Hello everyone sorry I have been missing for a little while again. I have been feeling so rough all day every day for almost 7 weeks now and soon as Oliver is in bed I just want to sleep! I know it's a good sign to feel so sick just finding it a bit tough to do anything at all at the moment. We had our scan yesterday and the baby was bouncing up and down throughout the whole thing, which was really funny to watch. The lady doing the scan had trouble getting her measurements as the baby was bouncing so much. They have put me 5 days ahead of what I thought but I wasn't very sure of my dates. Did I tell you all that I guessed my SIL is pregnant? It turns out she is due around 2 weeks after us. How exciting.
Bearing in mind what certain people were like last time when my due date got close we are going to tell everyone that I'm due 10th August (and not the 5th like the scan said).
Also we have decided that we are going to be much tougher with visitors like my mum and my H's Nan who came many times in the early days and stayed for HOURS (and also expected us to make drinks and food. My Mum also put the present down that she had bought and said 'oh there's a present over there if you can be bothered to get up' yes ok I will just jump up and run over there as it's so easy to move around with a second degree tear and a tonne of stitches
that we will visit them instead then we can leave when it's all a bit much!
Also decided that the day I get out of hospital that we are having no visitors (again this applies to my Mum who must have got in her car soon as she heard we were home-a mere 7 hours after i gave birth having had virtually no sleep the night before
and this was after a number of phone calls and texts before I was even released from hospital). This is so that OLiver gets time alone with his new brother or sister to bond before visitors are there taking over meaning he wont get a look in.
Sorry I am a bit annoyed with my mum as I was away from Thursday to Sunday with Oliver and she texted me more than my H did! She wanted to know what my plans were each day and all about Oliver and when I was intentionally vague and didn't say much about Oliver she thought there must be something wrong with me. She is away now and bearing in mind I was away Thurs-Sun (so Mon a.m was spent unpacking case, doing washing and the food shop and then we had lunch and spent afternoon with friends and Tues a.m H had a doctors app so had the car and Tues afternoon I was having my scan and bloods done) she sent me a text yesterday asking if I had remembered to post the parcel (something she sold on Ebay) and when I said I hadn't had time yet and that I'd go today after toddler group she replied saying ok but don't forget as it should have beeen posted on Monday!!!!!! She lives 1 junction up the motorway from here (so around 10 miles drive). Anyway rant over and breathe. Sorry ladies.
Modo hope Bobby is ok today after his MMR. Glad the magic Calpol helped. Hope the nursery settling in session helped.
Emera that sounds lovely. I have heard they offer the home away from home at my local hospital now too with the birthing pool in the room too.
Sarah at Oliver shaking his head and closing the door.
I will need to read through lots of pages and catch up with what you have all been up to. Hope you are all well.