Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Sarah: they are called issy bear and it worked no leaks. I am really pleased :)

LC: I hope you are ok and have heard from your doctor :hugs:

muddles: Sorry your Mom is being mean again :hugs: its really sad :(

Amy: I don't blame you about taking the initiative re your working hours. Something has to be sorted!

Emera: that is a shocking amount of work you have to do after working! You really should have a word because that really is unfair! I do more cleaning up in the kitchen than DH but we both share looking after Bobby 50/50 (I do all diapers and he does all driving!).

Maybe: Glad your laptop is fixed :happy dance:

Frufru: :lol: at proximity anxiety! Glad Joni slept well :hugs: Love the Jolly Roger Foodmat :thumbup:

Maybe: Thanks for asking it went well :thumbup: Nappy contained all night pee and one surprise morning poo (Bobby never lets me change his diaper till he has had his milk) which was pretty big. Very impressed with the nappy. Glad your DH has offered to help out although I don't blame you for being skeptical!

H&F: Hope you feel better soon :hugs:


The diapers I ordered just before christmas have started arriving. So I have spent today washing them all. Hope you have all been ok.

I try and come back on in a bit :)
frufru - yey for the 5 hrs solid sleep :thumbup: I'm glad I inspired you :) Love the photo - the Jolly Roger mat is very cool! I hope you got some cleaning done :hugs:

maybe - :shock::shock::shock::shock: wow! I cant believe Danny said that, I hope its the start of change??? I need to sort Alex's sleep now. Being ill has messed his nights up completely. He wakes every half hour until 3 ish when I give up and bring him in bed. I need to sort it out in the next 6 weeks before I go back to work. Thats rubbish they wont let you work part time!! :hugs:

H&F - poor you still feeling ill :hugs: thumbs up to Dave for taking time off to look after Amy and let you have a break :hugs: get well soon :hugs:

modo - great news about the nappy success :hugs:

It was the first day since before Christmas that it was just me and Alex at home today and we just had a quiet one. He's down to two half hour naps in the day now, both of which he took while I was walking the dog so I literally got nothing done all day and the house is a sty! x
Miracle, i mentioned to OH what i had to do yeasterday to get the house in shape, and didn't complain, but just asked him if he would mind clearing up after himself when he's at home. He must have felt bad, because the house is just how i left it, except all the laundry is folded and ironed, the only reason he didn't put it away apparently was because he doesn't know where it goes :rofl: Result i'd say, doubt it will last long, but i'll enjoy it whilst it does :winkwink:

Love to post more but Roh's awake again :dohh:


Amy - I think you have def done the right thing in taking matters into your own hands. Since Kerry wouldn't discuss it you really didnt have an option, so well done. I'm sure it won't hurt him to contribute a little more to the household funds. Oliver is also down to two short naps most days too, though today Steve was home with us so Oliver stayed awake all day - except for sleeping in the car for ten minutes :dohh: He is so excited when Steve is around, he just fights and fights sleep. He'll have literally a minute and then he's bouncing about and laughing again!!

Modo great news re the nappies!! I look forward to hearing how you find all the different brands and designs!

H&F I hope you feel better soon!!

Maybe I hope your OH's attitude takes a change for the better on a perminent basis!!

FruFru thats such a cute pic! I'm loving that fabric!! I loved the story about Joni's graze rubbing off :rofl:

Emera if Steve was at home looking after Oliver at all it would be exactly the same, on the occassions when I have left them on their own together for an hour or so I always come home to a complete bombsite. Oliver will have had about four outfits on (and is normally half dressed anyway :rofl:), the kitchen will be a complete mess, there will be toys everywhere . . . you get the idea. I actually think its because he just wouldn't know how to do it like I do, where you tidy up as you go along and then make the most of what ever time you have to pop the washer on etc. I also genuinely believe that Steve doesn't see mess :dohh: He never makes the bed, he will throw his clothes on the floor by the laundry basket but never IN the basket, he would only ever put the washing in when ever single item of this clothing was dirty, and if all the pots needed washing he would wash what he wanted to use and leave the rest. In the six years we have lived in this house, he hasn't once cleaned the bathroom. I think he's hoovered maybe three times. He's never changed the bed. But he does do DIY. He never finishes a job, but he does start them :haha:

We have had a nice day, in spite of the lack of naps Oliver has been quite chirpy all day. We needed a new floor lamp for the living room so ended up having a drive to Laura Ashley, I didn't like any in there so we went to Habitat. Big mistake :haha: The sale there is GREAT! I found a lovely lamp with 70% off and a whole load of other stuff to go with it :haha: We then went to Frankie and Benny's for tea, which was the first time we've eaten out for more than just a quick snack since Oliver has started BLW. He was so good and really did well! He did make a mess though :haha:

emera - brilliant result - hope its not a one off!

sarah - Kerry is another "blind to mess" man when it comes to laundry and generally the upstairs. Downstairs though, he hates clutter and gets irate when it gets really messy. He screams at the girls to tidy up their stuff before he throws it out :dohh: thats lovely that Oliver gets excited when Steve is around :cloud9: The bond between Kerry and Alex is strengthening as Alex gets older and more like a little person than a baby (in Kerry's eyes). Sounds like you had a great day! I'd love to look at the Habitat sale but I am now out of money and in my poor crying overdraft :haha:
ugh once again posting on my phone as have just crawled into bed! it's been a really late night as we went to the three king's cavalcade so i didnt manage to get the kids to bed til 10pm! they loved seeing all the bands and floats and collecting sweets that were being thrown off the floats. my sister was playing in one of the bands and erin was screaming 'auntie claire' at the top of her lungs :haha: we follow the spanish tradition of giving pressies tomorrow for the feast of the three kings (but we just give a little pressie as opposed to the spaniards who give loads tomorrow instead of christmas day) so the kids have a few bits for tomorrow morning.

amy - i so sympathise with you about sleep! i have owen permanently in bed with me and he still wakes loads! i cant even remember what an hour of unbroken sleep was like :dohh: when will you hear about your request for reduced hours?

sarah - sounds like you got some good bargains!!!

modo - glad the nappies were good!

h&f - sorry you're still ill :hugs: you're not pregnant are you?

i'm sure i wanted to say more but cant remember now :blush:
Hey guys :)

I've just realised I haven't been on this thread in a week and have missed like 7 pages of posts! :shock:

Hope everyone and there babies are doing well :hugs:

Amelia's 6 months old today :shock: I can't believe it's gone so quickly and only seems like 2 minutes since I've had her.

How many teeth have all your LO's got at the moment? One of Amelia's is nearly through and I can feel 4 more ready to come through :shock:

Had a really bad day today, Amelia has really been suffering with her teeth today, been screaming most of the day, not sleeping much and was very fussy drinking her bedtime bottle and only had half of what she normally does :( Hopefully be a better day tomorrow as leaving her with a good friend of mine whilst me and OH go to look at some houses :happydance: our contract on the house we're living in at the moment isn't up until March but we're hoping to move as soon as possible as they've breeched our contract, there's so many problems in this house, mould, leaky taps, leaky windows and other things and was left without water or heating for a good couple of hours and they haven't even bothered to sort the problems out and they know we've got a baby :growlmad: So hopefully we'll be able to find somewhere nice to move to with a different estate agent :)

Rant over.... Sorry :haha:
hannah - good luck with the house hunt! owen still has no teeth though he goes through phases where they are obviously bugging him but they dont pop through :dohh: dylan had teeth by 5 months and erin at 4 months so i wasnt expecting to wait so long for owen's teeth to put in an appearance!
Thank you :) We looked at 3 places and none of them were really suitable, so it's back to the drawing board :( I'm really surprised that Amelia hasn't got any yet, I can feel 4 bumps 2 bottom and 2 top and one of the ones next to the top teeth that's nearly through, it's really sharp but not completely through yet although I don't think it'll be long, just recently last night she would only take about 4oz of her normal 8oz - 9oz bottle and today she only took about 6oz of her normal 8oz bottle :( When can you start dropping bottles?
Don't worry about it Hannah- L didn't get any till she was just past 7 mos. She rang in the NY by getting her two bottom teeth all at once. :rofl:
Hey all -

maybe - no definately not pregnant - when are you joining me with the dieting? I am letting myself have a few more days and then I am shifting this weight once and for all!

Hannah - Amy has 2 teeth but I think the ones on the top may start coming soon as they are really bugging her!

How is everyone getting on? I am finally feeling a bit better! So happy to have not been sick today and we are going to a friends for dinner ... not going to eat too much but looking forward to going out for a lil while anyway!

Hope everyone is ok. x x x
Amy: Sorry you had no time to get anything done yesterday :( Hope it was better today :hugs:

Emera: Great news that your DH cleaned up yesterday! Hope it lasts :D

Sarah: I have been lurking in the natural parenting forum and have learned a bunch of new stuff about cloth diapers. You can use the flip overnight if you want (I haven't yet) if you use the organic insert under the microfibre one. That apprently is really good for an overnight setup if you want to try :) Glad Oliver was in a good mood yesterday despite the nap shortage! Sounds like you had fun Habitat :D

Maybe: Sounds like it was exhausting yesterday! Hope the kids liked their pressie :)

Hannah: Bobby has 2 teeth since 5.5 months. Still waiting for the rest! Poor Ameila :( Hope she gets some teeth (and relief!) soon. Good luck tomorrow!

insomnimama: :wave: nice to see you!

H&F: glad you are feeling better hon!

Modo thats were I gained most of my cloth nappy knowledge :haha: How are you washing your nappies at the moment? I use soap nuts, have you tried them? They are actually pretty good and it avoids the whole soap build up thing and having to strip wash. I only use them for the nappies but so far so good!

H&F I'm glad you're feeling better!

Insomnimama Good to see you!! :kiss:

Hannah I hope you find a new house soon!! And that Amelia's teeth pop up soon! I can't believe she's six months!! It really goes soooo fast!

Maybe I hope you had a good day! The parade sounds great!

We had another nice day, I got quite a lot done . . . still a lot more to do though :dohh: The best thing though - Oliver slept in until half past nine!!!! So I did too :haha: It was lovely, yay for sleep!! :happydance::happydance:

I'm getting all excited that Derren Brown's 'Enigma' live show is on TV tonight!! I'm a HUGE fan and we saw this show 'live' twice - the second time I ended up on stage :wacko: I'm so glad it wasn't that my show that was filmed :haha: It is really good though, watch it if you can!

maybe - the parade sounds like fun, I hope you all had a lovely day today :hugs: I keep checking my work email but my manager hasnt got back to me yet :-k I'll email again next week if she doesnt get back to me as I am meant to give them 8 weeks notice :shock: but I am back in 5 1/2!

hannah - sorry the house hunting wasnt successful x Alex has 4 teeth and he loves grinding them :wacko: it gives me the eeby jeebies! Happy 6 months to Amelia :cake: it goes too quickly doesnt it!

insomnimama - teeth for L was a nice start to the year :thumbup:

sarah - woohoo for the lie in! I think ALex would be a late sleeper if we didnt have to all get up at 7 to get the girls off to school. Glad you had another good day :hugs:

It rained all day here, Lyra was sick 3 times in the morning after eating a brush overnight :dohh: I went to see my sister after lunch, Gabriel is 16 weeks and she has just started weaning him becasue she has supply issues. She never wanted to do BLW and is enjoying the prospect of purees (he's only had babyrice so far). She has to go back to work in 4 weeks and as a doctor she'll be working 48 hrs a week :shock: and the stress of worrying over leaving Gabriel has really got her down and I think thats whats affected her milk.
Amy dogs are sooooo odd . . . . what normal animal would eat a brush?!?!?! :haha:

:hugs: for your sister, I can't imagine going back to work to do so many hours, esp with such a small baby!
sarah - we do seem to have a particularly stupid dog :haha:

I know, my sister had no idea how she'd feel when she accepted the post Her contract is 6 months and she has to work 3 months of it or she has to pay back her maternity leave. I try not to moan about leaving Alex when she is about becasue she has it so much worse. She's planning to work part time for her next post.

Hope you enjoy your old pal Derren ;)
:hi: all,

I am glad you all seem to be ok today. I have been out all evening with my nieces so have not got time to post properly tonight. I will however make a proper effort to come on tomorrow. I would do it now but I need to run round and do all my evening chores before bed :rolleyes:

sleep tight everyone :hugs:
Amy- Sarah is right, dogs are so odd, my mum's dog got in the bin at christmas and ate quite a few quality street wrappers, a ribbon, a champagne cork, and a plastic wrapper off a dvd :dohh: Strange animals :shrug:

Sarah - I wash my nappies with soap, but only a very small amount and with an extra rinse cycle each time, i've only had to strip them twice in nearly 9 months :thumbup: I like Derren Brown too, Enigma is a good show :thumbup: He used to eat in the restaurant i used to work at, and comes in the cafe from time to time. He has a thing about parmesan cheese :haha: I've cooked for quite a few "celebs" over the years, adds some excitement to the day :winkwink:

H&F - Really glad you are feeling a bit better, hope you had a nice evening :hugs:

Well, we had a nice day, OH let me have a lie in until 10am :shock: it was absolutely lovely!! we went into the city to pick up some bits and peices we can't get in the local shops, got Roh some new vests and pjs, nothing too exciting, but OH spotted a book i've been wanting 1/2 price in a shop window and insisted we go in and buy it, and he bought it for me :cloud9: we also bought Roh a board book when we were in there, and he went nuts when he saw it, so i had to give it to him right away and then very quickly get it scanned at the till :haha: Roh has been so lovely today, very smiley, OH was eating a burger when we were out and to be honest being really disgusting and shovelling it in with sauce dripping everywhere, and Roh sat watching him and just laughed and laughed :haha: men :rolleyes:
I decided to experiment with what textures Roh could handle at lunch and made him pasta with red peppers and courgettes and chicken in tomato and cheese sauce, all cut up very small but not mashed or pureed. He wolfed it down :happydance: I'm glad he did as i spent ages making it! :haha:
This evening Roh decided to finally start making rararara lalala sounds :happydance: all he's ever done is hiss or shriek or shout this whole time. Now he's started though he didn't stop until he fell asleep :haha:

Right must go finish making houmous for my nct meet up tomorrow!


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