Mlm I had more crampy pains than sharp ones. They really worried me and it was around the time they gave my antibitotics for a urine infection. I think different women have different pains/aches and its normal. It will be your womb moving up and stretching. Have your rung your midwife for some peace of mind? Hope they ease up for you.
MrsPhez yay for the scan date! Something to look forward to. I know 3 weeks seems ages away when you're waiting for things though. Time is just flying by for me right now. I'm actually getting pretty nervous about it going too fast and not having enough stuff ready.
Jane, great that you're thinking about the nursery now. Do you have any ideas's in mind? I bet its nice to have your house back to yourselves again.
I am thinking about the nursery trying to decide how we'll have it... I think we'll do it pretty neutral and then when we have the second we can use the same things again. The baby's room is still currently my OH's room/our washing room though lol we'll probably be doing it in the last few weeks knowing us.