Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Insomnimama I'm sorry to hear that your job has gone too!! I hope you find something else soon :hugs:

Amy some more :hugs: for you :hugs: :hugs:

We are up rather early this morning :coffee: Oliver has been getting up at about half eight lately which has been nice but we've been up since about half five :shock: He's playing in his PlayPen at the moment - I've popped loads of toys in there and he seems to be having fun so far . . . . ! He is trying to stand up holding the bars in the door though which I can see might cause some tears. He's now staring at my through the bars. I think my eight month old is trying to guilt trip me :haha:

We don't really have many plans for today, we might walk to the post office but not if its raining :haha:
Oh, just to add, since we are up early we're all ready to watch Elmo at half six!! We haven't seen it before :)
Frufru: :lol: at deforestation! Yeah I had gone for a while as well without waxing but I got fed up about a week ago and got "deforested" during Ben's shift with Bobby. Hope you had a nice relaxing hour :D

Amy: :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I am so sorry to hear this :hugs::hugs::hugs: this is the last thing you need.

LC: Its the truth! Like Sarah said you didn't write anything bad :hugs:

Sarah: When I was looking for wedding dresses I tried on an Elie Saab one that I quite liked the only problem was that it had my boobies very much on display. We tried to get the store to alter the dress a bit and cover the cleavage up a bit but apparently this is the one alteration Elie Saab refuses to have made! I don't have a problem with low cleavage but not at my wedding with grand parents and great aunts and uncles :lol: I remember thinking what a typical Lebanese man! I didn't get the dress :lol: Do you know if this type of thing is common?
The playpen is definitely a life saver and I imagine even more so if you have a crawler :lol: Glad you had a nice time in the restaurant and Oliver enjoyed himself :D I have an iCandy Cherry. It's definitely good for its size and it folds down quite well and stays up. The only downsides I can think of are that the wheels don't do the spinning thing that other stroller can do and that you can't convert it for a baby and toddler (not an issue for us) whereas you can do that with the Apple and Peach with the "pip converters." If you are keeping your Apple than that would be a no issue :rofl:

Insomnimama: I'm really sorry to hear that your job has gone too :hugs:
Amy - :hugs: for you lady. I know how I felt when mine and hubby's employer made the same announcement last August :nope: We have got a much longer lead time than you as we are the only centre that handle a certain current account/mortgage product and it will take a long time to train people at other centres to be able to handle the work we do. It is still scary though :wacko: I just keep telling myself that hubby and I are the sorts of people that will do whatever job we have to and we will find a way to muddle through.

Insomnimama - I am so sorry to hear thatyou have been hit with redundancy too :sad1: I hope the insomni-clan are all well :hugs:

Sarah - yay for the playpen, I am sure you will fit it in. Our flat is so squished at the moment but I figure all the baby equipment will be gone in 6-12 months so we can muddle through until then.
The JO restaurant sounds lovely, I am officially jealous :haha:
We had a 5.15 start yesterday but today was a much more respectable 6.37 :thumbup:

L-C - oops :blush: but then I don't think you put anything bad, just honest. I hope the teeth make a swift appearance.

Maybebaby - that is a good deal on the books :thumbup: I have Nigella's Feast and Domestic Goddess, the :cake: recipes are just fab :p

Modo - you are so brave getting waxed, I am such a big baby and can't do it as it hurts to much! This coming from the woman who only found childbirth uncomfortable :rofl: I had a lovely hour thank you :flower: although it was spent with hubby surfing the net and me watching a bit of tv, not quite the quality time I had in mind :rolleyes: but hubby is so poorly he just is not good company at the moment bless him.

Not a lot to report since my post last night. Joni is still waking loads in the night but I reckon it's definately down to a mixture of teething and cold symptoms. I co-slept with Joni in her room from when I logged off here until the morning. I worry that I might be going backwards by sleeping with Joni instead of trying to settle her in her cot, but I just can't manage on 3 hours broken sleep anymore :nope: Once the teething and cold have settled a bit I will see if nights improve and if they are still rubbish we will just need to do a little bit of a sleep training refresher.

Poor hubby is really suffering with his cold as it has settled on his chest. He spent most of the night sleeping on the sofa as he is more propped up so can breathe more freely than if he is lying down in bed. So hubby was on the sofa, I was on the futon with Joni so our bed was empty :dohh: :haha:

Joni is napping at the moment thought I will need to get her up in a bit if she does not wake as we have singing this morning :happydance: She is more-or-less over the cold with a bit of a snuffle and cough left, but fundamentally I am happy that she is not infectious so am content to expose her to other babies.
Have a lovely day all :hugs:
Hey all -

Sorry for quick post Amy has come down with a virus and is currently refusing to be put down ... she has a huge rash and is so grumpy.

Really dont want to go to weight watchers tonight as the scales here are telling me I have put on ... alot ... I dont know how tho I havent been that bad! Tomorrow it will be two years since my grandad passed away so we are going to plant some flowers by his treeand take my nan out for a meal.

Maybe - let me know which meals you bought and I will get the old points for you ... the new points system is not on calories or sat fat but worked out based on protein, carbs, fat and fibre!

Catch up properly later if Amy goes down!
Hugs to you H&F xx

Sarah what was the verdict on Elmo??

Well I lost 3lb - yay.

Feeling rubbish I have man flu, will update tomorrow. Hope you all have a good night!

L-C Well done on the weight loss!!!! Thats great!! I thought Elmo was great, it gave me a good giggle so its series linked now :haha: I don't want to be getting up so early to watch it :dohh: I love Dorothy :rofl: :rofl: We have now renamed our goldfish :haha: And the bit with the baby - how cute!!! That made me laugh too. So over all, def. a big :thumbup:

FruFru I'm going with the same line of thought as you, so what if the playpen is huge, its useful :haha:
So far so good with the playpen! Oliver seems to like it and spend a little time today sat playing on his own in there. He did also wobble over backwards :dohh:, the base is padded up its still quite hard. Its half on a big thick rug and half on the wood floor, so I've put some cushions on the wood floor bit just to pad it out a bit. I know its only a matter of time before he falls over backwards while he's standing up (he forgets he needs to hold on :haha:) so I want to make it as safe as I can.

Oliver and I walked into town earlier and then had a huge yummy lunch. We've had a nice day, and I also managed to get some house work / laundry / ironing done and put the recyling out - i'm normally chasing the bin men down the street in my PJ's so I'm very impressed with myself doing it all tonight :rofl:

We have baby club tomorrow morning and then I think we're going for coffee with some baby club mummy friends. I'm really looking forward to it, its quite sad how much I look forward to it :haha:
Sorry - I missed you H&F, I hope your night gets better :hugs:

Amy how are you today honey? :hugs:
lc- well done on your weight loss i stayed the same this week.

Sarah - sounds like you have a lovely day planned tomorrow.
I just realised I didn't reply to Modo either :dohh:

I think it is pretty common for dress designers to be like that - all the ones I've met walk about with their head up their ass :haha: You'd think that they would be very 'its the brides day' but not in my experience :dohh: I know they see the dresses as their creation, like a work of art, but they really think they are sooooo important :haha: Some florists are the same . . . and don't even get me started on photographers :rofl:

I'm not sure about the Cherry . . . I think if I buy something else maybe it needs to be much smaller, like a Mclaren or something that does an umbrella fold :(
insomnimama - :hugs: :flower: :hugs: :flower: its awful isnt it. people keep saying to me that when one door closes another opens but I'd rather not have the door slammed in my face! :hugs:

modo - thanks for all the :hugs: much appreciated.

frufru - I try to tell myself we'll be ok. I go through phases of "we can do this" followed by feeling I am in the depths of dispair! (sp??). I've got the same problem you talked about. Because I have reduced my hours it affects my redundancy package. I've written to HR to see if I can go back FT. Not what I wanted at all but needs must :( I'm glad Joni is over her cold, sorry about your poor hubby! :hugs:

LC - yey for the 3 lbs lost :happydance::thumbup: man flu is bad, hope you have a good night :flower:

H&F - poor Amy :hugs: are your scales digital? x

brb Alex crying :flower:
we are all full of cold in my house :( so sorry to read and run but am just checking on you all using my phone before i crash for 10mins before owen wakes again. night wakings are over 20 a night at the mo with the teething/cold combo!

hugs to you all :hugs:
OMG Maybe 20 times?!?!?! :hugs: for you!! xx

Amy I've never been through anything like that, I can only imagine how worrying it must be :hugs: You are doing the right thing re your hours, it would only be for a few months and if it makes a difference to your redundancy it makes sence :flower:
I'm back :)

H&F - just read you stayed the same, thats good none gained :thumbup:

sarah - I cant wait for babyclub its the highlight of my week! looks like it wont be for much longer if my request for FT hours works out. gah :(

maybe - :hugs: get well soon all of you. Alex and I have got colds too. :hugs:

well Gabriel came and he was lovely and happy...apart from feed times. He was hungry but the worst bottle feeder I have ever known :dohh: he just will not suck the bottle. I had to squeeze drips into his mouth and he swallowed it. He cries the whole time and I just feel awful for him, he's a real boobie baby. I gave him 2 bottles and managed to get 120mls into him each time but it took an hour. Question for FF ladies - how much were yours taking at 4 1/2 months per feed? 120 mls doesnt seem a lot :( Becky is really worried about nursery because they wont have the time to commit to an hours bottle feed with the baby screaming the whole time :(

spoke to a couple of work colleagues, the mood there is dire. the line managers had a meeting this morning and apparently all came out in tears!! this was such a huge shock and feels very brutal! I try to think of ways we can manage but then it hits me and i feel so scared :cry: x
Amy I'm glad Gabriel was good for you, shame about the feeding though...what will nursery do? I guess they will just have to make time for him because they can't let him be hungry! Poor little guy. Oliver wouldn't take a bottle from 12 weeks, he just won't suck. He's just getting good with a sippy cup now, not quite so messy, but obviously he doesn't get any comfort from that.

I can only imagine how awful the mood must be at work!! Gosh when everyone is facing the same thing like that its really hard for anyone to find a silver lining. It must still seem like an awful shock to everyone. How has Kerry taken the news? I think the thing to keep in mind hun is that you WILL cope, because you have to. And as long as you have your family, you'll get through it together. You will get jobs, you will be okay - the bit in the middle might be a rocky ride but you will get there!!!! :hugs:
sarah - thats what I said to Becky, she's paying them enough and he'll be one of the youngest babies there. I found it quite distressing, my urge was to BF him myself! :blush: I just kept going until he stopped crying from hunger and was just crying about hating the bottle in his mouth. She so didnt want to leave him, I cried after she dropped him off becasue it just felt so wrong that a mother cant be with her 4 month old baby :cry:

Kerry was very calm yesterday, when he called me to tell me I said oh my god I am so scared for my children and hearing me say that made him cry on the phone. But when he got home he just kept saying are you oK and hugging me. Funny how things we argued about last week seem so insignificant now! Today after being at work he is more worried, although he keeps telling the girls "dont worry Daddy and Mummy will make sure we are all OK" :(
I really need to get this off my chest because no one will listen to me and poor DH has heard this kind of thing enough.

My Dad says "Nobody loves you as much as your mother!". Yet everything she does makes me feel otherwise. Every phone call to her is just so annoying. It starts with "why don't you call me more often your sisters call me all the time (they are both single students with no kids) and I never hear from you."

The last phone call she commented on how concerned she has been in the past about Bobby hitting his milestones. She thinks that he got head control late (3 months), sat late (7 months) and is concerned that he isn't crawling yet (he is pretty close now). I don't know what she is trying to do here :cry: worry me? She was a totally paranoid mother (as kids our pediatricians waiting room practically felt like a second home!) when I am trying to be relaxed about these things. I mean she had 4 kids shouldn't she be more comforting than trying worrying me like this! I think Bobby is doing great so I don't see why she has to say these things.

Thank you girls for listening to me! I have been up since 4am feeling quite mad about this and just needed to get it out.
Frufru: waxing doesn't hurt me much. I have been getting my underarms done since I was in my early teens and waxing my legs doesn't hurt at all. The worst pain I have ever had waxing was the, erm, lady garden :lol: I won't do that anymore! Utter agony! Not worth it :lol: Regards to sleeping you just do what you need to get some sleep. You can go back to sleep training afterwards like you said :hugs:

h&F: :hugs: that sounds really tough hon :hugs: hope Amy feels better :( I hope it goes ok in WW. :hugs: to visiting your grandfather sounds like you are going through a tough time hon :hugs:

LC: Well done on the weight loss :happydance:

Sarah: glad Oliver likes his playpen. You are right, I think they are so useful. Its great to have a safe place to put him to play. Ours doubles as a prison for our dog during meal times (blw was making her fat!). I also put pillows on the floor bit to soften in it when he falls. Glad you two had a nice lunch in town :) Well done getting everything done last night! The maclarens are supposed to be really nice! I was going to buy one when we sold our xoob stroller on ebay but we realised our house really is too small :( I'll try and persuade DH to get one if we go abroad again coz there no way we can take to Cherry.

Amy: I feel all the :hugs: are completely inadequate. I would much rather be helpful but I just don't know what to suggest :( You said you are thinking about going back to nursing but you would need to requalify. How long would that take? Regarding the bottle feeding Bobby was on 180-200ml then. The mood a work must be terrible :hugs: We had some redundancies when our office moved just before I went on mat leave, the environment was atrocious :( Lots of crying too :( Glad Kerry is being strong and helping reassure your girls :hugs:

Maybe: 20 times! Big :hugs:
modo - :hugs: that is horrid of your mum to say. i think bobby is completely normal. owen doesnt crawl yet, he just shuffles on his bum a bit :haha: try not to let her guilt trip you. you are doing great and bobby is fine :hugs:

amy - i am glad that kerry at last has realised what the important things in life are. better late than never!

i am dying with cold here, i feel so crappy but us mums just have to soldier on whereas a bloke would just crawl into bed :dohh: and i have a kiddy party to take all 3 of them to later. not a good day. it'll be the standby ready meals for danny and i tonight. he can't complain as i cooked roast pork yesrerday and lamb the day before. well got to go as owen is whinging and erin wants me to put on 'the wheels on the bus' which i have saved on the laptop. catch you all later xxx

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