gl on your scan mlm. phez I'm sorry about the dreams. I only had two of them, so I hope they quit for you.
Jane and bob you two gals are cruising right along!
afm, ate dinner which was either incredibly wonderful for hospital food, or I was just super hungry. bounced on the ball lots, drank lots, then sent dh home for the night so we'd both sleep better. starting back on the oxytocin in about an hour. I'm hopeful it will work today. I didn't dilate at all until after my water broke, but I only got to a 1 as they decided I'd had enough meds for one day. got more cervix meds last night, and did something with dh last night that involves injesting something that has the same hormones on it as the meds they put on my cervix. desperate times, but he was a happy volunteer!
thinking with a combo of more cervix softening meds, oxytocin, and the birth ball today I can get Finn to get more pressure to come down and make it dilate more new that I have less fluids for him to float around in. if not I'm ok with surgery. I tried my best!