H&F - Sending get well wishes to Amy

I hope you have a peaceful day with your Nan. Its good that the WW scales did not show a gain. I always retain water like mad after a proper curry, I think it is all the carbs and salt

Collapsing is not good

I really hope you are ok
L-C - oh no you're poorly too, sending get well vibes to you ~~~~~~~~

Well done of the weight loss

The pictures of Will are absolutely gorgeous
Sarah - I have a pillow in the playpen behind where Joni sits as when she gets excited (or lazy

) she puts her arms up above her head and falls backwards

about the bin men, I was nosing out of my window round the curtain yesterday when I only had my towel on post-shower just as the bin min walked past. They looked a bit embarassed to see my head and bare shoulders peeking out at them, so I did the only thing you can do in those situations and flashed them.... a big smile that is

Its not sad to look forward to baby club. I really look forward to out groups and seeing out mummy and baby friends.
Amy - with our company if you have negotiated part time hours, the new contract does not start until you return to work. If yor employer is the same hopefully you can go back to FT hours. As for the 'cmon/despair' alternate feeling I think that is completely normal, I am still doing that and we have had since last August to mull things over but are still waiting for our official 'at risk' letters. It is bad as until we get those we know redundancy is coming in the next year or so but not sure exactly when which makes it awfully difficult to plan for IYKWIM?
I am glad that Kerry was able to be the one to speak to you first.
I knew the log I made of Joni's feeding in the early days would come in handy eventually

At 4 1/2 months Joni would swap between 6 x 120ml/4oz feeds and 5 x 120ml-150ml feeds per day. To be honest it was not until about 6 months she would consistently take 6+oz feeds and even then 7oz in one go was her absolute max and still is, whereas my friends little girl who is a few days younger than Joni takes 10oz at bed time and has done since about 3 months

Hopefully Gabriel will get better with the bottle feeding the more he does it.
Maybebaby - oh no the winter viruses really have got to us all

20+ wakings

oh honey you poor thing

I really really hope you all get better soon.
Boo to not being able to register for WW
Bobby is doing just fine

All babies develop at different rates and if anything I would say Joni is behind Bobby with a few things and she a month older than him. Also lets not forget some babies skip some milestone, crawling in particular. My niece did not crawl until 13months and was walking by the following week, another baby I know did not crawl until 15 months and my HV said that was not a problem. It sounds like she was possibly a nervous parent and she probably thinks she is being helpful

You are a great Mummy and Bobby is coming along beautifully
BBC1's Human World has just been on and there is a rainforest tribe who hunt monkeys. If they happen to kill a Mummy monkey they adopt the baby monkey into the tribe until it is grown, often with a woman breastfeeding the monkey if it is still tiny. To think that most women balk at BF another persons baby in this country.
I bagged myself an absolute bargain today

I have been wanting to get a rucksack style baby carrier for a couple of months now, but not been able to find a suitable secondhand one at a reasonable price. Lady Luck must have been smiling on me today as I sourced one for a tenner

I picked it up this afternoon and took Joni for a walk through the local woods before dinner

I am so chuffed as I had budgeted £35 for the carrier
and have managed to get the carrier and a jumperoo for that price

Here is a snap of me and Joni on our way out
Hubby is still ill and getting worse

He actually booked today and tomorrow off work so he could have time to recuperate. Work gave him a written warning regarding his absence following his operation last May regardless of the fact all his absence was covered by a sick note and was unavoidable

which means he can't risk anytime off as sick so instead goes to work, struggles through being much less productive than usual and exposing all his co-workers to his illness. Stupid work
Joni has been a little star today, she is still really snotty and drooling like crazy but her mood has been fabulous. She let me have a good look at her mouth this morning and it looks like there are two more top teeth which could make an appearance anytime and there are now white patched on the bottom gums too. Looks like I am going to be sleeping on the futon for the forseeable future
Righto, thats me for now. Would you believe I have been logged onto the thread all day trying to write this

Sending hugs and get well vibes to all