Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

MLM - Finn is Jake's baby. He whines if he is crying during diaper changes or something, and is always following us around and laying nearby.

Thanks bobster. I've been on antibiotics for it so it's getting better.

As for motherhood. wow. Waiting til a month before you turn 36 to have your first baby makes for quite the life adjustments! Last week I was blissful and tired. This week the postpartum blues have hit. I've talked to DH and we've both been reading up, so I don't think I am feeling anything abnormal. Looking forward to my follow up OB appt to discuss tomorrow. Not sure if I need meds or counseling, or just reassurance from her that this is normal, but I'm hoping it helps.
Oh Mack sorry to hear you're feeling blue. I'm glad you've read this is normal and hopefully it will pass soon. I hope your ob manages to give you further reassurance or support.

I worry about post partum blues as I have really low moods on af usually. In fact I've been the most emotionally stable while I've been pregnant.

I guess its part of it though and normal and hopefully passes as all our hormones settle down. It's nice to know its common and normal.

Glad the antibiotics are helping your Uti symptoms.
I also worry about postpartum. I've dealt with depression and anxiety in my life, typically brought on by stress (good or bad) and what is more stressful than adding a new baby to your family. I would bet that your doctor is very familiar with this though and will be able to find solutions that work for you. I think it's awesome that you are already looking for a solution though, as I'm sure some women don't address it and it takes them much longer to feel better. Good for you.
Hey quick check in! Love the photos Mackjess, especially the protective doggy, so lovely. We're going to get a dog next, maybe a Portuguese water dog? No more kiddies, getting too old!
Sorry you're feeling down as well. It's such a strange thing, knowing you are over the moon about the new addition but feeling low. Very confusing. Hopefully it will pass.
I am feeling more highly strung than ever now I'm preggers. My patience level is zero, and I can get wound up so easily. Hope it passes at the end of first tri or after scan, maybe it's worry?
Had a weird dream about breastfeeding last nigh, well, trying to. After Dexter and his tongue tie, I have decided if the next one can't latch on I won't be expressing like I did with him. It will have to be formula. It was hard enough without another child in the house, with Dexter, there is no way I could. Leaving the house was almost impossible. Will try my best to BF though!
Hey ladies,
How did you get on with the OB today Mackjess?
Hope you got some reassurance. Finn looks like one contented little chap and it's lovely to hear how Jake has taken to him.

Last week the doctor put me back on my antidepressants. I did manage for 17 weeks of pregnancy without them but gradually the low moods and anxiety were creeping back and after a long hard decision we decided that I couldn't carry on as I was and the baby will need me to be in the best of health when he does come plus I'm already at a higher risk of post partum depression. Unfortunately I will have to have a paediatrician present at the birth (it can cause breathing problems) so won't be able to use the midwife led birthing centre that we wanted. Feel like a bit of a failure.
Jane (hugs)

You are not a failure at all. You need to make sure you're in the right place psychologically for your little one. I would make the same decison. I bet the risk is really low of breathing difficulties but they have to be cautious.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend ladies x
Jane, you are doing what is best for the baby so try not to second guess yourself. I've had issues with depression and anxiety before that should have been treated but I never did. Now I'm wondering if that is contributing to my blues.

So my appt did not go well. I had MIL drive me so DH could meet us at the office as it's close to his work. Finn fussed and cried in the waiting room, and DH finally had gotten him calmed down with a bottle so I didn't have him go back with me. Then I fell asleep on the bed thing waiting for the doctor, and totally didn't mention the blues. I wussed out I think because DH wasn't there with me. I guess I can make another appointment if they don't get better next week. Also getting ready to go thru my books/brochures from classes as I'm certain they have pamphlets or something in there for resources in my area.
Hey ladies,
How are you doing Mackjess? did you find some local support? How is your UTI and your c-section wound?

How is everyone doing?

I have my 24 week appointment on Thursday. Bobster you are 30 weeks this week- so exciting!
Hi ladies. Its gone quiet around here.

Mackjess hope you are feeling better in a week or so but I agree its a good idea to make another appointment if you're still feeling down. Hopefully as your hormones balance out you'll start to feel better though.

I dipped me urine today at work (shouldn't I know) and there was glucose in it :( Worried now about gestational diabetes. I have never had glucose in it before. Wondering if its because I've been eating way more sugar recently as I've been fruit big time. Yesterday I had loads of juice, 3 nectarines and a whole punnet of cherries. Silly girl. I just feel so bad that I may have caused this and it could cause complications at the birth (baby could grow too big).

I will ring the midwife tomorrow. Hopefully I can reduce my blood sugar by just watching what I eat and see if that brings it back to normal.

How is everyone else doing?
Jane you must have typed that just before me!

I hope your 24 week appointment goes well on Thursday.

Your pregnancy is going so fast. As is mine! You won't be long after me will you... I'm getting a bit nervous now.
Bobster, have you had a random blood glucose test taken recently? I think I am due for one at my 28 week appointment. Hopefully the glucose in your wee is a one off, please let us know what your midwife says when you ring.

What are you feeling nervous about particularity? the birth itself or the responsibility of being a mum? - both these things worry me!

Have you invested in one of those body pillows? I'm starting to get a bit uncomfortable when sleeping on my side and wondering if this would help?
Thanks Jane.

Yes I am worried about both too. Excited at the same time though. Feel under prepared a bit.

I'm not sure if she's done a blood glucose test on me as its always been negative in my wee. Would they do that at the booking in and 28 week bloods? I will ask her.

Hopefully it is just a one off but I have been feeling very thirsty recently which is a sign of diabetes. Eeek so scared. I will let you know what she says.

Have you started buying things yet Jane? Have you picked out a pram etc?
Oh and yes I did buy a cheapie body pillow from argos. Used it a couple of times but found it on the floor in the mornings. Not sure if it helped or not really but mihgt give it another go and update you. I too am finding it a bit uncomfortable at night. I find myself rolling onto my back a lot whjch I know is a no-no but it is sometimes uncomfotable on my side.

The pillows were half price in argos not too long ago so might be worth having a look there. It was 9.99 from 19.99 so doesn't really matter too much if it doesn't help for that price.
From the schedule of appointments my midwife gave me at booking in we get a random blood glucose at 28 weeks in addition to the one they did at booking in. Depending on the result from that one they then send you for a fasting test then make you drink glucose then measure 2 hours later- that's what the deal is in hertfordshire anyway. Maybe the heat can explain your increased thirst?

Not bought anything, DH is totally against getting anything until nearer the end which is fine I guess as we're yet to sort the upstairs of our house out. My cousin will be handing down her Moses basket and cot to us so that will save
us some cash, will obviously need to buy new mattress for both. They are from mamas and papas so should be of reasonable quality.

Thanks for tip about pillow- hadn't thought of Argos to check, I looked on amazon and was like £40!

Are you looking forward to finishing work soon?
Hi ladies. I was out of town for a long weekend - rented a lake house with my family which was very nice.

I can understand your concern about the glucose Bobster. Definitely let us know what they say. Hopefully it's a one off, like you said.

I have an appointment on Wednesday. Just your standard pee in a cup, weight, blood pressure appointment though, nothing exciting. I will be asking questions about incompetent cervix as that is my big fear at the moment! Other than that, nothing new or exciting with me.
What did your midwife say today bobster? Did you re test your wee?

Mlm, I dread getting weighed- haven't been weighed since my 10 week appointment- goodness knows how much weight I've put on! Hope goes well tomorrow. Did you and DH decide if you will ask the sex at your 16 week scan?
Bobster, I was just reading in my What to Expect book that roughly half of all women show sugar in their urine at some point and that the body will then produce extra insulin to self correct it.

Jane, I've actually been weighing myself at home and just today saw a number on my scale I haven't seen in quite a while. Not fun! I can't wait to have a bigger baby belly so I can justify the increase!

I'm making my list of questions for the doctor tomorrow, and I will definitely ask if they can look for the gender at my ultrasound. I can't wait to find out, I think it will feel more real and exciting for me then.
Hiya. I dipped my urine again at work yesterday and there was no glucose in it anymore but it did show another urine infection :( rang my gp and he's prescribe me some antibiotics to pick up today. I mentioned the glucose and he said not to worry but to tell the midwife next wednesday at my app. Anyway I dipped it again late last night after my tea and there was tonnes of glucose there again!!! I think I'll ring her today just to see if she wants to see me earlier.

Mlm hope they tell you you'll be able to find out the sex on your next scan! Not long now for it. Keep us updated!
She wants to see me so will be going in at half 12. Now worried in case it doesnt have any sugar in it now because I've only had porridge today. Hope it does as I want some further tests doing. Such a bag of anxiousness recently its awful! Starting to worry about problems with the baby and birth problems too. Stress! Roll on october. Will keep you updated
Jane its good you've got some hand downs to help you out. I guess its sensible not to buy too much too soon. You two must have good willpower though! Its exciting but daunting buying things when its all brand new to you though.

Yes looking forward to mat leave. Have you decided when you're going to go off yet? Has baby been moving much more now? Thought of any names yet?

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