I'm going to try to catch up!
emera - I'm so pleased you're getting extra help at work

awww i'm so jealous you get to chat to Roh on the phone! Alex says hello into the phone but if he hears anyone talk on the phone he hates it and pushes it away. I loved your videos of Roh at the park

I hope Roh is ok
maybe - do you have time to breathe? shesh thats hard work

I cant believe danny did that
Mork -

you must be so pissed about your icandy

I have to leave Alex for work and it kills me but I have only left him once other than work and that was to go to a friends for pizza and I was home by 11. I think your feelings are 100% normal
H&F - thats fantastic that your dad is doing great

hope you are enjoying married life!
modo - I'm a bit late but just wanted to say

ditto what the other girls said, you are a fantastic mum. I've "parented" all my children differently when it comes to sleep. I did CC with Emily, Holly was a breeze and would just go to sleep in her cot and Alex will only feed or be cuddled to sleep which I will have to address sooner or later. There is no right or wrong, you just have to do what works for you and I think you've done great with Bobby
sarah -

Alex says hello but it sounds like Hiya

and he says biya instead of bye
LC - how are you feeling?
Well Alex has had tonsillitus and its been hell. He didnt sleep for 3 nights

He would only doze lightly on me but I had to sit him up. Today has been the first day he hasnt had a fever. He's barely eaten for days, just drinks water and bf. I've got it too now, I feel like death. My throat feels like it has little knives in it

I havent had any time off work, I feel so guilty about calling in sick. I'm meant to go in tomorrow though. I've had a rubbish shift pattern, I've only had 2 days off out of 9 and they are 13 hour shifts. Thats why I havent been on. I posted my resignation letter today though

I'm hoping to start my new job in mid November so I've said I'll finish the first week in Nov to have a week or two off. I do actually really enjoy my job, especially days like yesterday when I sent three babies home. Their parents are so grateful and these are babies that were born at about 31 weeks and were new when I was new.