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Morning ladies how are we all today? welcome Airley, glad to have you here hun,x

just thought i'd drop by and say hi and let you all know the news from Hedge Towers, my temp plummeted this morning, right below the coverline, i'm cramping badly and boobies are horrendously sore (feel free to look at chart and give me opinions) so looks like an even shorter cycle this month so the vitamin b6 hasn't worked at lengthening my LP so that confirms it, my body is buggered, hospital won't do anymore for me now and my levels of 21day tests last cycle were a stunning 1.4. so officially from the hospital there is no chance for me without IVF or ICSI and i can't afford either and won't get it on NHS as i had LM.
As for Em looking like i will have to take her back in as she is in alot of pain but has lost feeling from her little toe upward to her ankle so looks like another Op is on the cards, so i am going to go find myself a nice short rope and hang out!! LMAO!!
hope you are all well and taking care of yourselves, has anyone had any snow this morning? it keeps stopping and starting here, wish it would make its mind up, kids are in school though today so that is good news for me lol, bad for them as they have exams,xx
hmmm seems i have this thread all to myself lol,
morning ladies how are we all today,
the news from Hedge Towers today, someone broke in my house last night and smacked me round the head while i was sleeping, at least thats how i feel lol, for some unknown reason i was awake every hour and it has driven me nuts, i am soooooooo tired this morning and my head is terrible, temp went back up this morning, but i am cramping rather badly so just waiting for the witch to arrive which is inevitable at some point.
the wind here is unbelievable!! gale force and blowing everything everywhere, supposed to be getting snow through today and tonight and as predicted the wind means blizzards!!
Em had a bad fall last night in the bathroom, she fell backwards and banged herself up pretty good on the bath and sink, so now she is terrified of walking with her crutches again, her meds make her dizzy and she was literally just getting off the loo and coming to the door and she lost her footing, so at the moment she is laid up in bed again, i am waiting for the doctor at the hospital to ring me back but they reckon she will have to go back in as she has no sensation in her foot and has pain running up the back of her leg, i'm hoping its just the way the plaster is on her leg that may need to be redone but we shall have to see, fookin doctors take their time getting back though so if i haven't heard anything in the next couple of hours i am just going to put her in the car and go to A+E,
hmmm seems i have this thread all to myself lol,
morning ladies how are we all today,
the news from Hedge Towers today, someone broke in my house last night and smacked me round the head while i was sleeping, at least thats how i feel lol, for some unknown reason i was awake every hour and it has driven me nuts, i am soooooooo tired this morning and my head is terrible, temp went back up this morning, but i am cramping rather badly so just waiting for the witch to arrive which is inevitable at some point.
the wind here is unbelievable!! gale force and blowing everything everywhere, supposed to be getting snow through today and tonight and as predicted the wind means blizzards!!
Em had a bad fall last night in the bathroom, she fell backwards and banged herself up pretty good on the bath and sink, so now she is terrified of walking with her crutches again, her meds make her dizzy and she was literally just getting off the loo and coming to the door and she lost her footing, so at the moment she is laid up in bed again, i am waiting for the doctor at the hospital to ring me back but they reckon she will have to go back in as she has no sensation in her foot and has pain running up the back of her leg, i'm hoping its just the way the plaster is on her leg that may need to be redone but we shall have to see, fookin doctors take their time getting back though so if i haven't heard anything in the next couple of hours i am just going to put her in the car and go to A+E,

good morning hun, I'm sorry hun that your feeling so bad hun I'm praying that you get to feeling better soon ....sending you lots of hugs your way:hugs: oh no hun I hate that Em has fallen I hope and pray that she is ok ...please keep us posted on her...sorry this is going to be so short I'm running so behind this morning I will post on my lunch break today...thats good sam that your temp went back up and you know that if you did catch the egg you can feel just like your going to start your period...gosh my heart breaks for Em I know that she is feeling so much pain ....hope it goes away soon hun...I will post later ya...:hugs:
Mornin ladies...
Thank you for welcoming me here...I really appreciate it! I work full time and so far this week, its been very hectic here. Sometimes, its very slow and Im so bored with my work, I sneak to BNB and stay on way longer than I should :haha: If the fellas in the computer dept find me here, they will likely block it!

I just wanted to stop in really quick and see how ya'll are doing. HW Im awfully sorry Em is in such pain! I hope the Dr's get to helpin her really soon!
Our weather is fairly crappy here today snow in the forecast that I know of tho.

Frogger3240 what part of NC are you in? I live in Swannanoa, which is about 15 min outside of Asheville. Its between Asheville and Hickory basically. Ive been in and around Asheville my whole life. Never even really thought of living anywhere else...

Well, I gotta get to work, but I hope you guys are having a good day! Ive still got to make a point to go back and read more about each of you! Im sending big hugs to my new pals!!! :hugs:
Hello Ladies! Sorry it has been awhile since I came on. I hope you are doing good!

what state do you live in: Texas
what do you do for a living: I went to school and have a degree as a certified medical assistant but right now, I work nights at TJMaxx in jewelry. I am working around my husband and daughter's scehdule because my 3 yr old is still at home. I don't want her in daycare.
hmmm seems i have this thread all to myself lol,
morning ladies how are we all today,
the news from Hedge Towers today, someone broke in my house last night and smacked me round the head while i was sleeping, at least thats how i feel lol, for some unknown reason i was awake every hour and it has driven me nuts, i am soooooooo tired this morning and my head is terrible, temp went back up this morning, but i am cramping rather badly so just waiting for the witch to arrive which is inevitable at some point.
the wind here is unbelievable!! gale force and blowing everything everywhere, supposed to be getting snow through today and tonight and as predicted the wind means blizzards!!
Em had a bad fall last night in the bathroom, she fell backwards and banged herself up pretty good on the bath and sink, so now she is terrified of walking with her crutches again, her meds make her dizzy and she was literally just getting off the loo and coming to the door and she lost her footing, so at the moment she is laid up in bed again, i am waiting for the doctor at the hospital to ring me back but they reckon she will have to go back in as she has no sensation in her foot and has pain running up the back of her leg, i'm hoping its just the way the plaster is on her leg that may need to be redone but we shall have to see, fookin doctors take their time getting back though so if i haven't heard anything in the next couple of hours i am just going to put her in the car and go to A+E,

good morning hun, I'm sorry hun that your feeling so bad hun I'm praying that you get to feeling better soon ....sending you lots of hugs your way:hugs: oh no hun I hate that Em has fallen I hope and pray that she is ok ...please keep us posted on her...sorry this is going to be so short I'm running so behind this morning I will post on my lunch break today...thats good sam that your temp went back up and you know that if you did catch the egg you can feel just like your going to start your period...gosh my heart breaks for Em I know that she is feeling so much pain ....hope it goes away soon hun...I will post later ya...:hugs:

From Valencia, I am sorry to hear that you are going through a tough time as well as Em. To bad that we are not able to reach out and give you the hugs you need but know that we are here for you. Luv ya
Ok, can you please help me. I have looked and looked but I cannot find out how to upload pictures. I maybe a ditz but I cannot find one option.
When you click on Post Reply, scroll down below the buttons that say "Submit Reply" or "Preview Post" You will see the button that says "Manage Attachments" Click on that button and you can upload pics from your computer or even a url location using it.

Hope that helps!!!
Hi Ladies, how are you all doing?...well I'm finally home from work and started supper and now just waiting for the food to be finished and then we will eat but while thats cooking I'm on here with you all....Ladies I'm so glad that you all are here with me it just makes the day alot better...

Sam hun how are you doing? is Em?....sam please don't listen to those doctors I think that if you have progesterone cream you will be fine hun it raises your progesterone level to support a sticky bean...

suni hun how are you doing?...hope you have been doing great is your week going so far?

Airley hun how are you doing?....hope your also having a great afternoon...I'm close to Hickory about 20 minutes from there so your not far from me at what have you been doing today besides working?..

well ladies so what did you all cook for supper tonight?...I'm making well its in a pain all together it has a layer of rice on the bottom and then shredded chicken with some mexican spice and then some tomatoes and green peppers and then I have mozzarella cheese and regular shredded cheese and its now in the oven baking...and its going to be soooo yummy!!!!! so come on and share with us we all would love to hear....

Hope you all have a wonderful and blessed night.....sending you all lots of babydust and hugs your way...:dust::hugs:
hello all, just realised none of you know Em been back to theatre tonight
just got back from the hospital and i am wiped out, cup of tea then bed as i have to be back there in the morning when Em comes round, when they took her plaster off they found a huge cyst on the back of her ankle full of nasty stuff so she has had it drained and they have given her some antibiotics when she was in theatre, also she has some nerve damage and don't think she will ever get the feeling back in her toes due to the fact they set her foot wrong!!! Damn hospital!! (same one that fucked up with my PG with LM and resulted in her death) leg, foot and ankle now been redone and reset and she is drugged up to the eyeballs again poor girl, so no point in me staying there as she won't come round till the morning, leg and foot is huge with all the swelling after rebreaking it and draining the nasty stuff out, fluffin joke that hospital, i have many a colourful word to say about them believe me!!
today for me is cd 24 and 8 dpo, boobs in agony feeling crampy and thats about it for me, see what the temp does in the morning but i am expecting Her Royal Bitch in the next few hours!!
hope you are all ok,xxx
hello all, just realised none of you know Em been back to theatre tonight
just got back from the hospital and i am wiped out, cup of tea then bed as i have to be back there in the morning when Em comes round, when they took her plaster off they found a huge cyst on the back of her ankle full of nasty stuff so she has had it drained and they have given her some antibiotics when she was in theatre, also she has some nerve damage and don't think she will ever get the feeling back in her toes due to the fact they set her foot wrong!!! Damn hospital!! (same one that fucked up with my PG with LM and resulted in her death) leg, foot and ankle now been redone and reset and she is drugged up to the eyeballs again poor girl, so no point in me staying there as she won't come round till the morning, leg and foot is huge with all the swelling after rebreaking it and draining the nasty stuff out, fluffin joke that hospital, i have many a colourful word to say about them believe me!!
today for me is cd 24 and 8 dpo, boobs in agony feeling crampy and thats about it for me, see what the temp does in the morning but i am expecting Her Royal Bitch in the next few hours!!
hope you are all ok,xxx

sam hun I can't believe what all Em is going through she is in my thoughts and prayers...this really breaks my heart that she is having to go through this I wish i could take it all away for her...gosh that is soooo bad that they have to re-break her foot and ankle that hospital seems to not know what the heck they are doing sam with what they have taken away from you and your family with LM its just really sad that they call themselves a hospital to help people when infact they are hurting people...just know that I'm praying for Em hun sending her lots of hugs her way:hugs: please keep us posted on her....sam with your cycle hun you never know hun you could have caught that egg because the way your temp is doing and also you can feel like your getting ready to start your period when your pregnant also...and remember eggs do live a while and you may just may have caught it...sending you lots of babydust your way ya..:dust:
well ladies I hope you all have a wonderful day today I'm getting ready to head to work now I will try and check in on my lunch break today if not then I will be here when I get home from work this afternoon...Hope you all have a wonderful and blessed day today....:flower:
Hello! How are yall doing? Yes I did put yall because I am allowed. Live in Texas, Remember? LOL My week is going well but it is hard to talk to all of you when I have to work nights. That Mexican dinner sounds wonderful. I am off tonight so I have decided to buy groceries to make homemade pizzas. My teenagers love to decorate their own pizzas and they have loads of fun.
Sam, this maybe a silly question, but do you have more than 1 hospital around where you live. I had a terrible experience with one of our hospitals and thank goodness, we have another one in 1 mile of each other so I will never have to visit the other one.
If my daughter was treated the way Em was, I would definately sue that hospital. Makes me angry that there could me permanent damage because of there negligence.
As you can tell, I am just a little perturbed at hospital's attention to their patients. To many bad experiences. Enough of fuming!!
Bama4, thank you for sending me the info I requested. I will give it a try.
My feeling for today. TTW, TTC
1/11/10-4days past OV-didn't feel anything
1/12/10-5days POV-felt a pinching tugging feelings at 12:00am then at 5:00pm to 10:00-bad cramping as in period
1/13/10-don't feel anything now. Witch is supposed to arrive on 1/17 and usually feel PMS symtoms 7 days before. Nothing. Breast don't even hurt. Getting very anxious. Stupid me, I couldn't wait to take pregnancy test and of course it was negative. I do like to take the test early though because I assume if it was ectopic, than it would have already buried in the wrong spot and HCG would already be in my system but since I don't see it, I am assuming that either I am not preggers or if I am, then it made it to home. This is agonizing to wait. It is killing me. Even my hubby is bugging me.
Well, ladies, I need to go and get ready for food shopping. Really like to be in my warm bed right now but since I have a big family, food never remains in my house. I hope you have a wonderful day. Hugs to yall.
Still can't figure out how to put it on profile. Don't see an option for it.
Hello ladies!
Valencia, I love the new Avatar Pic! I sent you a message on your profile page to tell you how to add a profile pic too! The instructions i gave you yesterday were for anytime you want to include a photo in one of your posts, for example a test piccie you may want to share in the future! :thumbup:

HW - WOW I cant believe how inept the hospital sounds! Im awfully sorry you are having to deal with such crap and I really hope that Em is feeling better and outta there really soon! I agree that if there is ANY other health care option, another hospital, SOMEWHERE else to go, you should get there asap and let them take a look at Em too! Obviously this hospital is a joke and has given you nothing but heartache! Hang in there, I really hope things begin to look up for you soon!

Frogger3240, I can NOT believe how close we are to one another! Thats crazy! Most everyone Ive befriended on BNB are all in the UK...During the week, I work full time - pretty much 8 to 5 Monday thru Friday. My kids all play basketball or soccer depending on the time of year. Right now Hannah is playing for her middle school team and Luke is on a youth league team (basketball) Zach just finished a season of Indoor soccer and Jake is not playing anything right now. Needless to say, when Im not working, Im driving all over the place picking up and dropping off kiddos - watching ballgames and then to the house for dinner, homework, showers, laundry etc etc...Its a constant schedule and I have to write it all down to remember where Im supposed to be all the time! haha!:haha:

Well, Im 10DPO today...temp went back up from yesterdays little dip so thats good I guess. This is my first cycle after the early MC last month. Im hopeful and also a little nervous. NOT going to test early. Just gonna wait and see if AF shows up and also watch what the temps do.

Hope everyone is having a good day!!!
Thank you Mama4 for taking the time! I really appreciate it. Dude, you are a busy girl. While your kiddos are in sports, mine is in music. The oldest and youngest, yes my 3 yr old loves to play the piano. ALyssa (16) is the piano player and now my Valenina (3) is following in her footsteps. She has a little musical and will put up music with the musical on the piano and match the tunes while singing to match the piano. Amazing!! Sara (13) about to turn (14) in 2 weeks is our violinist which she is 1st chair. Constantly going to performances.
Yes, I have very busy schedule also. Working at night, enforcing to my teenagers and Husband that if they want me to work, I better come home to a decent looking house. Yes, mornings/afternoons cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping constantly. I will buy something and it is gone in two days. I bought a whole gallon of milk and it was gone the very next day!
I hate a dirty house and when they notice that I am beginning to get cranky because of it, they don't say a word. LOL Have to go now to unload all the groceries, talk with you later.
hi girls hope you are all well and ok, Em is home now and is safely tucked up in bed where she belongs, had to have an absolutely huge cast put on her leg because of all the swelling but hoping that will come down in time, she still can't feel her foot but they don't know why that is and to be honest don't care as they are not even going to look into why and the pain she is having shooting up the back of her leg is not an issue either as they haven't got time to look into it now so come back next week???WTF??

something very strange happened at the hospital today, when i lost my boy in Aug 2008 and had the ectopic the doctor who was taking care of me (we will call him fred) was working underneath the doctor who didnt do her job, who we shall call muppet (thats being polite). so anyway he lost his job a few months before i lost LM and it was to do with something that happened with him and his boss Muppet so anyway i saw him today and he said hi and that he had now got his job back at the hospital and is working there full time, so i said thats great and he then said the usual how are you and put his hand on my arm and said he had heard about LM and he was sorry, so i said yes and started to tell him what she died from and he then says this
"yes i know it was awful, i was the one who did the internal investigation into her death and the inernal audit and i also used her as my case study to pass my exams to become qualified" well i said "sorry? can you repeat that" and again he told me what he had just said, so then he must have realised i was standing there with my mouth open and was shocked as he suddenly made his apologies and ran off, and when i say ran i mean ran. see the thing is there was NEVER as far as i am aware as LM's mummy an internal investigation and NEVER an internal audit, i still have my letter of complaint here as i have held off putting it in to launch the investigation and the hospital are NOT aware i am going to take this action, not did i EVER give my permission for LM to be used in a case study, so this means that after we left her in the mortuary someone then came and messed about with her and took pictures of her, now at the time i went nuts as her skin above her lip had been damaged and split AFTER we left her there and when i asked about this they said they didn't know how it had happened, also all her scan pictures, notes and her records vanished and i was told by the hospital that there was NO record of her ever being born, and all her scan pictures had been deleted (34 +3 weeks of being scanned every week) so maybe i have a suspicious mind but at the time we and our solicitor figured they were trying to cover up what happened and to now find out that Fred has been reinstated after doing this internal investigation for Muppet.........
well make of it what you will but let me tell you this, that hospital are surely in serious breach of rules and regulations concerning what has happened to my daughters body after her death and also seeing as i never gave permission for anyone to use her in a case study then i surely think that must also be wrong???? her scan pictures have never been recovered and for some unknown reason they were deleted off the main hard drive at the hospital and also the main frame at Cardiff where all copies are held for at least 5 years by law, her records from the last 6 weeks of my pregnancy have disappeared, the ones that state i was saying something was wrong and i wanted her delivered, luckily i managed to get a copy before all this happened by playing the "i want to make a memory book" card and i got them before i started asking questions and they "lost" everything, they don't know i have them as a lovely lady in records did me a copy on her last day working there. i also have the scan pics that show the cord wrapped around her face 3 times and then round her neck and i also have ones from a private 4d scan that shows the cord torsion and hypercoiling at 27 weeks proving the issue began when i started having the pains and she started having seizures. am i going crazy or does this all seem a bit off?xxx
OH MY FREAKING GOSH!!! YOU DEFINATELY HAVE A LAWSUIT IN YOU HANDS AND FOR YOU TO HAVE PICTURES OF HER IS AN EVEN BIGGER THING TO THROW ON THE FLAME. No, it does not sound like you are crazy nor does it seem a bit off! Just hang in there and stay strong for yourself.
Hello! How are yall doing? Yes I did put yall because I am allowed. Live in Texas, Remember? LOL My week is going well but it is hard to talk to all of you when I have to work nights. That Mexican dinner sounds wonderful. I am off tonight so I have decided to buy groceries to make homemade pizzas. My teenagers love to decorate their own pizzas and they have loads of fun.
Sam, this maybe a silly question, but do you have more than 1 hospital around where you live. I had a terrible experience with one of our hospitals and thank goodness, we have another one in 1 mile of each other so I will never have to visit the other one.
If my daughter was treated the way Em was, I would definately sue that hospital. Makes me angry that there could me permanent damage because of there negligence.
As you can tell, I am just a little perturbed at hospital's attention to their patients. To many bad experiences. Enough of fuming!!
Bama4, thank you for sending me the info I requested. I will give it a try.
My feeling for today. TTW, TTC
1/11/10-4days past OV-didn't feel anything
1/12/10-5days POV-felt a pinching tugging feelings at 12:00am then at 5:00pm to 10:00-bad cramping as in period
1/13/10-don't feel anything now. Witch is supposed to arrive on 1/17 and usually feel PMS symtoms 7 days before. Nothing. Breast don't even hurt. Getting very anxious. Stupid me, I couldn't wait to take pregnancy test and of course it was negative. I do like to take the test early though because I assume if it was ectopic, than it would have already buried in the wrong spot and HCG would already be in my system but since I don't see it, I am assuming that either I am not preggers or if I am, then it made it to home. This is agonizing to wait. It is killing me. Even my hubby is bugging me.
Well, ladies, I need to go and get ready for food shopping. Really like to be in my warm bed right now but since I have a big family, food never remains in my house. I hope you have a wonderful day. Hugs to yall.

suni I'm praying that you dont' get your period hun praying that you get your BFP.....thats good that you haven't gotten any of the symtoms for when your getting ready to start....sending you lots of babydust your way....:dust:

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