Amy - That sounds so cute, Alex just sighing and lying on the floor!

Roh does the lying face down on the floor too, sometimes accompanied with tantruming, but often just in a sort of silent protest fashion, always makes me giggle, especially if we are out.
LC - Doubt i'd cope without a sofa! But i must admit, bed is my favourite spot these days too
Sarah - Its been really cold here too, although it was sunny, and so in the sun it was quite nice! 6.5 hours delay on a 45 minute flight is dreadful!

Glad your folks made it home eventually!
Well, been really busy today! Not sure doing what but i haven't really stopped! Alot of just running about after Roh, and my FIL was here too, so OH and he were doing stuff alongside what i was doing, it seemed to get quite logistically difficult! Went through Roh's toys and took out all the ones he's getting a bit old for, and doesn't play with anymore, got out a few that i packed away when we got them as i think they are more suitable now. Rearranged the living room a bit too

Also got a load of newspaper and towels etc ready for tomorrow as we'll do some fingerpainting. I'm looking after my friend's little girl, so i want to do an activity with them before my mum arrives to keep them occupied! Mum is coming for the night tomorrow, which should be nice, although we are kinda stuck in the house as OH ordered himself a new computer today, which comes tomorrow

Don't think he thought throught what he was doing forcing me to stay in all day with my mum 2 toddlers and a dog

Hopefully it arrives early
Posting really late tonight as... i've actually been out, to the actual pub!!!

It was a friend's birthday, and happened to be on a night OH was home, so yay, got to go along. Its nice to get out sometimes, i probably should do it a few more times before i'm back to the breastfeeding again and can't do it. I even had a half of Guinness, i didn't feel guilty, its full of goodness, right?
Right, i also just remembered i'm actually wearing actual make up too, better go take it off before i wreck my pillowcase!