Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Emera it sounds like you had a great day! Bless Roh, he sounds so sweet! Oliver makes soooo many noises - when he started he was babbling away in no time :haha: His favourite at the moment is still 'Mama' and he will sit and scream 'mamamamamama' for ages :haha:

Did you see Enigma live? We don't have tickets to his show this year . . . I'm a bit gutted :( I'm very impressed that you've cooked for Derren, wow!!
Awww I wish Alex would babble. He got as far as a-duh but since having flu he's gone really quiet - he had a horrendous cough and sore throat which has put him off making any noise :(
Sarah - I've cooked for quite a few people :) Miranda Richardson, Ray Winstone, John Cleese, Pauline Quirke, Michael Portillo (booo!), Ronnie Size, Most of Massive Attack, Justin Lee Collins are some that i can remember off the top of my head, but my major acheivement wihich makes my life complete is that i've cooked for Johnny Depp! (swoon!)
Johnny Depp!!!!! Oooooohhhhhh NOW I'm impressed!!! What did you cook for him?

I love Justin Lee Collins :haha: I have a thing about the West Country Accent, when we were last in Bristol I was most disapointed that most people I came across didn't talk like JLC :rofl:
Emera Steve says have you cooked for Banksy - he has an obsession :haha:
Hah, i might have cooked for Banksy, but then who knows, no idea what he looks like, does anyone? :haha: Did you come to see the exhibition that was here in Bristol last year? It was excellen! :thumbup: And i made Johnny Depp's dessert, he had some ice cream i made...i made it look extra fancy, and then went back to staring out of the kitchen window at him :blush: damn that man is yummy!
i read and run last night at 1.30am and now cant remember half of what i was going to post :dohh:

emera - wow johnny depp!

h&f - i will be starting ww on monday. until then i intend to pig out :haha:

owen babbles loads! babababab vavavavava a-dah a-dah an a-va va are among his fave noises! i cant wait for his first word! dylan's was 'car' when he was 8 months! he had his own language for a while. he called a fish a 'shtee' maybe coz we used to say fishy :haha: i knew what he was saying but no-one else did :haha: he used to call me 'meema' instead of 'mummy' too!

ugh what an awful night! i didnt get to bed til 1.30am :dohh: i was ironing at midnight and erin started crying. she had an ear ache poor thing :nope: she never really complains about anything so i knew she must be in significant pain :cry: i gave her panadol and when it kicked in she fell asleep on top of me. then as soon as she was settled owen woke up :dohh: i managed to settle him again with a bf and then finish ironing DH's trousers for work. so then i went to bed and was just drifting off when dylan woke up as his night light was off and he doesnt like the dark :dohh: so i put that on and then he went back to sleep. then he woke up half an hour later asking for a drink :dohh: by this time i was wondering if i was ever going to get some sleep as it was past 2.30am :shock: well owen woke a few times after that so the answer was 'not much but at least a bit!' anyway i'm going to take erin to the dr later to check out her ear. hopefully it wont be anything too dodgy! she has also had loose stools for a week so i want that checked too! oh well owen is demanding to be taken out of his door bouncer so i shall rescue him! lol! hope you have good days :hugs:

Hope you are all ok...

I'm finding things a bit tough at the moment, Will is refusing to eat solids, he used to be soooo good. am trying a bit more BLW as I have a funny feeling it's a battle of wills and he's realised he can hold his mouth shut. Trying to give him some more control.

He's really crotchety, I'm sure it's teeth but with him constantly moving around I don't get 5 seconds to myself. He is refusing sleep as well today, every time I put him down the dog goes off on one at something outside and disturbs him. The bin men have just been and I am expecting the in laws any minute to take him out. I think Will has finally gone off and I just know they will wake him up (most chaotic people I know), the dog is outside as I can't deal with him today he is just as needy as a baby.

I take my eye off him for 20 seconds to do my teeth and he's in the shower. Apparently my OH was like this as a baby and so I shouldn't be surprised, he was seen by physchologists for his hyper behaviour. I'm really worried they'll be horrible to him at nursery because he's such a handful.

H&F so glad you are feeling better good luck on the weight loss, I'm kind of doing my own thing but having an official weigh in on Saturday's. I have a stone and a half to lose. Do you do yours on Wednesday's, might change to them if you fancy a bit of moral support, I could do with some :hugs:

My trainers arrived today....excited and gutted, so going for a run tonight, going with a friend and so no excuses. If I'm not on for a few days you know I have seriously done some damage.

Maybe, sorry you had such an awful night, I hope Erin is ok! The parade sounded great, hope the kids enjoyed their presents, Gib sounds like the place to be with so many presents!

Emera, Roh sounds so lush, I'm glad Will isn't the only one moving round at a pace of knots with red marks all over his face. He is getting better at being brave and only cries at the really bad ones now. I try to catch all of them but it's impossible. Will is a complete animal in the bath, he charges up and down it trying to scale the sloping end! He ends up slipping all over the place.

Sarah, that is such an impressive lie in, I'm jealous, does it upset his next nap though. I find if Will is up at 6 am he'll do an hour and a half in the morning but if he's up any later it all goes to cock. I'm really impressed with your reusables, I wish I had the energy.

Amy I feel for your sister that must be so tough, I hope her supply picks up again. Sounds like Lyra is as mad as our big smelly mutt. A brush is pretty impressive, what sort? will be intersting on the way out!

Hannah hope the teeth are through soon, it's horrible. I think I might try an amber necklace.

You are all up so late, my OH is studying and so I'm in bed by 8:30 and usually fall asleep with the tv on within an hour and am still shattered. It's nice though as I get to read lots of posts in the morning!

Will has been asleep for 25 mins now, really wish they would hurry up and arrive so they don't disturb him after 45 mins, I might get an hour and a half then. I'm going to sit with a cup of tea if that's the case.

Oh Frufru - loving the skull and crossbones! Have you got more teeth yet? It's like teeth watch isn't it? Will has been doing that mouthful of sick thing again, so I hope it means the arrival one of the top ones is iminent.

Hope you all have a good day!
not sure what I think of Johnny anyway!!!
Emera thats true lol! We did see the echibition, we went to Padstow for a holiday so we had an overnight in Bristol on the way down, it was great! We stayed in a hotel on the little square opposite the museum, Berkeley Square? It was lovely :) While we were in Bristol Steve found out he'd been promoted, and then when we got home from that holiday I found out I was pregnant :cloud9:

L-C gosh it does sound like you have your hands full! I'm sure nursery won't be horrible to him! I imagine having a dog aswel as a baby must be such hard work :hugs: Oliver doesnt really have set nap times, so having a lie in doesnt affect things too much, Generally he'll have a nap in the morning and then one in the afternoon, yesterday his morning one was just a bit late. I should probably be more organised with his naps :dohh:

Maybe I'm sorry to hear about your bad night! I hope Erin is okay!

Its been snowing here all morning!! I expect it will melt soon but there is quite a bit!! I was going to walk into town but I think I'll stay home now :haha:
sarah - i'd be afraid of going out in the snow in case i slippe with the buggy. i remember once in bath when we walked up to the dr's and it was up a steep hill and the pavement was icy and we were slipping about all over the place! good thing we were students and not mums with prams :haha:

lc - wow i coudnt cope with kids and a dog! will sounds very mobile for his age. owen can't crawl but then neither dylan or erin did :haha: they wet straight to walking. owen is a menace in his walker though as he goes around opening drawers and pulling things off the sides :dohh: have you thought of a play pen? i havent used one with owen but had it for dylan and erin. DH doesnt wnt t use the play pen this time as it takes up too much room :dohh: but then again he's not the one at home looking after the baby so really it should be up to me :growlmad:

anyway going to get dresse to go to the dr. it's raining out so have to get the kids wrapped up. speak later :hugs: to all xxx
l-c - my weigh in day is Wednesday - i have about 3 stone to lose. need moral support i seem to have completly lost the weight loss plot over Christmas. back to it on Sunday tho I think!

catch up properly later ... we are just tryin to sort the house ready for my parents coming back off their holiday tomorrow!
H&F I'm up for Wednesday weigh in!! I have a stone and a half to lose by the end of March.... I've had four bakewell tarts today so not very good at all!

Maybe we have a travel cot up down stairs but Will is going through the cry if he can't see me phase so it's not working very well at the moment. He is soooo mobile it's untrue, pulls himself up and down with no effort at all, against anything stable or not! duh

This is how chaotic my lovely PIL are, they took bono out for me and came home to say "we've had a terrible accident", they all went in the river up to their eyeballs after a tennis ball!! So not only did I have two very wet dogs, theirs and ours running through the house but two adults absolutely sopping wet through, they really are (very lovely) plonkers!

Apparently their dog was after a tennis ball, so my MIL tried to pull it out of the river with her foot, the dog went for the ball and fell in, so then my MIL fell in trying to get the dog and my very well meaning FIL went fell in trying to rescuse them both. It's very muddy and fast flowing at the moment, they've lost bono's lead and halti, am really glad they made it out safe, those things can be relaced!

I have just put Will to bed and have to back down to deal with the carnage in the kitchen now!
Maybebaby - I am glad I am not the only baby with proximity anxiety ;) I am pleased that DH had a moment of clarity with regards to his lack of input to the household and supporting you. I really really hope he follows through for you.
The parade sounded like fun, I hope the kids enjoyed opening their presents.
I am so sorry that Owen's sleep is still so poor. Do you think you will consider sleep training him at all? I really did not want to sleep train but I ended up so tired and despondent that I thought I would lose my mind and was ready to try pretty much anything :blush:
As for Dylan and Erin fighting, give them time and they will grow closer. My sister and I would go through cycles of loving spending time with each other and fighting all the time growing up.
I hope Erin got on ok at the doctors :hugs:

H&F - I am so glad that you are feeling better now :hugs: The virus you had sounded really horrid :sad1: I am so glad that Amy managed to avoid catching it.

Modo - :happydance: yay for the leak free nappy night :mrgreen: It sounds like you are really taking to reusables :thumbup: How did you get on with the new diapers?

Amy - two half hour naps a day :shock: Joni usually has 2 naps a day totally around 2.5-3hours and my house is still a sty :haha: She can just about manage on 2 hours but any less than that and she is really overtired and just whines and cries on and off the whole time. I find it amazing how different all our LO's sleep needs/behaviour are all so varied.
:saywhat: Lyra ate a brush :dohh: Dogs are just so silly sometimes :rolleyes:
Bless you sister :hugs: what a tough situation :sad1: I can't believe she has to go back so soon :nope: it really does not feel like any time at all since Gabriel was born.

Emera - RESULT on the hubby housework :thumbup: and OMG :shock: Johnny Depp :shock: Jealous, me? YES!!!!! I used to wait tables in a restaurant before uni and my only claims to fame are serving Stephen Fry and the french chick who played 'Nicole' in the renault adverts :haha:
It sounds like you had a gorgeous day yesterday :mrgreen: I love days like that :cloud9: YAY for Roh's babbling :happydance: Joni started at the beginning of Dec but as yet has stuck with a da da da and a ga ga ga. I hope you were not up to late making the houmous :p

Sarah - :haha: at Steve half finishing jobs. My hubby is exactly the same and we both laugh about him being 'half a job Jamieson' :rofl: He is also a sod for leaving things EVERYWHERE, when he comes in from work he leaves a trail of belongings and clothes through the house. If I have tidied a surface he will always clutter it in a matter of hours! Funnily enough he is always losing things and I take great pleasure pointing out every time he can't find something that if he left it in its proper place he would not be having this problem :winkwink:
Yay on the habitat lamp, now I have an overwhelming urge to go and look at their sale :wacko: I am glad that you had such a lovely family meal out :mrgreen:
Wowee :shock: that was one heck of a lie-in! I hope you feel better for the extra rest :hugs:

Hannah - happy (belated) 6-month-a-versary to Amelia :cake: I am sorry the houses you viewed were not up to scratch, hopefully something more suitable will turn up soon.

Insomnimama - :hi: and happy new year :hugs: Bless little insomnibaby getting both bottom teeth at once!

L-C - sorry you are having a rough ride at the moment :hugs: I can only imagine how exhausting it must be having such a mobile baby and a dog to care for. I would second Maybebaby's suggestion about a playpen. I know Joni is not crawling yet but she can shuffle her way into mischief pretty quick if I am not watching her. At the moment I can pop her in her playstation for 5-10mins if I need to run around and do something and I have a playpen/travelcot ready for when the playstation is no longer an option. My travelcot is quite easy to put up and down so I can move it from room to room without too much trouble.
On the teeth front we still have absolutely NONE :rolleyes: She is still dribbling like a fiend but has been much less sicky and fretful the last two days so I think the teething has eased off for the moment which probably explains the good naps yesterday and today as well as the awesome night she gave us last night :thumbup:
On the wake-up/nap front, Joni usually wakes between 6-6.45 and if she sleeps later (even just until 7am) she is really hard to get down to nap and it will throw the whole day off.
:rofl: at your parents :rofl: :haha:
Good luck with the run tonight :hugs:


Phew! I can't remember what I was going to say about us now :dohh: :haha: besides it is time to wake up Joni so I will try to pop back later. :hugs: to you all xx
Evening all,

The weather here today has been wet wet wet :rain: I did manage to get out for a stroll with Joni this afternoon in between showers though :thumbup:

As the rain kept us in most of the day and Joni napped well I managed to get quite a few chores done in the house :thumbup:

I spent the evening with my nieces and yesterday night and had a lovely time :cloud9: Grace had done a watercolour painting for me, she is such a talented and imaginative artist, her Mum would be very proud :flower:

Hubby is just making Joni's bottles and after he is done I am going to make my hot water bottle up with a view to turning in pretty soon. I think all the housework has worn me out :haha:

I can't remember half of what I wanted to post from the last couple of days :dohh: it obviously can't have been very interesting :haha:

Have a lovely evening :hugs:
Sarah: I haven't tried soap nuts because I have a lot of Bum Genius nappies and you are not supposed to use them when washing the BGs I don't think. I do a prewash with just water, then put a quarter of a teaspoon of detergent and a few drops of tea tree oil into the drum with the nappies and I do a wash with a pre wash, finally I do one more rinse to make sure all the detergent is out. Apparently Bum genius nappies don't do well with normal amounts of detergent and it causes leaks. I wish I read your post yesterday about Derren Brown and recorded it!

Amy: I hope Lyra is feeling better :( My sister's Yorkie ate some weird stuff too and needed an op to remove them. Good luck to your sister!

Emera: What an amazing lie in you got! Glad you had a nice day :D I try to the rinse the diapers/nappies a lot as well to reduce the need for a strip wash. Plus we want some celeb stories :D Johnny Depp! Lucky you!!!! The only "famous" people I "met" were the Spice Girls about 10 years ago in Heathrow Airport. This is just when their first single came out and they were hanging out in Body Shop (no body guards and no one knew who they were)! Can you imagine Madam WAG caught dead at Body Shop now?

Maybe: Sorry you had a bad night hon :hugs: Good luck at the doctor's :hugs: to Erin.

LC: maybe you can try more finger foods as you said. Threads I have read in the weaning forum seem to indicate that this helps in similar situations :hugs: Maybe you can start a thread there? They seem nice :)

Frufru: Thanks hon! I really actually like them :) It seems to be one of the best things I have done :) Thanks to Sarah and Emera for mentioning cloth in this thread which made me consider them :)

Emera: Bobby started dadadada at 5.5 months then forgot all about it till 6.5 months where he started saying it again, then yayayaya and various other similar ones. Still no mamama :(

Bobby's Schedule

Wakes 6.20-7am (I always get him at around 7, he babbles in bed till I get him)
Milk followed by breakfast

Nap at 9-10.20 (I get him at 10.40am)
milk followed by lunch

Nap at 1-2-2.20pm
DH takes over. Milk followed by "dinner" at around 3.30pm
Milk at 4.30-5pm
Bath 5.30pm
Bed 5.45pm (usually asleep by 6pm)
erin has a double ear infection poor thing! she's on antibiotics and doesnt complain!

frufru - i think we will have to do some sleep training! i am so lazy though as i find it easier to shove my boob in his mouth than hear him scream!

lc - hopefully the separation anxiety will ease soon! i will join you and h&f on the weight loss quest! are you doing weight watchers too?

modo - great schedule you've got going! owen went to sleep at 8 and has woken twice already! he's asleep on the sofa now :blush:
hey all -

just a quick update ... Amy has crawled forwards yay only to get the tv remote tho!

Does anyones baby sometimes push them away? Amy seems to get over tired and then spend the time pushing me away its quite upsetting but I hope she loves me!
yes h&f owen does that when he's tired and i'm trying to get him to sleep!
will post properly later, just having an almighty row with my evil DH about money.

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