it really funny having his feet and arms through the bars :dohh:

Muddles - How great that you can not work and stay with Oliver :) I was going to say i wish i could, and i sort of wish i could have a bit longer just being a Mum only, but i'm also quite happy to be working a few days a week, it makes me enjoy my time with Roh more. Plus i think it helps that i know he's with his Daddy, rather than a stranger. I also think its good that OH and I are sharing the childcare and working, it puts us in a very equal position, where we both understand eachothers "jobs" if that makes sense.

Maybe - I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, its just awful :( I lost a friend last year to breast cancer, her little girl was just 2, she was still breastfeeding when she was diagnosed. Its so sad when people die so young and have little ones they leave behind :cry: I can't believe how thoughtless your OH was to make such a comment, he should be so grateful for his life, he has a lovely wife, 3 beautiful children and his health....what more could anyone ask for? :shrug: I hope your interview went well! :flower:

L-C - Happy 7 months to Will! :happydance: My going back to work has come round soooo quickly, i wish i could have afforded to take the full year, but OH just doesn't earn enough to support us :winkwink:

My friend took some lovely photos when we went to lunch the other day, thought i'd share a couple with you all :flower:
L-C - When I started trying to influence Joni's naps (around 4mths) she only ever slept for 45mins at a time. I was told by someone to rush in to her when she first stirred and do whatever it took to make sure she stayed/went back to sleep until the desired nap duration was achieved. They said to keep doing that for a week or two until Joni's body clock got used to sleeping at that time of day for the same period of time. I think it was a combination of this and Joni learning to self settle that got us to where we are now. Saying that Joni will still sometimes have days where she only takes two 45min naps :shrug: sometimes its just the luck of the draw :winkwink:

Muddles - ooooh I think I feel a trip to asda coming on!!! Not only would I like some of those sleepsuits but they also have the BOPIT electronic game thingy on offer for £10 and I thought it would make a good Christmas present for my nieces and also for my friends little boy :thumbup: My lips are sealed about your job. It is great that you are able to stay home with your little man :mrgreen: I am curious about anbesol now as so many of you have mentioned it and said it is really good. Can you get it in Boots?

Modo - I am so pleased that Bobby's sleep is settling so well :thumbup: I love the word toothypeg too :mrgreen: It is funny that you mentioned that you have busier days where Bobby has slightly fewer meals, Joni used to be like that but now she has got into a routine with her meals she shouts and will eventually just cry until she is fed. If you try to offer her a milk feed when she usually has solid food she is not a happy bunny. Sometimes before her meals she will look at you smack her lips together in a chewing motion whilst going Mmmm Mmmm Mmmmm :haha:

Amy - I am sorry to hear that Alex is a poorly lad again :sad1: I'm guessing you have tried all the usual tricks like elevating his mattress, vapour rub etc? I must confess when Joni has been really snotty I have kicked hubby out of the bed and let her sleep in his spot with her head and torso on a really steep pillow :blush: I hope you get more :sleep: than you are expecting.

Hubby hurt his knee yesterday so has been hobbling about all day. WIth his poorly knee he can't kneel or sit on the floor so I bathed and got Joni ready for bed today. I really hope he gets better soon as the eczema on my left hand is really bad again and having it in bathwater for 15mins makes it 10 times worse :sad1: The night before last it was so painful it woke me up and kept me awake for nearly 2 hours! Thankfully Joni's waking that night fell in those two hours so there was a silver lining :winkwink:

Our Christmas beer order comes tomorrow :mrgreen: Hubby has the day off as holiday to make sure one of us is here when the courier comes as I will be out for a couple of hours in the morning for baby yoga. Men and their beer :haha:

Well I think I will turn in, na nightall :hugs:

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