Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

I can completely understand your worries about c-section but sounds like you've weighed it up and it's the right thing to do for you. I think it's a good idea not to think about labour too much however you are planning to do it as vaginal or section are both unpleasant and scary! It will be nice to know exactly when she/he is coming though as I find the waiting so hard. Wish I knew what was going to happen and when so I could feel more prepared.

My midwife said that the second is usually faster so we'll see. Going to try and make a plan today with family in case it happens in the night. Only 4 weeks to due date and Jack was nearly 2 weeks early so could be 2 weeks!!! Started packing hospital bags last night. Feel like I'm not very organised as the nursery is currently bare with a knocked out old cupboard and no plaster on the walls. You can see brick in places. Feel like it's never going to be done in time! ��
Jane any news about the job yet?

Start the end of April bobster :thumbup:

How nerve wracking that the nursery isn't finished bobster. But at least the baby will be in with you the first 6 months anyway but can understand you wanting it all ship shape. Are you on mat leave now? Will jack still go to nursery during your mat leave?

Oh yes Mack, how did it go....
Yay yay yay! One of each you are so lucky! Congratulations Mack x

Jane yes started maternity leave 1 week ago. Jack will stay at nursery for 2 days a week. Didn't want to pull him out as he loves it so much and has friends there. Plus it will give me some 1-1 time with new baby.

End of April for your new job yay! Not long now. Do you feel prepared?? Daunted?
It's a girl!!!!

Wonderful Mack :happydance:
You will have to tell us your name ideas....

That's a great idea to keep jack in for 2 days bobster, I'm sure you'll both appreciate that time.

Yes feeling daunted. I've been off work for 2.5 years!
Yes Mack, I'm excited to hear your name ideas too! You ladies are giving me such an itch for another baby, ahhh! I've even been searching baby names, I'm crazy 😂

I can imagine it's nerve wracking returning to work. I think I would feel the same way Jane. I bet you will fall right back into it though after a bit.
Man, I have no idea about names. Girl names seem harder. I went through a book and started a list last night but haven't seen anything I'm crazy about.
Mlm, I hear pregnancy is contagious :haha:

I know what you mean about girls name Mack they do seem harder. I think with a girl I'd want something feminine but not too pretty pretty which sound a bit weak...Mlm made great choices. Will you go down the Irish route again?
Lots of Isabella , bella, Anna, Elsa, Matilda, Tilly I'm hearing at playgroups but I'm not so keen on any of these.
I went through a lot of girl Irish names in a book I have, wrote down 3 that were OK then DH didn't like any of them. I think I'm going to wait a bit. We have a family reunion in June (my side) so I think I'm going to ask for a list of names. One fam name I really like is Ruey, pronounce Ruah, and it's very popular in my family for generations. The last Ruey passed away in 2006 and the reunions haven't been the same without her. DH really does *not* like it tho, at all... He said he'd think about it.
Girls names are so hard! Although I've never named a boy, so I've nothing to compare it to 😀

I do think family names are nice Mack. I like the tradition of it. I've seen a few Irish names lately- Niamh (Neve), Keira (Ciara), Reagan, and Maeve. I'm a fan of Irish names myself, but just couldn't settle on one DH and I both loved with Audrey.
My neice is called Niamh (neeve) and strangers struggle to pronounce it. That's the problem with some of the Irish names, although they are pretty.
Maybe DH will let you have Ruey as a middle name Mack- be a shame to not use the family name in there some where.
You've plenty of time to decide.

How you doing bobster? Are you hoping to do anything differently during labour/birth this time? I would really like to try a water birth next time.
Like all those Irish names but if it were me I'd get annoyed having to spell them for people or correct people's pronunciations! I think girls names are difficult as there are so many pretty ones it must be hard to pick one.

I'm planning a water birth too this time but not going to stress if it doesn't happen as long as he arrives safely. The main thing I would like to avoid is pethidine, would just like gas and air if I can.
I love the name Maeve as well and read after I liked it that it was a suggest sib name for Finn, but DH doesn't like it. He doesn't like names that are spelled different than they sound, although Maeve isn't far off. I also liked Aoife, (eve or eva) but again, the spelling. It seems like the boy Irish names are spelled more like the sound but the Irish ones for girls are not at all.

Bobster did you talk with the rents about watching Jack? Did you decide on a name. My dad's name is Harry, so I can only think of grump old men with that :haha: but it is a cute name for a baby.
We like Arthur and Oscar too. We will see what the little chap looks like when he arrives.

Yes dans parents have said to ring them any time of day or night and they'll come and get jack. We are lucky as they only live 15 minutes away whereas my family are nearly an hour away.
Bobster it is nice to have fam close. My inlaws are about 15 minutes away as well, so I was really glad that when they decided to do the CSection at 11pm on a Friday night they were able to whisk themselves up to the hospital to be with Sean. I wanted him to go with the baby while they were sewing me back up and didn't want him to be by himself and worried about me. I'm sure they will be so excited about #2 they will not care if it happens to be a late night phone call. :)

I think I'm with you on names. I may narrow it down to 3-4 then decide after I meet her. When I was preg with Finn I just knew he was going to come out a little pale Irish ginger. :haha: I was right and he's a spitting image of his almost full Irish grandfather. Finnian means fair little one. I'm the only Mackey woman in my immediate fam with the fair coloring like my grandmother. The others have darker hair and olive skin so I'm not really wanting to go Irish if she doesn't look Irish ya know? Finn also came out screaming and mad and fists balled up like a boxer so he full on had the temper. My uncle always says "ut oh, he's getting his Irish up" when he starts to get mad. :) I think I just may have to meet little miss and get an idea of her personality before I make a final decision. I'm sure my sister will kill me for that.

MLM I love your girl names. I hope I can pick something that sounds so elegant and pretty. Really struggling and nothing jumps out at me.

Jane-is greg in full time care now? Will he start full time daycare when you go back to work? Finn loves school and he is so smart I keep thinking I'd be too scatterbrained and he wouldn't know so much if he was home with me full time. Really helps to see how much he grows and how much he likes his friends so going to work isn't so tough. We always make the most of our evenings and weekends.

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