Maybebaby - I am glad I am not the only baby with proximity anxiety

I am pleased that DH had a moment of clarity with regards to his lack of input to the household and supporting you. I really really hope he follows through for you.
The parade sounded like fun, I hope the kids enjoyed opening their presents.
I am so sorry that Owen's sleep is still so poor. Do you think you will consider sleep training him at all? I really did not want to sleep train but I ended up so tired and despondent that I thought I would lose my mind and was ready to try pretty much anything

As for Dylan and Erin fighting, give them time and they will grow closer. My sister and I would go through cycles of loving spending time with each other and fighting all the time growing up.
I hope Erin got on ok at the doctors
H&F - I am so glad that you are feeling better now

The virus you had sounded really horrid

I am so glad that Amy managed to avoid catching it.
Modo -

yay for the leak free nappy night

It sounds like you are really taking to reusables

How did you get on with the new diapers?
Amy - two half hour naps a day

Joni usually has 2 naps a day totally around 2.5-3hours and my house is still a sty

She can just about manage on 2 hours but any less than that and she is really overtired and just whines and cries on and off the whole time. I find it amazing how different all our LO's sleep needs/behaviour are all so varied.

Lyra ate a brush

Dogs are just so silly sometimes

Bless you sister

what a tough situation

I can't believe she has to go back so soon

it really does not feel like any time at all since Gabriel was born.
Emera - RESULT on the hubby housework

and OMG

Johnny Depp

Jealous, me? YES!!!!! I used to wait tables in a restaurant before uni and my only claims to fame are serving Stephen Fry and the french chick who played 'Nicole' in the renault adverts

It sounds like you had a gorgeous day yesterday

I love days like that

YAY for Roh's babbling

Joni started at the beginning of Dec but as yet has stuck with a da da da and a ga ga ga. I hope you were not up to late making the houmous
Sarah -

at Steve half finishing jobs. My hubby is exactly the same and we both laugh about him being 'half a job Jamieson'

He is also a sod for leaving things EVERYWHERE, when he comes in from work he leaves a trail of belongings and clothes through the house. If I have tidied a surface he will always clutter it in a matter of hours! Funnily enough he is always losing things and I take great pleasure pointing out every time he can't find something that if he left it in its proper place he would not be having this problem

Yay on the habitat lamp, now I have an overwhelming urge to go and look at their sale

I am glad that you had such a lovely family meal out


that was one heck of a lie-in! I hope you feel better for the extra rest
Hannah - happy (belated) 6-month-a-versary to Amelia

I am sorry the houses you viewed were not up to scratch, hopefully something more suitable will turn up soon.
Insomnimama -

and happy new year

Bless little insomnibaby getting both bottom teeth at once!
L-C - sorry you are having a rough ride at the moment

I can only imagine how exhausting it must be having such a mobile baby and a dog to care for. I would second Maybebaby's suggestion about a playpen. I know Joni is not crawling yet but she can shuffle her way into mischief pretty quick if I am not watching her. At the moment I can pop her in her playstation for 5-10mins if I need to run around and do something and I have a playpen/travelcot ready for when the playstation is no longer an option. My travelcot is quite easy to put up and down so I can move it from room to room without too much trouble.
On the teeth front we still have absolutely NONE

She is still dribbling like a fiend but has been much less sicky and fretful the last two days so I think the teething has eased off for the moment which probably explains the good naps yesterday and today as well as the awesome night she gave us last night
On the wake-up/nap front, Joni usually wakes between 6-6.45 and if she sleeps later (even just until 7am) she is really hard to get down to nap and it will throw the whole day off.

at your parents

Good luck with the run tonight
Phew! I can't remember what I was going to say about us now

besides it is time to wake up Joni so I will try to pop back later.

to you all xx