Thankfully I feel much better today . Am up and heading out early as my friend is taking me to town as its my birthday tomorrow I've showered done my hair and painted my nails gave the house a clean and just waiting to leave .Doing my squats today even thou its meant to be a rest day as I want to rest tomorrow feeling strong today having Brown bread toasted and scrambled egg and tea for brunch and a chicken lemon salad for dinner . Fruit and yog for lunch and lots of water and tea . Possibly weighing in the morning hope I've lost a few of the five I gained . Have a great day everyone
Yes bev I'm 47 tomorrow I honestly can't believe it . I've four beautiful kids and I tried for another for 8 years and lost 13 angels my baby girl is nine next week my son is 13 my other daughters are 11 and 15 .i have a dog called buddy and two rabbits and three guinea pigs some days I have a husband others I wish I didn't today is a good day lol happy birthday for tomorrow .
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