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Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Yey, congrats on your new home bobster. Are you getting the central heating done straight away? Just 8 weeks to go! When do you start mat leave?

Haematologist went fine. There's no issue- was because of the length of time the samples had been stored made it look like I had something (this happened twice!) but fresh samples processed right away were perfect.
Thanks for thinking of me :hugs:

Soooo this afternoon I am seeing the fertility gynae to get the results of Tube dye and discuss next steps....

How were your genetic tests Mack? All ok

How are you and your girls Mlm?
Jane what a hassle but great news! Good luck at your fertility appt. My screening is today. Trying to drink tons of water since they'll be drawing blood, but water makes me queasy so it's not fun. I'm sure I'm dehydrated most of the time because of this, but hopefully I'm near the end of MS.

Bobster good news on the move! Hope it's all settled before #2 arrives. :)
Good luck at your appointment Jane, hope you get good news. Hope your screening is uneventful Mack!
Yes great news about the samples that it was nothing to worry about. Hope your results were all ok today?

Mack keep sipping little amounts. Have you actually been vomiting or just feeling sick? It will soon be over. Hope the genetic tests all go fine. I'm sure they will
How are you doing Bobster? Besides the move, are you feeling ready for baby #2?
MLM is the weather cold there again? We had a warm week and so much fun outside with FInn, then bam cold again. Really hoping the weekend is better. I had planned a zoo outing Sunday.

Bobster, are you unpacked yet? :haha: MS used to be really bad all day every day but now I only get sick about 1 time every other day, and it's not horrible like when you have the flu and really get sick. Just sometimes a little bit in the am before my zofran kicks in. I read some advice that said to nibble on a cracker before you get up, then sit in bed for a few mins after so it settles your tummy. OMG N-O. That was my worst day ever!

Jane, fx for your fertility appt news.

Well yesterday was scary. My OB's office made an appt for me at a regular doc office she goes to, and she usually doesn't see her pregos there. So she had trouble finding the heartbeat with a doppler and I had to drive over to the nearby hospital to get a scan bc her other office was booked on scans and it was late in the afternoon and there was just one ultrasound tech. They found the heartbeat somewhat easily as the baby was twirling around like crazy. To actually measure the heartbeat she had to really dig down on my belly with the wand thingy and have it tilted a bit. So she said my uterus was probably just a bit tilted as it was expanding, and with baby being a little spazz, it was just too hard to get on the doppler. Between them pressing down hard with the Doppler and then again at the scan, my midsection is quite sore today. But all worth it to get the relief.

I was so wiped after all of that, I rescheduled my tests/bloodwork for Tuesday. I had enough fun yesterday. I think it takes about a week to get test and gender results back after that, so I have sched my gender reveal party for the 13th. I won't know the results til then. We are having people over for pizza, and my sister in law is a pastry chef so she'll make a cute blue or pink cake. Doing it very low key this time around but I think it will be fun.

Oh, it was exciting to see my little baby again. I swear after all this hassle it has to be a girl. It looked so much more like a baby this time than at the 8 week scan. It was really sweet to see the arms and legs going, and one time it flipped around completely.

Still nervous about the tests. Praying for a healthy baby. Maybe I should've done the them yesterday, but driving to a 3rd office for labs was just too much for one day!
Argh how worrying Mack but must have been such a relief when they found the HB finally. I don't blame you for moving your bloods to another day- sounded like too much for one day! Pleased your ms is a little more bearable....haha I think you are having girl too- little miss trouble :winkwink:

Fertility consult went fine- confirmed remaining tube is not blocked and next step is clomid to be taken day 2-6 of the cycle then bloods at day 21 to confirm ovulation. Because of the new job we've decided to wait just a few more months. We feel sad to put it on hold but agree we are doing the right thing.
Jane will you still take Clomid and bloods next cycle to confirm ov? And good news on your tests. Glad you've had positive results and the trend shall continue;)
No Mack. They won't start the clomid until actually ready to TTC.
I ovulate on my own anyway, the clomid is to stimulate more follicles which will hopefully be on my good tube side and in a shorter cycle and therefore better quality egg.
In the meantme I keep taking the metformin, inofolic and continue to lose weight to give me the best chances when we are ready.
How are you settling in bobster? What does jack think of the new house?
Yay mack! So surprised they tried the Doppler so early. Over here they tend to try it around 16 weeks. I too think it's s girl. Would be lovely to have one of each for you.

Mlm I'm good thanks for asking. Just been busy busy busy with the house. We are getting quotes for the central heating at the moment so that's the priority. Looking forward to meeting my little one but still feeling daunted and nervous about how my big boy will handle the arrival of my little boy! He's become incredibly clingy as my bumps growing. How are your girls? Are you still considering baby no.3? How's life as a sahm?

Jane I can imagine it's hard to postpone ttc but sounds like you are doing the right thing. When do you start your job? A few months is not a long time. I think clomid can increase your chance of twins!!
Glad everything ended well Mack, but that does sound like a long stressful day. How fun that you are doing a gender reveal party! I think I have to agree with the others and guess girl. Can't wait to find out!

Jane, sounds like good news for you too. You are all ready to go when it's time to ttc it sounds like. I bet it is weird to not ttc right now, but you have to have the timing right with everything else going on in your life. I feel like you will have to get a bfp quickly once you do start trying after all of this though!

I'm sure the house move is taking up most of your time Bobster. I think that jacks clinginess is totally nomal. You will probably be surprised how much he loves his baby brother once he arrives. I have not met a toddler yet that isn't fascinated by Audrey 😀

I have to say that for me, it has gotten much easier being a sahm at this point. We have a very predictable routine which helps. I just desperately want the weather to stay nice enough for us to go outside more, I am going stir crazy. There are definitely days when I'd rather be going to work, but I also feel like I'd almost be a failure at being a mom if I gave up being a sahm already. I think once it warms up I'll be happier. Plus we started potty training 2 days ago. Needless to say, it is not easy!
Eee mlm I have complete respect. I go to work for a break sometimes! I can imagine it's hard when it's cold out to keep them both and yourself entertained. We had snow the other day and more is forcast! It really limits what you can do doesn't it. Makes me feel a bit stir crazy too. We had a nice dry sunny day today though and took Jack to the seaside which was lovely but freezing.

We've been focusing on the house a lot so neglected him a bit and put him in front of the TV far too much! We've got a couple of quotes for the central heating. My OH has all these grand plans about knocking walls down and it scares me slightly. Think we'll be living in a dusty building site for a while.

How is potty training going with Norah? We've not started Jack yet. Was planning to wait until summer so that he can run around in the garden and will be a bit more used to his little brother. Have you started Greg Jane? Has Finn cracked it mack?

How are you feeling now mack?
Jane are you excited/nervous to start the new job? Have you started putting Greg into nursery a bit more? Bet it will feel strange not being with him as much but I'm sure he'll love all the daily activities at nursery with his friends.
Well, it turns out she isn't quite ready for potty training yet. She was holding it instead of going on the potty, and I didn't like how it was going. So, we will try again another time!
Bobster it's totally understandable that you feel you are neglecting jack a bit but don't be too hard on yourself. Us mums feel guilty over so much don't we! You need to get the house sorted for all of you and especially before Harry arrives- it could be anytime couldn't it? Greg came in my 33rd week! I hope you are feeling more organised and settled. Are you using portable heaters in the meantime? Do you have hot water?

Greg has been asking to use the toilet for a few months (not fussed about the potty) so we would sit him on and hadn't been doing anything but just recently we've had a few pee's with him standing up 'like daddy'. We don't force him just wait for him to ask, sometimes he wants to and sometimes he doesn't. Spoke with Health visitor and she said just keep it relaxed and it will be much easier to toilet train.

Mlm sounds like a good plan to wait. I do hear that girls are easier to potty train though!

How were your genetic tests results Mack?
I don't think I'll get the results until late next week. The ones my OB did were all normal. That just checks hormones and other stuff. I opted out of the NT scan because Finn was so wiggly they had a hard time getting a clear shot of him and the results were borderline. Caused me extra worry for nothing. I figure I'll wait and see if there's anything in the genetic tests then do the level 2 scan if needed for follow up.

Finn is just starting to learn to potty train. We didn't get the little potty seat either. Our bathroom on the main level is just a toilet and pedestal sink and is really small, so there's not much room in there. I got seats to put on top of the toilets and footstools. He's quite cute climbing up there to use it. His teacher at school sits him on their potty about every 2 hours. He's pottied twice at school and about 3 times at home. He always likes to sit on it, and a few times I think he knew he had to potty. One time he tooted a bit, and got all excited and said I poopied on the potty. LOL. At least he's not scared of it.

We don't push it as much at home as they do at school. I ask in the AM and evenings a few times and sometimes he says yes or no and I just go with that. Really hoping he'll be out of diapers for baby #2, but I am not sure that will be happening.

Good for Greg! Daddy has a shy bladder so we are sitting down, and he's careful about pointing down. :)

Bobster don't stress much about Jack. If he notices a difference he will be clingy or a bit fussy and make sure he gets the momma attention he needs. I'm sure he is doing just fine. I haven't been feeling well and playing with Finn a lot less this last month, but we've made up for it with more kisses and snuggles. Can't say I mind that. I can't wait to be off progesterone (I get to quit it Sunday) and maybe I'll have energy to wrestle or play outside with him. :)

MLM my friends daughter is 2 months younger than Finn, started getting interested the same time as he did and now she's completely potty trained already! Other friend's daughters were older than her (I think she started young bc of her 5 yo sister) but they learned just as fast. I am sure she'll do great once she decides that's what she wants to do.
Hopefully it's as easy for us as it was for your friends Mack. We shall see though- I have a sassy stubborn little girl on my hands sometimes 😀
I just happened to glance at your signature Mack- 13 weeks, holy cow! That first tri seemed to fly by! Although I'm sure not for you with your ms. Hope you're feeling better
Goodness, 13 weeks already, time is flying.

How you feeling bobster? When do you start mat leave?
How is everyone doing? Everyone must be busy, it has gone quiet here 😀

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