Amy -

for you lady. I know how I felt when mine and hubby's employer made the same announcement last August

We have got a much longer lead time than you as we are the only centre that handle a certain current account/mortgage product and it will take a long time to train people at other centres to be able to handle the work we do. It is still scary though

I just keep telling myself that hubby and I are the sorts of people that will do whatever job we have to and we will find a way to muddle through.
Insomnimama - I am so sorry to hear thatyou have been hit with redundancy too

I hope the insomni-clan are all well
Sarah - yay for the playpen, I am sure you will fit it in. Our flat is so squished at the moment but I figure all the baby equipment will be gone in 6-12 months so we can muddle through until then.
The JO restaurant sounds lovely, I am officially jealous

We had a 5.15 start yesterday but today was a much more respectable 6.37
L-C - oops

but then I don't think you put anything bad, just honest. I hope the teeth make a swift appearance.
Maybebaby - that is a good deal on the books

I have Nigella's Feast and Domestic Goddess, the

recipes are just fab
Modo - you are so brave getting waxed, I am such a big baby and can't do it as it hurts to much! This coming from the woman who only found childbirth uncomfortable

I had a lovely hour thank you

although it was spent with hubby surfing the net and me watching a bit of tv, not quite the quality time I had in mind

but hubby is so poorly he just is not good company at the moment bless him.
Not a lot to report since my post last night. Joni is still waking loads in the night but I reckon it's definately down to a mixture of teething and cold symptoms. I co-slept with Joni in her room from when I logged off here until the morning. I worry that I might be going backwards by sleeping with Joni instead of trying to settle her in her cot, but I just can't manage on 3 hours broken sleep anymore

Once the teething and cold have settled a bit I will see if nights improve and if they are still rubbish we will just need to do a little bit of a sleep training refresher.
Poor hubby is really suffering with his cold as it has settled on his chest. He spent most of the night sleeping on the sofa as he is more propped up so can breathe more freely than if he is lying down in bed. So hubby was on the sofa, I was on the futon with Joni so our bed was empty
Joni is napping at the moment thought I will need to get her up in a bit if she does not wake as we have singing this morning

She is more-or-less over the cold with a bit of a snuffle and cough left, but fundamentally I am happy that she is not infectious so am content to expose her to other babies.
Have a lovely day all