Yes I think my iron is low indigo this the dizzy spells and headaches and tiredness. Og will be here for three nights after my dd friend goes homeBF:
Yay for the offer!
Moving at 20 weeks is ideal....2nd tri is usually much easier than 1st & 3rd tri. I hope you get someone else to do the lifting, though...
How exciting to be looking for a new home w a nursery in mind!
Yes, try to take it easy & maybe you should take some iron...? Or eat liver...
Will OG join you, as well? We haven't seen a pic for a while.
Holiday was good really hot lots of pasta and ice cream
DD cat was runover over whilst we were awaynot told her yet.
My dog hates water he runs away if you jiggle the hose pipe and walks around puddles on pavements.. Took 5 yrs to get him to walk in the rain properly
We sil sometimes bathe our short haired pup and she whines the whole time too. We started taking her in with the other two as I was too preggo to do it and hubbs didn't want too. You know you don't have to bathe buddy that often right? I know it can be a bit of a least when they get older and bigger it can. Plus they told us bathing too often will strip their coats of natural oils.