Maybe, thats no fun! Hope you feel back to normal for tomorrow
Amy - That meal sounds terrible, i hate getting crappy food, especially if its a special occassion. Ah well, i doubt their reputation will survive long if that happens often. Well done to Holly!
Sarah - Hope the coffee helped today!
Well, i had my scan... everything is fine, baby is healthy and normal etc. and....has no boy bits!!!

The sonographer was REALLY cagey, and would only say that she couldn't see any boy bits, so provisionally we are having a girl!

At least i have a few more scans booked, so i can get them to double check

She was a right pain though and kept going into the most awkward positions, i was there for 2.5 hours, and was actually in the scan for a total of 1.5 hours, in 2 seperate bits. My gods i thought my bladder would rupture!!!

Here is a picture