Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

What the heck Bobster, I feel like you've been an eggplant for a month now!
That's really crap with the eggplant. Think I become a papya tomorrow.

They named the baby I see, George Alexander Louis. Alexander was on our short list, not anymore!

How did it go today mrs phez?

Bobster, when you were looking at prams/travel systems, did you come accross the oyster by any chance? Online it looks quite nice. I saw the uppavista baby being used at the weekend in the supermarket and it looks too big, not sure it would fit in our cars.

They had a feature in the paper about the car seat used by will and Kate, it was a britax make, think that's what mackjess says she has. My friend has britax and she said the safety rating is really good compared to others- might have to look into it some more- if it's good enough for Prince George of Cambridge.....
That's really crap with the eggplant. Think I become a papya tomorrow.

They named the baby I see, George Alexander Louis. Alexander was on our short list, not anymore!

How did it go today mrs phez?

Bobster, when you were looking at prams/travel systems, did you come accross the oyster by any chance? Online it looks quite nice. I saw the uppavista baby being used at the weekend in the supermarket and it looks too big, not sure it would fit in our cars.

They had a feature in the paper about the car seat used by will and Kate, it was a britax make, think that's what mackjess says she has. My friend has britax and she said the safety rating is really good compared to others- might have to look into it some more- if it's good enough for Prince George of Cambridge.....

Really good thank you! Totally forgot I was supposed to pick up the Bounty pack on Monday and fill out the forms! Was still done in 45 mins, blood, wee, blood pressure all good. Then went to London with Dexter to old workplace, was buzzing in the sunshine, just how London should be. My symptoms seem fainter today, not sure if it's because my mind has been preoccupied. Hope so.
Love the Royal name, classic yet modern. George was considered for ours, not any more either. I liked the Britax buggy and the Oyster but it was too low. Me and Dan quite tall so would have to stoop to get baby. So many decisions, but fun ones!
Booo to the eggplant Bobster!
Hi ladies.

Jane I wouldn't worry about not feeling movement. He did go quiet a few times on me at your stage. He's much more regularly active now though. I think as the movements can still be quote subtle they can be easily missed whereas now they are much stronger. Maybe mention it your your mw for some peace of mind.

Haven't booked antental classes yet. Rang and left them a voicemail today so hopefully there will be space! Don't think we get 10 though. Is that the private ones you booked? Whens your next appointment with mw? I had my 28 week one today. They took some more bloods and listened to hb. She.also measured my stomach and its measuring 29 weeks which is fine apparently.

Mackjess he's Sooo gorgeous! You must be so so proud. So glad he arrived safely and you are both doing well. Is breast feeding very painful? I bet its tricky to get the nack of.

Mlm whoop for your maternity pants! Soo comfortable aren't they. Are you feeling bloated? I remember squeezing into my old jeans and feeling relieved buying those ellastic equated jeans lol. Might wear them after!

Phwz how'd it go today? Did they book your 12 week scan?

Royal baby news is so lovely. I thought she looked great after and am appt she's normal and still had a bump too! They did look sweet. Is he called George? Any middle names as I missed the news?
Sorry for typos I'm on my phone. I know can't believe I'm still a bloody eggplant! Of all the veggies it has to be the most bland boring one too! Can't wait to change. Maybe next week ...
I just wanted to pop on again quickly and say congrats to Mackjess. And to all you other ladies! Everyone seems to be doing very well. :)
Thanks Mallerm, how are you doing? I like your doggy pic.

mrs phez, pleased it went well. Maybe the oyster would be better for me as I'm only 5ft 3", but DH is 6 ft- need something to suit us both ideally- looking forward to test driving some in the shops.

How do they measure the baby now bobster, is that with the tape measure along the length of the bump? Not had that done yet.

Got my repeat scan at 10 am today, fingers crossed they get the picture that they need.

Thank god for maternity trousers and jeans :happydance: such a relief to not be in something so tight when seated at my desk.
I'm a papaya- think I will stay this fruit for a few weeks now, boring.
How was the repeat scan Jane? It's good yoy get to see him again.

I really like the oyster pram we saw. I'm not sure how small it is when folded down though. Liked the frame too. I think you get a better idea when you test drive them in the shops. Its so bewildering though as you don't want to make the wrong choice. I wish there were less to choose from to make it easier. Like the look of the Vista and the wheels look sturdy but not sure how it folds down. A girl from work brought her 4 month baby in today in the Vista but it just had the car seat attached.

We've gone for the maxi cosi car
It's pretty easy to fold down, push a button on the left and squeeze the handle, it folds in half. The wheels have to be facing forward to get the neatest fold!
Repeat scan went well thanks, he was in a much better position and they got everything they needed and confirmed he is a boy. We bought our first thing for the baby today, in the hospital they had a stall for the cancer hospice and there were blue knitted booties and mittens for £2. So cute.

DH referred to the baby as his son today and my heart melted.

Next mw appointment is the 24 week one in two weeks, What about you ladies, when are you next appointments?

Bobster, yep the 10 week course are the private NCT ones and they start in September.

Was it lovely seeing the 4 month old bobster? I'm never around babies so hope I actually know what to do when it's my own turn!
Glad your appointments went well Phez and Jane. Yay! My next appointment is on August 7. Then I should be getting an ultrasound around 16 weeks to check my cervix as I have issues there. My new worry is incompetent cervix because of my leep procedure I had done, ugh.

Hi mallerm, how has your pregnancy been going?

I have little to no experience around babies either, hope it comes naturally when mine gets here!

Are you ladies thinking about baby showers yet? My mom keeps talking about mine and even has a date picked out, haha.
Love the air of excitement on this thread now, so wonderful. Mackjess, your little lad is so handsome, enjoy these special early days!
So my mind was obviously taken off the symptoms yesterday as my nausea reappeared, smell sensitivity and the dreaded fatigue which appeared after lunch and came to a head at 4pm when I just couldn't move. Made a cup of tea and and Dexter played with his noisy cars. I drifted away but was still conscious if that makes sense. Very scary though. 10 mins later I felt brand new and ready for action. Don't want to do that again, very irresponsible but just couldn't function :nope:
Recommend early days NCT classes too!
Hi everyone. Just re-read my last post and realised I didn't finish it doh! Was on dinner break at work and must have got distracted. Glad the appointments went well too. Its great you got an extra scan Jane.

The 4 month old is adorable. He's got big blue eyes and is very serious looking but we managed to see a smile when we were pulling funny baby faces at him. I wonder why they like big exaggerated faces... I have so little experience with babies/children too. I'm like both of you and just hoping I find my feet and learn as I go along. It is scary though as sometimes I worry I won't pick it up naturally.

It is soo exciting isn't it. I can't believe we're all going to have new little babies in less than 7 months!!! From where we were when we all first started talking to each other too.. its been such a journey!

What a nice first baby buy Jane. And sweet about your hubby. Its nice to see them get excited isn't it. Are you feeling movements more now? I find cold icy drinks wake up mine but its a bit mean lol.

When do you all think you'll start buying baby things? I feel like I want to go out and buy everything but worry its too early to relax that much. 12 weeks left. Hope I made the right decision with the pram. The only down side I can see is that it doesn't fold particularly small either.

Phez maybe you just needed a power nap. Don't be hard on yourself its hard enough being pregnant but being pregnant with a little one must be sooo tough.
It crazy that you'll be giving birth next bobster! have you thought about what sort of birth you want? In the water?

Don't worry about your pram choice, they all have pros and cons and you did put a lot of thought in to it so I'm sure it will be fine. I know what you mean about not wanting to make the wrong choice though.

Can't remember if you said if you have started on the nursery?

Mlm, no baby shower for me, although they are becoming more popular in the uk, I think it remains quite an American event. Plus my friends are all scattered and makes logistics difficult. Cute that your mum is planning it already. All those months of no BFPs for us and now we're discussing baby showers :happydance:

Mrs phez, can't be easy juggling the new pregnancy, dexter and work. Take it easy. Can you get someone to watch him for an hour so you can get that power nap without the worry each afternoon?
It crazy that you'll be giving birth next bobster! have you thought about what sort of birth you want? In the water?

Don't worry about your pram choice, they all have pros and cons and you did put a lot of thought in to it so I'm sure it will be fine. I know what you mean about not wanting to make the wrong choice though.

Can't remember if you said if you have started on the nursery?

Mlm, no baby shower for me, although they are becoming more popular in the uk, I think it remains quite an American event. Plus my friends are all scattered and makes logistics difficult. Cute that your mum is planning it already. All those months of no BFPs for us and now we're discussing baby showers :happydance:

Mrs phez, can't be easy juggling the new pregnancy, dexter and work. Take it easy. Can you get someone to watch him for an hour so you can get that power nap without the worry each afternoon?

I don't work anymore! I live off my husband :haha::blush:
Was made redundant when we moved to Norfolk from London a year ago. Plan was to have another kid and hubby's job still moveable for a couple of years so having a career break. I do find looking after a toddler much harder than having a job though!
Mrs Phez, I would totally babysit for you if I lived closer : ). Kids are pretty exhausting at that age, hopefully your fatigue doesn't last too long. I'm anxiously awaiting that second tri energy boost I keep hearing rumors of!
hi ladies! sorry I dropped off the face of the planet. We've been busy eating and getting back to our birth weight. Finn lost a bit cause we really struggled with feeding the first few days, and he had to use the light bed for a night at the hospital cause he had jaundice and those are dehydrating. he's seriously always on my boob now to make up for it though. my hungry baby is gaining an ounce a day so he might be 9lbs at our appt next week.

Jane, I got the britax bagile system because if the car seat ratings and the stroller didn't seem as bulky.

after next week I should get more than 45 minutes of sleep between feeding and can respond more. been reading though, keep up the good work ladies!
Mrs Phez, I would totally babysit for you if I lived closer : ). Kids are pretty exhausting at that age, hopefully your fatigue doesn't last too long. I'm anxiously awaiting that second tri energy boost I keep hearing rumors of!

Thank you, that's so kind! I somehow managed to get Dexter to take a 2 hr nap this afternoon so I indulged as well. Was wonderful! A nice cup of tea beckons while Dexter has his beans on toast, lovely.
I just booked my 16 week ultrasound... Do you think they'll be able to tell the sex then?

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