phew what a busy weekend.
I am have been rushing around to get Christmas presents and cards sorted aswell as keeping on top of chores etc which has taken away my BnB time

After my hangover day I am soooooo behind. I would say never again but I had a fantastic time

I had only taken a small amount of cash to stop myself getting plastered but when it ran out my friends just bought me drinks instead

Next time I must remember to pace myself with glass of wine-glass of water, why do I never remember these things at the time
Joni has been a darling all weekend. Her sleep seems to be settling down again. Last night she woke at 10 with something bothering her but went to sleep with a cuddle and slept through to 6am

I have cooked a few new dinners over the weekend and Joni has loved them. The beef casserole and haddock in cheese sauce were particular favorites which is great as we can all eat them
I have been popping in everyday just to have a quick peek in here but am really struggling to find time to post back properly the way I want to
Maybebaby - I am really sorry to hear about your friend

Life just is not fair sometimes

But as you say things like this do help make us recognise and acknowledge the good things in our lifes. Hopefully your OH will come round to this realisation when he thinks about it again. Good luck with the job interview
Sarah - I so know what you mean aboutwork being rubbish. We had a Christmas party and are also having a Christmas lunch and I have been invited to neither

My hubby does work for the same firm and I was able to ask him about the party and he bought me a ticket to go. I know I got to go to the party so it should be alright but I am still really peed off with the fact that I only went because I pursued it myself

A friend mentioned the Christmas lunch and I said I had not been told about it but would like to go. Bless her she went into work and brought up the matter with my boss on the sly and he has now phoned and invited me

it is on wednesday and hubby's area are at the same sitting as my team so he can show off Joni while I eat and chat

Joni was crying in her sleep last night too. I have no idea what was bothering her

I picked her up out of her cot and sang to her which brought her out of the sleepy crying enough to relax and drop back off. I tried to put her back in her cot drowsy, but she just started wimpering again which she only really ever does when she is poorly
Emera - It sounds like Roh is on the mend

I love the late night snuggles too
Amy -

at your hubbies outbreak

Last time I checked you were a Mother not a housekeeper

Does Kerry not realise that looking after 3 children and the pets (including a new puppy which is kind of like having another baby!) is a full time job on its own. Blooming men

I love the bibs, my friend has been making her own version and has let me have loads for Joni in exchange for cake and babysitting

She is in the process of setting up the bib making as a business and Joni is going to feature on her website
L-C - Will's crawling sounds amazing. It is brilliant that you got it on video
Muddles - I love Love LOVE the pics of Oliver on FB

He looks so cuddly in his starry babygro. Do mind me asking where you got the babygro from?
Hannah - I hope Amelia's sleep settles back down for you. I have to say although Joni's sleep was dreadful for a long time I never knew any different. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to have a baby that is a good sleeper suddenly start waking up all the time

Oh and great weight
Modo - Bobby is doing so great with his eating and sleeping

I think Joni and him must have been coaching eachother

How did he sleep last night after the missed milk? I have had to re-organise Joni's routine now she is eating so well in order to space out her bottles and meals more evenly to make sure she is still drinking enough milk. SO far the new routine seems to be working but it does mean I am either giving Joni a meal or bottle every couple of hours which is forcing me to be a lot more organised, which to be honest is a good thing.
H&F - I hope you did not have to wait too long for your take away and you enjoyed the telly.
Well Joni has been asleep for nearly 2 hours so I better go and wake her. Her naps and sleep are still a bit unpredictable since her cold but it is looking more and more like she is edging towards having a long nap in the morning and only a short one in the afternoon. Trust Joni to do it her way and go against the grain compared to all the baby experts who say she should nap the longest in the afternoon

Headstrong and wilful like her Mum

She did give me a real fright before her nap. I had put her down and left her as usual then taken myself off tot the kitchen to wash up. I could hear her grumbling as she put herself to sleep but then started really crying hard all of a sudden. This is not like her so I popped my head round the door and she was on her front with her arm stuck through one of her cot bars

I have an airwrap cot bumper to stop her from being able to poke limbs in between the bars but it looked like somehow she managed to flop her hand/wrist on top of the bumper and as she rolled onto her front her body weight caused the bumper to sag so her arm went through. I am really thankful she did this during a nap rather than at night!
see you all later x