Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Yay, thanks for the link! I'll get on Steves laptop tomorrow and sort it out :)

I changed Olivers nappy and woke him up, and he's fine now. Wide awake but not crying or upset at all! I don't know what to think. He went to bed at about seven and slept fine until he started crying at about 11 and I came to bed. He was def fast asleep though. Maybe it is just a bad dream? Hopefully he will settle soon and we can get some sleep :haha:

I hope Alex has a good night!
Just a quickie from me as I should be going to bed!

:hugs: to Amy.

Sarah I have the 7 month blinkie here is the code for it and Graphics/Breastfeeding/thAndie-26.gif you just need to put
Well Oliver settled down and had a great night! :happydance:

Muddles thanks for that! I absolutely LOVE the pics you've put on facebook! I'm going to dress Oliver up later and take some pics, what a great idea!!

Steve isn't home until 9am this morning, they've started opening until 8am so a few nights a week now he's home much later than normal. I'm going to get up and get a few things done before he gets home. I think I'm also going to brave the supermarket, I haven't done a proper shop on my own with Oliver yet but we need stuff and it will be too late when Steve gets up. Urgh, I'm not looking forward to it!!
amy - hope alex gave you a decent night! i am so annoyed with your OH on your behalf, sounds so muc like mine! i guess at least he got up and did something! mine doesn't just moans! i am up wth the 3kids and he's in bed!!!

sarah - what lovely bibs! i'm glad that oliver gave you a good night!

modo - hope bobby ate enough to keep him asleep all night!

well there's a santas grotto today and i had thought of taking the kids but i dont know if OH will be up for it. he was in bed and erin went to ask him to get something and i said 'no erin daddy's asleep he's going to shout at you!' and he said 'i won't shout at her anne' like that was some sort of a strange thing to think when he always shouts if he is disturbed. he actually got up and got her the advent calendar (i was feeding owen) and went back to bed and is in a strop with me as i said he was going to shout! errrm you always do!!! yesterday i said to him we should allow ourselves £30 each to get each other's pressies (as we are strapped for cash) he said 'that's £60' i said 'OK £20 each' and he said 'that's £40' he said we dont need gifts when money is tight. i said 'what will the kids think if there are no presents under the tree for us?' and he said 'OK get me something and get yourself something and wrap it up and put it under' Oh christmas spirit! bah humbug! he laughed about it but he was serious :nope:

better go and tidy up before he explodes like amy's OH about the state of the house. he doesnt seem to realise that if he helped a little things would be much easier!
Hey everyone :hi:

Keep forgetting about this thread :blush:

Hope everyone and there babies are doing good.

I can't believe it's nearly christmas! I haven't even started on wrapping Amelia's presents and I haven't got anything for my OH, he is so awkward to get for :dohh:

We had a really bad night for the first time since she was a newborn, the first night she's not slept through :cry: Amelia went down at about 9, was awake at 11:45 screaming her head off poor thing, she was so snuffly with a runny nose and I think she's teething really badly :cry:, had to give her calpol in the end which was hard :( OH was up with her at 2 and 4 because she wouldn't settle :( and I've just got up with her now and she's still really sniffly :cry:

Oh and she was 15lb 14oz on Wednesday :happydance:
hannah - hope amelia's better soon. it's nice that your OH gets up too! mine hasnt ever with any of my kids!

well am off to carry on the chores as i just sat down to settle owen for a nap and he's off so am going to carry on with erin's room. catch you all later xxx
I wrote out a post that didn't work for whatever reason and now I have lost it :( so here is the condensed version:

Amy: Your DH acted out of order IMO isn't he worried what his girls think of him?

Sarah: Glad Oliver settled in the end. Good luck at the supermarket!

Muddles: what lovely pics of Oliver :hugs:

Maybe: sorry about the gifts :hugs:

Hannah: Hope Amelia feels better soon!


Bobby slept in till 8am!!! I couldn't believe it :D DH woke up at 8, took him downstairs and gave him his milk. I woke up at 8.20 :D

He is def eating more now. Breakfast was preloaded spoons of Ready Brek and blueberries, breadstick dipped in hummus and DH gave him a rusk. He was refusing the preloaded spoons in the begining so I gave him the breadstick and had my own breakfast. Once I finished I offered him the preloaded spoon again and he went for it!
Sarah - Good luck with the shop! OH won't go to supermarkets, so i order everything online, but there has been times when i have to do a few days shopping with Roh, and not having a car its sort of interesting as the supermarket is 15 minutes away walking. I've invested in some buggy weights and some bag hooks...we manage :wacko:

Hannah - Sorry you had a bad night, Maybe Amelia has a bit of a cold as well as teething? Nice that your OH gets up! Mine never has except once when i was so tired that Roh's crying didn't even walk me up :wacko: Thats once in 8 months :rolleyes: If she's snuffly then try putting books under the legs of one end of her cot, it should help her breath if she's stuffed up :hugs:

Maybe - I just ordered my own Christmas present along with all the others i was getting :dohh: I told OH what i wanted, and then spotted a deal on Amazon, called him to ask if he'd bought it yet, but he hadn't and said the price was better, and could i order it :rolleyes: oh the Christmas spirit is alive and well in this house too :nope: The tree isn't even up yet as OH keeps forgetting to get it down from the top of the cupboard :dohh: Oh then last night i told him that i needed more money in the household account for Christmas presents, as i've already used up my monthly allowance for socialising on them. (we split the money so he deals with all the bills and important stuff, then transfers money for me to organise the household funds, for things like food etc.) He basically said there wasn't anymore money :( Anyway, he agreed to let me put everything i order online on the credit card and we'll deal with it in January. I hate having no money for Christmas :( I did order a present for Roh though as i felt bad about not getting him anything new. I bought a bubble machine that sticks on the bathroom wall :D

Amy - Those bibs are cool! And :hugs: sorry your OH is so moody. My dad used to do that sort of thing from time to time when i was younger, and my Mum used to try and be extra cheery to try and make up for it. I remember being old enough that i would try to be cheery too, to make sure my brother still had a nice day (guess i was about 7) but i could always feel the tension, and i remember those days quite clearly, because they were a bit upsetting. It made me lose some respect for my Dad when he was like that, its a shame that your OH doesn't realise that those sort of things will really stick with children. On the plus side at the time i soon forgot about it! :hugs: :hugs:

Modo - Yay for Bobby's lie in! :happydance: Roh has done 2 nights waking at 7.30am now, love it! :thumbup:

Well Roh got his Christmas shopping done yesterday! :haha: he got little presents for Daddy, Nanny, and his cousin :) I told OH, and he said, oh didn't he get anything for his Mummy? :dohh: err...not yet, thats why I'm telling you ! :rolleyes: Roh also picked up another present for himself, we were buying something for my neice in the toy shop and then on the way home i looked in the pushchair and Roh was playing with a rubber duck!!! My baby is a shoplifter!!! :rofl: I popped back to the shop and paid for it, he can have it as a table favour at christmas lunch as the rest of use have drinks coasters, and i doubt he'd want one of those :haha:

Right Roh is trying to crawl up my leg, better go play with him!

emera - i had to take the tree out from the top of the fitted wardrobe myself!
Bobby didn't have his 5pm bottle again! We were running late on dinner and got a take out from pizza express. Bobby had Cesare salad for dinner but when I offered him his bottle he only had 50ml...
Modo - Roh went through a phase of barely drinking any milk too. He's back up to normal again now, likely its just a blip :hugs:

Wish he would go to sleep tonight, i want to go to bed myself, i'm back at work tomorrow and i couldn't sleep last night...really tired, but Roh wants to stay up and play :dohh:
Emera I really hope Roh goes to sleep soon and has a fab night :hugs: Hope work goes well tomorrow too! The bubble machine sounds fab :thumbup:

Modo Yay for a fab night - well done Bobby!! Mmmm Pizza :haha:

Hannah I hope Amelia has a better night tonight :hugs:

Maybe Did you get to the Santa's Grotto? Are you sure your OH isn't actually two different men? :dohh:

Amy those bibs are so cute!!

We survived the supermarket!! :happydance::happydance: It wasn't nearly as bad as I expected, Oliver was really good and the check out lady packed all the shopping for me which was such a huge help! I spent loads less than when Steve comes too :haha:

Oliver and I had a nice lunch when we got home - roasted parsnips and sweet potato, mash, carrots and yorkshire puddings! Oliver was especially impressed with the Yorkshire Puddings. I'm looking forward to my BLW cook book coming!!

I've just written all my Christmas cards out for my collegues at work, I'm going to post them all to my team leader and ask him to hand them out. I haven't heard from my boss in absolutely months. I haven't been invited to any of the Christmas partys (there's normally three - team, department and then the big company one). Nothing. No one contacted me about booking my holidays, just nothing at all! But I'm rising above it and still sending cards. Gosh I realy hope I don't ever have to go back!!!!

muddles - i just love Oliver's christmas pictures! how cute!

maybe - my dh was a lazy @rse today after all his ranting yesterday! saying that Alex was in a tizz earlier and he heard him on the baby monitor and came up to see if he was ok - Alex hardly ever cries really! hope you had fun doing chores :dohh::winkwink:

modo- I'm glad Bobby let you have a lie-in :hugs: I've now ordered that recipe book you recommended :thumbup::hugs:

emera - hope Roh lets you get some sleep and I hope its not too bad being back at work tomorrow :hugs:

sarah - thats awful your old colleagues havent bothered with you at all!! :shock: how rude and inconsiderate of them!

I had a manic day doing chores :dohh: Alex was very unsettled last night and was up every hour :sleep: we all got woken by Lyra whining at 7am :sleep: he was difficult to settle again tonight, I dont know why :shrug: he has the snuffles but nothing terrible. I gave him calpol in case its his teeth :shrug: x
Sorry to hear about your bad night Amy!! I hope tonight is better for you!!

Oh, and I changed my ticker :haha:
Sarah thats really bad that work aren't keeping in touch properly :growlmad: Really they should be staying in contact with you, and particularly about holidays, and the staff party! I mean you do still work there. I got an invite to the works staff party, but unfortunately it was the night that Roh was really poorly, so i couldn't make it. Dropped my secret santa in though a few days after, i ended up buying a flurry hot waterbottle, and the girl it was for was really pleased! :) I got a really nice photoframe, very thoughtful present actually, i'll put a nice picture of Roh in there :)

My Christmas cards are staring at me, i really need to get onto them :blush:

Roh is still awake, but less playful now, he seems to have some trapped wind, he keeps trying to go to sleep, and then it wakes him up, i feel really sorry for him when he gets that :( But why tonight, i'm knackered, how do his bowels know these things!? :dohh:
Thanks Sarah :hugs: I should go to bed now as he's asleep but I feel like I havent had a minute to myself today! :dohh:

emera - ooh I'd love a furry hot water bottle :thumbup: trapped wind is such a pain, have you tried tummy massage on Roh? My christmas cards keep calling me too, I've written 4 :blush::haha:
I'm sorry Roh is still up Emera!! I hope he settles soon!

I thought I was been a bit daft about work so I'm glad you girls agree. My team leader is pretty unorganised but it makes me want to go back even less. The company was 21 in October and they had a big party and funfair which I only found out about through facebook. It would have been really nice to be involved in things like the secret santa. If they are even having one, since it was always me who organised stuff like that :dohh: I doubt I would have gone to the christmas party but it would have been nice to have been asked. I mean to be honest I can't say I have any good friends at work, and there is no one I really relate to enough to see out of work, but still . . . . Oh well, sod em :haha:
Crickey that makes no sense at all :rofl: :rofl:

Sorry, I was just thinking outloud :haha:

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