Sarah - Good luck with the shop! OH won't go to supermarkets, so i order everything online, but there has been times when i have to do a few days shopping with Roh, and not having a car its sort of interesting as the supermarket is 15 minutes away walking. I've invested in some buggy weights and some bag hooks...we manage
Hannah - Sorry you had a bad night, Maybe Amelia has a bit of a cold as well as teething? Nice that your OH gets up! Mine never has except once when i was so tired that Roh's crying didn't even walk me up

Thats once in 8 months

If she's snuffly then try putting books under the legs of one end of her cot, it should help her breath if she's stuffed up
Maybe - I just ordered my own Christmas present along with all the others i was getting

I told OH what i wanted, and then spotted a deal on Amazon, called him to ask if he'd bought it yet, but he hadn't and said the price was better, and could i order it

oh the Christmas spirit is alive and well in this house too

The tree isn't even up yet as OH keeps forgetting to get it down from the top of the cupboard

Oh then last night i told him that i needed more money in the household account for Christmas presents, as i've already used up my monthly allowance for socialising on them. (we split the money so he deals with all the bills and important stuff, then transfers money for me to organise the household funds, for things like food etc.) He basically said there wasn't anymore money

Anyway, he agreed to let me put everything i order online on the credit card and we'll deal with it in January. I hate having no money for Christmas

I did order a present for Roh though as i felt bad about not getting him anything new. I bought a bubble machine that sticks on the bathroom wall
Amy - Those bibs are cool! And

sorry your OH is so moody. My dad used to do that sort of thing from time to time when i was younger, and my Mum used to try and be extra cheery to try and make up for it. I remember being old enough that i would try to be cheery too, to make sure my brother still had a nice day (guess i was about 7) but i could always feel the tension, and i remember those days quite clearly, because they were a bit upsetting. It made me lose some respect for my Dad when he was like that, its a shame that your OH doesn't realise that those sort of things will really stick with children. On the plus side at the time i soon forgot about it!
Modo - Yay for Bobby's lie in!

Roh has done 2 nights waking at 7.30am now, love it!
Well Roh got his Christmas shopping done yesterday!

he got little presents for Daddy, Nanny, and his cousin

I told OH, and he said, oh didn't he get anything for his Mummy?

err...not yet, thats why I'm telling you !

Roh also picked up another present for himself, we were buying something for my neice in the toy shop and then on the way home i looked in the pushchair and Roh was playing with a rubber duck!!! My baby is a shoplifter!!!

I popped back to the shop and paid for it, he can have it as a table favour at christmas lunch as the rest of use have drinks coasters, and i doubt he'd want one of those
Right Roh is trying to crawl up my leg, better go play with him!