Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Hi ladies... I took Dillon back to the pedi today. He is 6 days old now, his weight is back up to 7lbs 2 oz... only needs to gain 4 oz more to get back to birth weight, and has 8 days to do it, so thats lookin good!

However, his jaundice number is a little higher still! It was 14 on saturday, now its 15, which is still low since he is 2 days older now, but its bugging me that it won't go down!! Doc said something about an immature liver... but not to worry unless he stops eating, peeing, or pooing.
Just thought I'd have a nose at your thread Logansmama - fab idea btw! :) I probably wont be here for 5 weeks knowing my luck! Glad to hear you are all doing well. xxxx
Harry good and eating well but no poop since yesterday afternoon,hoping this not a bad thing as he is slightly jaundiced! is feeding 3 oz's every 3 hours so pleased with that,good baby hardley cries,yet!

Hope all are well is lovely and sunny here
Hey everyone, Im an april mum..just. Was nearly a march mummy. Elizabeth was born on 1st April.
She will be four weeks on Thursday, cant beleive how quickly the time has flown, it certainly didnt go this fast when I was pregnant. I am mix feeding due to some deficiencies, but am struggling to keep up with the gannet. lol
She is having 5 ozs every 21/2-4 hours but sleeps though 6 hours at night so wonder if she is regulating herself and feeding up during the day. Worried she will be putting on to much weight as she never lsot any at birth and had put on nearly a pound in the first ten days, will go and get her weighed this week but am worried about being told im over feeding her as was always told this with ds and he was a chubby baby but is a fully proportioned six year old now so didnt do him any harm.
Right thats all my thoughts of the last ten minutes spewed out, hope you can make sense of them lol
Hi Mamas!

Good to hear we are all doing well (mostly apart from the tears i think!) and all our babes are too :)

Rohan is back at his birth weight! :) I'm really pleased :happydance:
Saying that, he has spent most of today screaming at me if i take him off the breast, think he must be planning a growth spurt :shrug: Not that i mind, but i am having to dash round and do everything in the 10-15 minutes i have before he starts shouting at me for another feed... Really hope all the screaming will tire him out for tonight! Some sleep would be lovely :sleep:

OH had his first day back at work today, and it didn't sound like it was going very well when he called at lunchtime, hopefully he won't be too grumpy tonight :wacko:

:hugs: to all of you!
Hi ladies... We are doing well. I actually got my house all cleaned, floors mopped, cleaned my patio, did my laundry, even took a shower! Then I decided to leave baby home with dad for an hour and run up to my work for a quick meeting. I'm not supposed to even be driving yet, but my work is only 2 miles away... and I felt up to it...

I am a teacher and they moved a LOT of people around for next year (I'm one of them - moving from 2nd grade to Kindergarten)... so I really wanted to see who was on my new team.

Everyone was surprised to see me! LOL. It was good to get out of the house for a few minutes... but now I know why they say we need to still take it easy! I was exhausted when I got home... took a nap, now I feel better.

I gotta say - this baby is an angel. He really is. Something's gotta give soon. I can't be this lucky! LOL!
Those of you who have had your baby... how long post partum did your red bleeding last before it turned pink? I'm 15 days post partum and still bleeding pretty heavy bright red blood with clots. Everything I read says it should be pink by now??
We are on day 6 now, and things still going really well! Sleeping 4 hours solid at night so only get up once!
Taking her to get registered today! Make her all official!
Hubbie popped out this morning and said we will bath her when i get back, but i thought i would give it a go by myself!!

When he got back he was so amazed that i had managed to do it all by myself! And i was proud too!

She really loves her bath time, so thats good as i was worried about lots of screaming!!
MiniKat - Did her cord come off already? I was told not to bathe baby till the cord falls off. His just did yesterday... gonna give him a bath tomorrow... so far I have just been wiping him down with little sponge baths....

WhosthatGirl - I think everyone is different. 2 weeks is not too long really. I know you could still be bleeding at 6 weeks. I am 1 week pp, and still bleeding, although its VERY VERY light - most of the time - every once in a while I get a bit of red or clots too. I don't think you need to worry!

Hows the weight loss coming ladies? I love stepping on the scale each day and watching the weight come off! I gained so much with this baby! I started at 132 and was 180 when I gave birth! I think I have lost 25 so far... 25 to go. COurse - the last 20 will probably take the longest! I can't wait to get back into my regular clothes! And I can't wait for my 6 weeks to go by so I can start exercising a little too! I would like to get back down to 120 if possible. I was 10+ lbs over weight when I started... so I have a ways to go.... but its so much nicer watching the scale move DOWN than up!!
No idea how the weight loss is going lol, know I had put on roughly 2-3st but have yet to step onto a set of scales, though I may be brave later and hook the wii and the wii fit up later and have a look see at the damage, though I am quite proud of the fact I am back wearing my pre-preggers trousers, even if they are a tad tight around the waist
I need to lose at least another 10 lbs before I have a prayer of getting my old pants over my big ass. Can't wait!
harry weighed today and gained 4.5 oz's since sat so not too bad,belly button bit inflamed so will work on that

He is so good! work sent bouquet of flowers was so over whelmed was so nice

best dash as lots to do

3 kids I must be mad lol
I'm quite lucky that the trousers are quite stretchy around the leg (cords) otherwise I doubt I would have a hope either, cant find my jeans so cant prove that theory...not that they were ever skinny legs....even though I am a UK size 12 ish I have what is fondly known in this house as rugby player thighs :haha::haha:
Kittenkat - Ooof, in your old trousers, I'm so jealous! My tummy is nearly flat again, but as i gained near to 4 stones over my pregnancy I've no chance of fitting into my old size 14 jeans, as i'm still a size 18. :cry:

Happily i lost 2 stones straight off, and i've lost another 1/2 a stone from when i got home to today, so its going well. Still in maternity jeans, but hey, who the hell is going to know? :haha:

Went and bought some really nice nursing tops today as a bit of a cheer me up treat, went to Bath for the day, it was lovely, Mum bought me lunch, and i got the nice clothes, i feel better about myself. :happydance:

Best thing was that Rohan was as good as gold and just stared about peacefully at everything. He only wanted feeding in the cafe and in the mum and baby shop, perfect really, as both had a special feeding area with cushions and such like :) What a little star! :cloud9:

Whosthatgirl - As for bleeding, i'm on day 17, and its bright red some days, and pinky on others, still getting clots. My MW is very happy with that and says its about right.

Bexxie - really glad Harry is doing well with his weight gain! :)

Logansmama - wow you are brave going into work, but good on you if you felt up to it. I'm making sure i take at least a 2 mile walk each day (i used to walk more than that, so i'm taking it very easy) I'm determined to get back in shape asap!!

:hugs::hugs::hugs: to all :)
Emera - I don;t think I lost ANY weight straight off... I was soooo bloated from all the IVs!

Good for you getting some nursing tops. I want some! Was gonna order some online, but really want to try them on. They are expensive though... AND I haven't brought baby "out" yet. Trying to hold off bringing him anywhere for a few more days at least. I'm really starting to get stir crazy though! Dying to go shopping. I have a ton of things I want to pick up for baby... plus some errands I need to run ASAP! Nothing that can't wait - but stuff I'd like to be done with.

I have a check up with my OB tomorrow. Might stop at the store for a bit right after. Baby will be with me, but I'll just keep him tucked in his stroller and covered up! I don;t want anyone touching him yet!
Not quite sure how I am managing to fit in them lol, but then again tummy does sit nicely above the waist on the heheh so got a bit of a muffin topped mummy tummy going on, but have to wear them as my maternity ones no longer stay up. Poor things got a little over stretched in the belly band area so no support from that area, and those are the only other trousers I have that would have a chance of fitting me, did find a pair of jeans in my draw and thought YAY but then looked at the size....they are an old old pair of size 10's that I had before having eldest daughter so doubt I have a hope in hell of getting them past my knees :haha:.

Going to bite the bullet later if I can find my wii fit disc and do an official weigh in, do expect to have lost a fair bit due to loss of fluid, and of course all of Rosa's weight....though my OH does tease me that I will have only lost 4lb...but then again that sort of thing is a running joke between us stemming from first daughter and the week being at 3 cm dilated while in latent labour with her.

In other news......Got first HV visit later and need to sweep through downstairs, but Rosa has decided sleep is for the weak and would just love to cuddle mummy so she cant sort stuff out :dohh:
Well finally got around to sorting the wii out and did a weigh in *drum roll*

11st 2lb


Now if I carry on with the "diet" I seem to be on......Rosa hates me being to be able to eat a hot dinner in the evenings, and then the running around after the moo-bag that is my toddler
I am avoiding the scales!! Have no idea how much i put on and so dont know if i have lost! all i know is my jeans dont fit so im living in trackie bottoms at home and leggins when i go out! did buy my self some new tops the other day and they were pre preganacy size!

logans mum- re bathing, they showed us how to bath her at the hospital, and didnt say anything about waiting for her cord to come off, so we have just continued! her cord looks like it will come off today tho!

She slept for 6 hours last night! Wow!! 12am till 6 am! I was so tired and i think she knew it, either that or we just slept through her crying!!

sleeping lots today so giving us the chance to do some house work, ready for great grans visit at the weekend!!
glad to see your all doing well!

had my pre-op today and been told i should have Harrison by 10am tomorrow morning! i can officially join you all then!
Good Luck Jolou!

Dead excited after my MW appointment today, we are now officially signed off to the health visitor :) On monday, Rohan was weighing 5lb 11oz, which was his birth weight, and today he weighed in at 6lb 1oz !!!! :happydance: so he's put on a huge 6oz in 4 days!! I thought he was feeling a bit heavier :shrug: Brilliant news :)

Also i managed to snug into a pair of size 16 jeans i had from a few years ago when i was a bit bigger than my pre-preg size 14, they are rather tight, but what the hell, hurrah! :happydance:

I'm determined to stick to my walking, and i figure pushing the buggy up hills is good excercise. As a result Roh and I went for a good stroll in the pouring rain today, sort of fun to get out the raincover for the buggy, Roh seemed to like it alot though and stayed awake looking at the raindrops for the whole walk :) Slightly spoiled the excercise benefit by celebrating his weight gain and my weight loss with a milkshake and a slie of pecan pie :dohh: ah well, got to have some treats :haha:

MiniKat - 6 hours sleep! omg i'm sooo jealous!:winkwink:

:hugs::hugs::hugs: to you all :)

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