Maybe that is so sad and makes me so nervous about another baby!! Gosh, I'm speechless, it's dreadful.
Sarah, have you tried arnica on your lip, we've not had that yet, but lots of near misses.
Amy - well done hun for still having a good weekend, it must have been tough, you are a fab mummy.
Emera - that is so cute of Roh with the baby, Will has absolutely no idea. He'll either kiss my tummy of whack it. He mostly likes to poke my belly button and laugh his head off!
Modo - we have the same problem with our dog, especailly after dippy FIL showed him how to chase the dog with his toy pushchair. Not his finest moment. Are you feeling much movement? My placenta is at the front this time and so I'm not feeling anywhere near as much.
Hi Mork, I'm fine thanks xx
We had an ok weekend. Me and gthe OH are not quite on form at the moment, not really sure why, think it's just one of those dips, I think I'm the skivvy that does everything and he thinks I nag......which I probably do but only because I think after 20 months he should know more.
My friend went into labour last night, induced and so was in hospital alone all night. At 10pm I was texting to keep her company and DH took objection, so I went in the spare room. Was so nice to have updates through the night, I felt really privileged. Especailly my last text from her this morning, her waters had gone and the contractions were coming hard and fast so I think the next one I'll get will be an announcement. I'm so excited!!! Her DH couldn't text as he was getting some rest with their LO. Think I'm being selfish and shouldn't have bothered?
So me and Will are off to buy something cute for them - yippeeeee (even though I have no money - again............)
Will is back on track although his back teeth are bothering him on and off and we've all had colds but that's just the time of year I guess xxxx