Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Just a quick one from me tonight, I have a million and one things to do and Oliver keeps waking up :dohh:

Modo I hadn't heard that about soap nuts and BGs . . . . I have a lot of BG's!! Maybe I Shouldn't use the soap nuts with them?! Any idea why you're not soposed to use them? I hope you catch Derren on the re-run. It was nice to see the show again though I was trying to get some work done so I was a bit distracted. For when you watch it, I did the bit with the vinegar when I got picked out . . . it'll make sense when you see it! Thats a great routine, Bobby naps so well!!

Maybe I hope Erin feels better soon, bless her!

FruFru well done getting all the housework done! I'm glad you had such a lovely time with your nieces :hugs:

Our snow has melted, so it didn't last long :haha: We just had a quiet day, my parents popped up to see us for an hour or so as they were out and about this way. I also got a but of housework done and did lots of website / work type stuff. I really need to file me accounts for the 2009 - 2010 tax year but I need a few hours clear to sit and really concentrate on it - if I keep getting distracted its going to take me forever. I hate filing my accounts . . . I'm always super nervous that I've got something wrong. I always leave it to the last minute too . . . . this year as soon as we hit April I'm going to file the damn thing so I don't have to think about it again!!

Hello, all is now quiet :growlmad:

LC - sorry you're having a tough time with a very mobile baby who refuses to eat. Emily went through a phase like that as a baby and I was always worried she hadnt had enough but she's turned out fine. She eats a very varied diet and I think it was down to a battle of wills like you say. I hope trying a bit of BLW helps. Your PILs sound like charming eccentrics :haha: it was a paint brush that Lyra ate, she is becoming more and more manic every day. I almost cant cope with her :dohh: I'm hoping she;ll calm down by about 6 months old [-o<

frufru - I'm glad you had such a lovely time with your neices :hugs: Alex's naps are pointless really, he falls asleep feeding and by the time I put him in his cot I really only have 15-20 mins before he wakes. I try to make the most of that time (usually by having a cup of tea and slice of christmas cake :haha:). you are very lucky with Joni's super naps :thumbup:

emera - Jonny Depp!!! swooooooooon. I wouldve drooled all over him :haha::blush:

modo - I hope Bobby says mama for you soon :hugs:

maybe - big hugs for Erin, I hope you have a better night :hugs:

H&F - yey to Amy crawling :thumbup:

sarah - I had to read your post about accounts 3 times and it still sounds confusing! poor you! :hugs:

well.... we have a joint account (sorry this is going to be boring but I want to vent!) and DH makes us work out what % we earn of total income and then we pay that % of household bills. I have been living off SMP and an insurance pay out for the last few months so I earn less and so I paid less in to the account. I didnt tell him or try to discuss it like a normal couple would because he is abnormal when it comes to money. Well he found out and flipped. He said it was my choice to stay off work longer than 5 months and so I should have funded it and paid same into account. I took less back than what we would have paid for childcare and he said he would rather pay the childminder that have me "choring money off him". He said he is going to see the bank to see if the account can be made into one that we pay into once a month and bills come out but wants to make it so I cant transfer money. He said I treat the account as my personal account and that he's sick of having to check up on me :dohh::nope: He screamed and ranted and woke up Alex three times and Holly ended up begging him to stop rowing with me. He's such a numpty, he thinks I am only with him for his money (idiot, he's so selfish that would never be the case). I was brought up in a family where my dad was proud to support his children and provide us with the best life he could. He was proud my mum could be a SAHM. Kerry is the complete opposite. Its mentally draining and I havent had the guts to mention my reduced hours :blush: urgh, I hate money
Amy :hugs: I can't imagine been with a man like that. Steve is like your parents. He's always proud to buy things for Oliver and I. If anything he's too generous. He pays most of the household bills, mortgage etc. He also pays for my mobile phone. I pay for a loan I took out an age ago, my car insurance, life insurance just a few bits like that. We are very flexible, its very much a what's mine is yours kind of thing. I'm sorry that Kerry is so selfish :( does he just spend his extra money on himself?!?! And to be like that infront of the kids too, bless them. He should be ashamed :(

Oh, and I find my post and what I have to do confusing too :haha:
Oh, just to add Amy, that from a bank point of view (having worked for first direct / hsbc for a while) I don't think he'd be able to set up a joint account where you can't make transactions unless you were prepared to agree - and even then I'm not sure they would do it. He could have it all from a sole account in his name but obviously he would be solely responsible for those bills then. I can't see another way around it tbh. Let him go to the bank and try though :haha:
Thanks Sarah. I think Kerry is in the minority, I dont know of any other couples where its like this. All of my friends/sisters work it like you and Steve. Thats what marriage/being a family is about IMO! He just creates stress and bad feeling. He does just spend his extra money on himself, it makes me really sad as life needent be like this, you cant take money to the grave with you but you can have a life full of meaningful experiences. I'm so tired of it :(
thanks re the bank post. I didnt think they'd be able to do what he wants, he's trying to treat me like a child and as thats not the norm I didnt think the bank would provide that sort of thing. I'll let him go though, he'll look stoopid :haha:
Ooohhhh yes its the 8th tomorrow! The tickers always go early lol! Oliver is celebrating by not going to sleep all night so far :dohh: I can't believe its 8 months, its just crazy!!

Has Kerry always been so tight with his money? Its so sad that he's like that. Working at the bank tough I've seen similar extremes. It just seems odd to me. Some friends of ours are like that though - but they don't have kids. They put exactly half into the household budget. They used to go to vegas a lot and he would take his spending money and she would take hers, but as he earned like twice what she did they were on completely different budgets. They went to a nice restaurant once and he paid and then told her she could owe it to him!! He would never think to treat her or anything - and at christmas etc he gives her cash! It used to drive her mad because she couldn't afford to do the things he wanted to do, with the house, holidays etc, but she's done really well at work and is now earning a good amount more than him, so the boots on the other foot! We always wondered how it would work if they had a baby though.

I hope that you can sort things hun, its a shame he can't see how selfish he is been :(
I always wonder if Alex will be a 2 year old that still needs breast to get to sleep! :haha: he's the biggest boobaholic of mine, I always have a bath with him at night and we co-sleep ( I wear an open nighty which is ultra sexy :blush: or I sleep with nothing on) and he's taken to just helping himself which makes Kerry feel sick and my mum told me I am behaving like a wild animal!! :shock:

anyway, yes Kerry has always been like this *sigh* but he has got worse the older he gets and the more he earns. I'd love to earn more than him just so the boot can be on the other shoe like your friends but I know that I would just treat my family more. I paid for our honeymoon as we wouldnt have had one otherwise as Kerry refuses to spend money on a holiday :( unfortunately he doesnt care whether he is being selfish, he's very money driven and selfish with it. Its all about the car, he thinks he should have status symbols, he's so blind he cant see he has three lovely children that are worth so much more than a heap of metal :(
amy :hugs: we argue loads about money but we have two joint accounts. when i am earning my wages go into one account and pay the mortgage and we save most of the rest and hus wages go into the other and pay bills life insurance shopping etc. neither of us are very materialistic but he reckons i spend too much anyway!!! i only really buy stuff for kids and stuff from morissons!

danny just came back from going to the pub an hour ago and is pissed as a fart and currently lying on the living room floor :shock::dohh: someone's going to have a stonking hangover in the morning!!! bang goes our 'lets do something tommorow' idea! he will be asleep into the afternoon s usual i bet :growlmad: going to read my new book and then get some shuteye if my little man lets me!!! oh and amy owen helps himself to booby juice at night as i sleep with my boobs out too :haha:
oh dear, poor you maybe! doesnt he ever worry about his liver!?!

I want to go and read my book, Kerry is playing on the Wii. but Lyra is asleep on me!

I'm glad I'm not the only "animal" :haha: my mum is very pro BF so I dont know why she has an issue with it :dohh:
amy - i think that he kids himself into not seeing how much he consumes!!! most days its at least a bottle of wine!

sarah - happy 8 month bday to oliver!!! :cake:

well owen slept slightly better. we didnt go into double figures of waking i think! :happydance:

OH is asleep as usual :growlmad:
Haha, I love the idea of the babies just helping themselves to boobie :haha: Thats Oliver's idea of heaven! :rofl: I always feed him to sleep, I have no idea when thats going to stop :haha:

Amy that is such a shame :( I think I'd be off on holiday without him if that was his attitude. Are his parents like that, is that where he gets it from?

Maybe I hope your OH has a stinking hangover :haha: If he's still asleep on the floor this morning I think I'd be getting the hoover out :haha:

I'd better go . . . Oliver was wriggled his way over to Steve's laptop and is using it as a drum :haha:
lol sarah :haha: i hope steve's laptop survived being used as a percussian instrument!!!
lol sarah :haha: i hope steve's laptop survived being used as a percussian instrument!!!

I think its okay :haha:

Oliver is like a magpie with anything he shouldn't have. He will do anything to get his sticky little mits on a mobile phone, or his favourite - the Sky remote. He presses all the buttons and the TV goes mad, the other day he put the 'naughty' channels on . . . . . thank goodness MIL wasn't visiting :rofl: I ended up digging out a spare and giving that to him to play with, though now Steve and I are constantly picking up the wrong remote and trying to turn the TV over with it :dohh:

Now he's pulling all the wet wipes out of the packet and trying to eat them :dohh:

Is anyone not going to get a playpen? I don't know . . . I can see how they could be really useful every now and then. We don't have one, or a travel cot . . . is it okay to just use a travel cot?
Modo - It looks like Bobby has a really nice balanced routine there :thumbup: Joni's is quite similar although she naps a bit longer in the afternoon and goes to bed at around 7pm. I love the pic of Bobby in the basket on FB :mrgreen:

Maybebaby - : Awwww poor Erin! As for the sleep training, you never know it might not be so bad :shrug: I was prepared for Joni to have us up for hours and hours when we started and she took to it really well, almost as if she wanted to learn to sleep without us having to help.
Oh Danny :growlmad: he just does not do joined up thinking sometimes!! Perhaps you could go and do something nice anyway and leave him a note to say where you have gone and ask him to do some housework, like he said he would, while you are gone :winkwink:
I hope you got a little read of your book and am glad Owen's waking was better than you expected :hugs:

Sarah - Happy 8 month-a-versary Oliverwoo :cake: :happydance:
I am glad the snow has not hung around so you can get out and about at will. I hated doing tax returns, in the end I started doing what you suggest and filing them right after year end, it was so much easier!!! I love the new FB group :thumbup:
The travelcot we bought says it doubles as a playpen so I am just going to use that to save on pennies and space! I bought this one when it was half price:>TRAVEL+COT.htm
Joni is also a fan of the remote control and mobile phone :rolleyes:

Amy - oh dear :hugs: I am sorry Kerry can't be more understanding and supportive about money and mat leave :nope: I really don't know what to suggest :confused: On the joint account I agree with Sarah, the whole point of a joint account is that either of you can complete transactions on the account. We have always refused requests similar to Kerry's and advised the only way to do what they want is to change the account into their sole name.
I do feel really pleased with Joni's naps, it took a long time to get her into a routine with them but all the hard work has paid off. Some of my friends do sometimes get a bit funny when I tell them I can't meet at certain times because Joni is napping, but Joni's wellbeing is at the top of my list so she wins pretty much everytime. She will nap in her buggy but only for 30mins max so I always try to plan my day and outings around her naptimes so she can sleep at home in her cot. SOmetimes things don't work out that way and we will be out and she will have a catnap in the buggy which is fine but I just wouldn't want to do that all the time.
Open fronted nighty oohlala :winkwink:

H&F - Well done Amy :mrgreen: Joni has just started pushing away but in her case I think it is a new movement she has learned and just wants to practice all the time. Even when you lay her on your lap to feed her she is thrusting her pelvis all over the place and wriggling away :rolleyes:


Well I was in bed for 9.40 last night to read but only lasted 5 minutes before turning the light off :haha: I fully expected Joni to wake in the following 2 hours but she went through until 2.45!!! I just popped in and gave her a snuggle and dozed in the chair until about 3.30 and put her back down. She slept until 5 when she woke again and I cuddled and dozed in the chair with her until 6 before putting her back down and she got up at 6.40, so all in all a very good night :thumbup: At the moment I think Joni's waking is down to her liking to sleep on her front but not being able to move from her front to back again when she gets uncomfortable.

Hubby got up with Joni this morning so I could lie in, and I did not get up until 8.40 :shock: by which time Joni was getting ready for a nap so I feel like I have not seen her properly this morning. Though looking at the clock I will go and wake her in about 5 mins.

I am not sure what we are going to do today, hang out and play with Joni probably :mrgreen: Hubby is in the city doing some shopping at the moment, I might pop in tomorrow morning. I suppose I should really do a recycling run too boo!

Righto I better go and get the girl. Have a lovely day everyone :hugs:

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