It didn't seem like his dresser was tiny either. Its too tall to use as a diaper changer, but the drawers are super shallow. Like they didn't put the bottoms of them close enough to the bottom of the drawer or something. His top drawer I can only put in booties and some bibs if they are laying flat out. The 2nd drawers I can only fit a few onesies high, and this is newborn to 3 months! Even the bigger drawers didn't hold the sheets/blankets well, and this is crib sized stuff!
We still have DH's first real bedroom set, so I went ahead and took the baby dresser even though my sis had warned me about it. We will be trying for kid #2 soon after Finn arrives since I'll be 36, so the dresser will get moved to the new baby's room (hopefully if things go as planned) before Finn totally outgrows it.
I plan on boobfeeding until 6 months, giving my body 3 months to recover, and trying for kid #2 when Finn is 9 months old. We'll see how that goes!!