Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

H&F: Hope Amy is doing ok. Good luck with the job applications :thumbup: Poor Amy I hope she gets better :hugs: Enjoy your time housesitting! In Bobby's stocking I put a paddling dog bath toy, a bath book (had to stuff it in!) and I plan on putting some mandarins as well (no chocolate!).

Amy: Sorry your Mom is being difficult :( I really don't get my own Mother either :( Hope the girls had fun :)

Sarah: Glad Oliver is fine :) Cooking just takes practice and you get better at it quickly the more you do it :) Wow that guy selling the Freelander was such a jerk :growlmad: It is hard when we first moved Bobby but he is sleeping so much better now and we have never looked back :hugs: Bobby is an Elf too this Christmas!

Emera: Yummy muffins, or do you get sick of them? I hope last night was better for you hon :hugs: My Mom is like your MIL (in regards to buying without asking) I have told her so many times that Bobby has loads of clothes but she never listens to me. I feel bad not using them as she tends to get him designer labels, then I feel like I should keep them once they are too small.

Muddles: Oh bless little Oliver that really made me tear up reading it :cry: Bobby cried when my Mom picked him up at the end of her last visit. He was fine when either DH or I took him back from her. I think maybe because my DH works at home? :shrug:

LC: Bobby sometimes eats with his head on the side :lol: Glad Will's crawling is going well :kiss:
Happy 8 months ROH.

Well we have finally 'moved in'! It took me ages to pack up the car this morning and we are only here fo ra long weekend I dread to think how much stuff I will be bringing when we are here for a fortnight after christmas!

Job applications arent going so well ... they just take ages and my head really isnt screwed on properly at the moment!

Amy has learnt to get properly onto her hands and knees and as I amtyping she has disapperard from sight just by wriggling ... am very excited about the prospect of her actually crawling. Must go save her before she crashes into something my parents house just seems to have stuff everywhere! We are currently trying to decide whether to go out or have a chinese takeaway tonight because then I can eat it whilst watching X factor!
h&f - i vote for the takeaway and xfactor! we'll be watching it and my sis and one of our friends are coming over so i need to hotfoot it over to morissons in a bit to get stuff to cook for dinner. i think you should get the elmer music box and globe. they are too cute for words!

LC - sleep is still awful. up at least 10 times a night, well not up really but shove boob in his mouth and try to nod back off! it's the only way i can deal with it. i realy have to stop feeding him at night but am going to wait til after the hols as routines will be upended anyway!

emera - happy 8 months to roh! :cake:

muddles - poor oliver with the whole separation anxiety thing. hopefully it'll get better as he grows older. :hugs: your poor DH too, mine would've had a meltdown!

well i went into town this morning and it was chock a block! need to get the kids a few more bits but i cant do that with them around! will see if my mum will have erin on monday for a couple of hours whilst dylan is at school and go then. also have to get pressies for my parents, inlaws and mine and OH sisters. and funds in the bank account are low! :dohh: when i told OH i wanted to get kids some more bits h was fine about it though. may have to dip into the savings a bit this month but hey, it's christmas. haven't got OH anything. he wants a bigish sports bag so i will have to go in search of that and a few bits.
:happydance::cake: HAPPY 8 MONTHS ROH:cake::happydance:

Modo, they are so cute eating with their head to one side!

H&F take away would win hands down for me, in front of X Factor...

Maybe sorry Owen's sleep is still bad, bless him, roll on the New Year and some :sleep: for you xx

We have finally got our stair gates up as he's on the move.
lc-we live in a flat so no stairs! i put my xmas tablecloth on though and owen ripped it off the table when he went up to it in his walker. he goes everywhere in it!
bless he soundws cute in his walker, wish I had got Will one but we tend to camp out upstairs to stay away from the dog, it's just easier.
Ahhhi wish I had ordered my take away earlier! obviously everyone has had the same idea and they have overloaded my chinese. I have to wait an hour ... I am sooooo hungry! I am tempted to go and sit down there until they feed me!
oh no H&F that's rubbish, we had to wait 20 mins last night and that nearly killed me, I'm such a pig ha ha
Amy: Enjoy the takeaway!

Maybe: Good luck getting the last few pressies :)

LC: Yes it is so cute :D Well done with the stairgates!


Bobby had weatabix for breakfast with some blueberries. Lunch was lasagna (bought from a deli near our house) and hummus on breadsticks. Dinner was Salmon paste (tinned salmon, riccotta cheese, youhurt, lemon and black pepper)on toast, mash and veggie soup. The bread I used was too thick so I preloaded the spoon and passed it to him alternating with the salmon paste, mash and soup.

Bobby usually has 9oz for his last bottle but I only put 200ml (a carton of made up formula) in his bottle because I was pretty sure he ate well at dinner. He only had 100ml! I am pretty sure dinner filled him up tonight but we will see if he wakes tonight :)
Fingers crossed Modo!! That sounds so yummy...

Will has surprised me tonight and is not only crawling but is up on his feet and hands, he is desperate to get right up, have the cutest video of him doing it x

Modo yum - that sounds lovely! Oliver and I had couscous and falafels for lunch and he loved them! I ordered the cookbook yesterday and I can't wait for it to arrive!

H&F I hope you enjoy your takeaway and have a good weekend!

Muddles bless Oliver getting upset when you weren't there, I'm sure he will get better in time. If anyone but me goes to Oliver Woo when he wakes in the night he gets all excited at the novelty of seeing Steve / my mum (the only two people I would leave him with :haha:) and then starts crying when he realises that there is no boobie. He then cries on and off until he gets what he wants :haha:

We have had a nice relaxing day, Oliver has been playing with his £1 stacking cups and he absolutely loves them!!! He especially enjoyed knocking them over when I stacked them up, he did it again and again :haha:

I hope that you have all had a nice day!

muddles - thanks :hugs: - what a shame about your night out! I still havent left Alex but I'm sure he'd be the same. They have us wrapped round their cute little fingers dont they :cloud9:

LC - haha, your dog Bono looks like such a big strong lad, I cant believe he's a wuss! A halti sounds like a good idea! We took Lyra for her first little walk today, she loved it at first but by the end she was shaking, I think it all got a bit too much! it worked wonders though, she's been lovely and calm this evening! Bless Will with his crawling, Alex just has no inclination to move off his little bot! :haha:

maybe - oh no! what a shame about your laptop :hugs: Good luck with sneaky christmas shopping!

emera - oh wow! happy 8 months Roh! I got a lump in my throat, I cant believe how quick our babies are growing! :hugs:

modo - yum yum again! Bobby must be having a lovely time on solids! I hope he sleeps well on less milk :hugs:

H&F - urgh, how annoying about the chinese! what did you order? x

sarah - glad you had a relaxing day after all that stressful car shopping! I must get Alex some stacking cups, they were Holly's favourite as a baby too!

well DH had a huge stress out over the state of the house today. We'd just got back from a nice walk with Lyra when he just lost it. He said I must sit on my "fat arse" all day as the house is such a pigsty (I really dont). I said ALex is only a baby for a short while and spending quality time with him is more important to me than an immaculate house. he just went mad, he was hoovering and cleaning and screaming at the girls to tidy away every bit of their mess before he threw it out. He was effing and blinding all over the place. i just went quiet and cried to myself as there is no point in talking to him when he goes like that. The children and I shared a quiet pizza, not the nice family pizza time watching X-factor we had planned. Then I had a bath with them and the girls played in emily's tidy room and I got Alex to bed. I came downstairs and he did give me a huge hug and apologised for shouting and swearing but what a shame he ruined the day :dohh::growlmad: men! rant over. Hope everyone had a lovely day :flower:
Amy I'm so sorry that your DH ruined your day :( I think sometimes they thing that 'sorry' makes everything better, but its really not the case sometimes, it comes to late, the damage is done.

Gosh I'm not sure what I'd do if Steve criticised my house work. I think I'd probably tell him to hire a cleaner or do it himself! He is a messy bugger though so he can hardly talk.

Bless Lyra on her walk, she sounds adorable!!
sarah - thats so true! he said i was only half-heartedly hugging him back! errr, yes!! :haha:

alex keeps moaning in his sleep, he's been a bit snotty today and had a slight fever. I'm wondering if its his top teeth. one side is obviously more swollen up the top. i dont want them to come through yet, he'll look less like a baby :( x
Amy Oliver is doing the same thing! I'm in bed next to him (on my phone) and he's wimpering away, I wondered if he was having a bad dream but the teeth thing makes sense. I picked him up and gave him a cuddle, he didn't wake up but he stopped wimpering. Bless!

Blimey your oh is lucky he got a cuddle at all!!

Blimey your oh is lucky he got a cuddle at all!!

:rofl: very true! I cant be bothered with carrying on with bad feelings so he got off very lightly!

Alex was the same last night, I heard him on the baby monitor and i couldve sworn he was crying so I ran up but he was asleep! I waited for a bit and he did it again. i wondered if he was having a bad dream :( I whispered in his ear "its OK mummy's here and gave him a little kiss" and he was ok after. I wonder what they dream about?! x

Time to change your BF ticker Sarah! x
Haha, I've been saying the same to Oliver!! His wimpering just gave way to full on crying so I've given him some calpol. Bless! I was wondering what they dream about too, Oliver sometimes laughs in his sleep - really loud, big belly laughs :haha: Touch wood he seems a bit more settled now.

I can never be bothered to stay mad either, I think its a woman thing :dohh:

I do need to change my blinkie but I had the page with all the cow ones saved on my netbook, and since its still not working I can't get them! I tried to find the page and I can't, you don't have the link do you?

Oh dear, Oliver is crying again :(
loud belly laughs in his sleep - thats so cute! Blinkies/ there you go, hope it works :hugs:

hope Oliver is ok x. my friends little girl went through a 6 month sleep regression and I wonder if thats part of it. I've been up to Alex 3 times tonight in 3 hours!
some of the little boys at babyclub have been fashioning really cool bibs. i've just oreder some for alex :D he dribbles constantly and i hate the plastic ones I've got x

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