Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)


Thanks ladies :hugs: I'd share if i had anything to share, but there is nothing wrong except that i feel down :shrug: I'm sure it will pass in a few days, but feeling depressed tends to make me pretty uncommunicative. I'd try and cheer myself out of it, but all the therapy i had years ago told me i have to allow myself to feel bad as well as good. I guess i'm not feeling too bad, just going to do quiet things by myself for a few days. At least Roh cheers me up, he's so smiley and loving, how could he not :)

Its not helping though that i tried to express yesterday and today to stock up for my days at work and i got nothing, completely nothing. I tried hand expressing and got about a teaspoonful. Its such a pain :( I guess Roh will just have to have a bottle of follow on milk on the one morning i work early, and the one evening i work late. Its not what i want at all, but i suppose in the grand scheme of things it won't matter, its not like he breastfeeds for long these days anyway. I'm pretty sure i'm not making alot of milk, but Roh is still happy to feed, and i can hear him swallowing, so he must get something, even if its just a little. I'm determined to carry on for another 2 months though, so we make it up to a year :thumbup:

Meant to say - Modo - we call Roh Boo too :) After the little girl in Monsters Inc. OH loves that film :haha: Oh, and Roh doesn't sleep well in his buggy, only in his cot now, although he will nap in the buggy, just not for long enough. He's in the process of losing the morning nap now, most days he doesn't take it, but some days he'll have 20-30 minutes still. He has a good 2 hours after lunch now though. You'll likely find it will conicide with when Bobby starts crawling, which can't be long away if he's trying hard to do it :thumbup: Roh just races round all day like crazy then totally crashes out. I dread to think how much running around he'll need to do when he's properly walking :shock:

Sarah - Great to hear that you feel more confident about cooking, please do just ask if there is anything you'd like advice on or any tips i can give you :thumbup:

Maybe - fingers crossed for more :bfn: for you! OH and i are fully ttc this month, so fingers crossed for a :bfp: for me at the end of it!

Right, bet i've missed something :wacko: I'm going to get a blanket (the sodding wind has blown the boiler out again, i'm waiting for OH to get home so he can light it again :cold: ) and i'm going to watch some weepy movie :cry: and investigate the 1kg box of chocolates that just arrived from OH's uncle in Belgium! (yup the healthy eating is going well by the way :rofl: )

Emera :hugs: I have the odd off day and I find it helps just to say to myself okay, so I'm having an off day, its only one day and it doesn't mean I'm going down that route again . . . its just an off day. I just do nice things and ignore anything that makes me feel stressed if I can. I don't think the crappy weather helps - roll on Spring!!

Thanks soooo much re the cooking - you really have inspired me! I will def ask if I have any questions etc - thank you!! Thats a massive help :hugs: I'm feeling so much more confident and I'm actually really enjoying it which is a HUGE improvement for me! You should sooooo do that blog!

Wow congrats on TTC again!! Fingers crossed for a BFP soon for you! Steve would love to have another one asap but I'm not broody at all yet, I'm sure I will be soon enough though and we're kind of NTNP at the moment so who knows?
Hi everyone, had a bit of a woah is me evening yesterday and didnt post so here is my catchup!

modo - your mum is so mean! Bobby is gorgeous and happy and healthy. she should be so proud, you are a fantastic Mummy and all babies are different. My holly didnt even sit until she was 9 months! If I return to nursing I would have to work as an auxillary nurse for 3 months and then do a 3 month return to practice course so its not that easy :S thanks for the bottle info :hugs: I bet Bobby will crawl any day now x

maybe - poor you being poorly :hugs: thats rubbish about WW! If it was the amber anklet that made Owen sleep for an hour then I will buy one :thumbup: :haha: yey for BFN x

LC - sorry you are also ill! steaks from the butcher sounds like a yummy birthday pressie for your DH :flower: love the photos, Will is scrumptious!

H&F - hope you are OK. I think the creche sounds like a lovely idea.

frufru - I do know what you mean about planning :( I love your bargain baby carrier! I really want one of those. You are also both adorned with fabulous hats! :thumbup: your poor DH! Hope he gets well soon. :hugs: thanks for the feeding info :thumbup: xx

sarah - its windy here too! I was planning to get Alex some pre-walkers as he keeps slipping on my mums laminate flooring :haha: aww your poor chickens! and the fence too! nightmare! good luck with NTNP :winkwink:

emera - sorry to hear you're feeling low :hugs: thanks for your support. I cant imagine how hard telling people they had no jobs or pay must have been on top of losing your jobs yourselves. Good luck with TTC :thumbup: my milk supply has completely dropped today, I think its stress :cry: ALex's nappies have been really dry and he was really miserable and clingy :cry: xxx

muddles - that is so exciting about your baby group :happydance: :thumbup:

well yesterday I had Gabriel again and bottle feeding went so much better! he took 150 mls and 120 mls :happydance: I'm so pleased because my sister wont have to worry about him as much when he's at nursery. I was so proud of him :cloud9:
In the evening we had a big chat about how we need to get the house done up to get sold and it hit me that my life will change forever and its completely out of my control :cry: I only had 2 hours sleep for I feel terrible today. we went to babyclub and there was another pfizer mum there and her hubby also works there so she's in the same boat as me :( we're all so shocked. My Mum had Gabriel this morning but we went there for lunch. She's being very supportive :hugs: I'm feeling a bit more up now so hopefully I'll sleep tonight :wacko:
Oh, Emera, don't stress about your milk :hugs: I am terrible at expressing, I never bother now because I get nothing and get all upset and then five minutes later Oliver can take a feed and have milk shooting out :dohh: I'm sure Roh would let you know if he wanted more milk, two formula feeds won't hurt - its not worth getting stressed over sweetie :hugs:
thanks for the jinx Sarah :thumbup: i have made a wish :haha:
Hi Amy!
Missed you yesterday :hugs:
Try not to be too stressed honey, I know its easy for me to say that but don't make yourself ill :hugs: And things are so much harder to deal with if you're tired :hugs: Do you think you will need to move to another area? :hugs:

I forgot to update re the chickens . . . my dad managed to catch the run away and pop her back in before she escaped :haha: and then sort the roof out. He also tied it on so hopefully it won't blow off again tonight. The fence which came down was just a temperary one so its not too bad, might just get Steve to sort the damn thing out!! :haha:
Aww I am glad the chicken is safe :thumbup:!

we think we will have to relocate, there's nothing round here jobwise. I'm a real family lass though and I dont want to leave them :( poosticks x
That is pretty poo :( I'm a 45 minute drive from my parents and I think it would be lovely to be close enough to just pop around for a cuppa.

Make the best of a bad situation though and get your ass up here to Yorkshire! :haha:
Funnily enough Kerry just found a job he could do in yorkshire! :haha: at least I'd have a pal up there :hugs:
Oohhhh really?!?! Where abouts? On the plus side you'd get much more house for your money up here!
and of course I'm here too :haha: We'd get nothing done mind you apart from chatting and drinking coffee :rofl:
He says it doesnt say! It is lovely up there, my friend at work is from Darlington and she got married at the Old swan in Harrogate in 2009. Kerry and I had the best time at her wedding and actually enjoyed the drive up there. At that time my sister was working up there and living in wakefield so we popped in on her too. beautiful countryside you have x
Yep it is lovely, well some of it is horrible :rofl: but most of it is lovely :rofl:

Harrogate is gorgeous, we'd love to live up there one day! There are really nice areas of most places around here though, like anywhere I guess! If you find out where is it let me know!! Is it another drug company?
Sarah - :lol: at Oliver stealing toys from younger babies and crawling off with them heeheehee :) I did not realise they did pre-walker shoes either. Joni has nearly grown out of her 6-12mth mocci's and I can't seem to find them in the next size up at a decent price, at this rate she is going to end up just wearing two pairs of socks!!
The warm apple wedges sound lush :p I am so glad that you are gaining confidence in cooking and enjoying it so much. I love to cook and bake :mrgreen:
I am glad you caught your bird - naughty girl!

Emera - sorry that you are feeling blue, but glad that Roh is making you smile.
Boo for the expressing, when I was expressing for Joni it could be so stressful trying to get enough sometimes.
I hope you enjoy snuggling on the sofa with the chocs :hugs:

Maybebaby - glad that you got a BFN and hope that it stays that way for you.
Yay for the anklet arriving. I really hope it helps him a little bit, I will be interested to hear how he sleeps tonight.

Modo - did you make it to the playground today? If so how did Bobby like it? I took Joni to the swings the other day and she had a great time.
I too have given up on the sippy cup for milk feeds for now but I still offer water in the cup at lunch and dinner time. Joni is like Bobby, she will take little sips from it but is nowhere near to being able to take a feed from it. I mentioned this to my HV and she said at this stage they just want you to have introduced a beaker for water/juice at mealtimes for them to get used to.
:lol: at the dog chunking up :haha:
Joni will sleep in her buggy or carseat but only for 30mins. For her to have a proper nap she needs to be in her cot. I keep waiting for Joni to drop her morning nap but she will still quite happily have an hour and a half in the morning and the same again after lunch!

H&F - How are you feeling today, any better?
I have meal planned for the next 3 days, I can't comprehend planning as far ahead as you - I am far too disorganised :dohh:
Enjoy the massage :thumbup:
Wow for Amy's standing :thumbup: I think the creche is a really lovely idea.

Muddles - It sounds like you baby group is a definate possibility :thumbup:

:hi: Janny Wanny. I hope you are well and Jared is getting on ok.

Amy - thanks for the hat compliments :mrgreen: we do love hats in our house :lol:
How fab that Gabriel did much better with the bottles on day 2 :happydance:
Poosticks indeed :sad1:

Right, got to be quick as am on the netbook in bed and hubby has now come to bed and wants to go to sleep as he's working tomorrow.

We have been experimenting with a few new recipes this week. I made a cheesy lentil loaf which both Joni and I love. I also did the cauliflower, courgette and chickpea curry which was also very tasty. Joni has become less and less interested in taking food from a spoon over the last week and only really wants to eat food from her tray. She has really nailed her pincer grip in the last couple of weeks which is what I think has prompted the preference for feeding herself. She looked so grown up with all her bite sized food on her tray this evening feeding herself :cloud9:

This week I am planning to make some homemade hummus/houmous, falafel and cheese straws.

I really better go, wishing you all peaceful nights. I was on the futon with Joni again last night, I expect I will be there again shortly! :hugs:
frufru - yey for joni's pincer grip :thumbup: I so want to come to your house for dinner :) I love watching Alex feed himself, its fascinating :) hope you get some sleep x

sarah - will do, i definately wouldnt feel so bad moving somewhere where I had a friend close (ish) by!

Alex is awake, better go x
FruFru naughty chickens in our house are called Mother Cluckers :haha: Not sure how much longer we'll get away with that one now little ears are listening mind you :rofl:

I think the pre-walkers in Clarks start at a size 3, Oliver is a 3G which made Steve laugh :dohh:

I might have to have a go at the cheesy lentil loaf . . . .was it easy to make?
sarah - i tried a size 3 shoe on owen in mothercare and i couldnt get it on as his feet are so fat :haha: we dont have clarks here. theres a place that do hush puppies but the woman there said they wont measure him til he's been walking unaided for 3 weeks!

amy - fingers crossed kerry gets a new job soon!

emera - remember that just coz you cant express doesnt mean you have no milk. my hv said that babies are far more effective at getting milk out than a pump. good luck ttc! when are you testing?

frufru - owen did a stretch that was over an hour :happydance: maybe the anklet :shrug: it's quite tight on him though as he's so podgy and it leaves a bit of a mark. do you think that's ok? doesnt seem to bother him though!

i feel really crappy still and full of cold. i'm pissed off that danny has not let me lie in one morning yet even though i mentioned it to him about a month ago and he said he would :nope:
just a quick one will reply properly later, maybe my friend couldn't fit her anklet on his ankle so he wears it on his wrist??

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