I honestly wish I never started this thread now, I thought we might be a bit nicer ni this forum and talk it through in an understanding sort of way - I think this issue and hormonal women that feel strongly about a situation defintely dont mix.
To be honest, I have never seen a thread on here get to this stage of argument before. I think It's a good thread and has been interesting to see differing opinions.
It's also interesting to see how little is known about how debilitating SPD can be and how some people think that this should mean people with this condition should not go any where near a supermarket if they struggle to walk!
Thanks for the thread, I have enjoyed it and found it interesting. And I will keep reading peoples opinions. Xxxx
Hey honey
I have found it interesting too but I dont want to upset people and ofcourse everyone has their own opinions.
One thing I dont understand is the lack of understanding of other pregnant women, I always try to consider mums and children aswell and put myself in their position. I thought there would be more comradery.
For example my friend i used to work with was pregnant and was so ill through out her pregnancy she lost almost 4 stone (she was only 11.5 stone to begin with!) eventually her liver failed and she delivered through CS at 32 weeks, her son was ok but unfortunately he has epilepsy. At the same time another girl at work was pregnant and she had a wonderful pregnancy no sickness no pain ect and she even said to me "shes only pregnant, how come she has been signed off - think she making it up" i couldnt beleive it - as A non pregnant woman at the time I still felt awful for my ill friend I couldnt understand it.. and now I feel lucky as i comapre myself to her but I dont think a pregnant women who is having a lot of discomfort should have to put up with it unneccasarily. I guess thats just my opinion thanks everyone for your contribution xxxxx
Agreed, it does seem that people with uncomplicated pregnancies cannot understand the pain, emotion, worry etc that comes with a complicated pregnancy.
And the same goes for women with children not being understanding towards pregnant women (complicated pregnancy or not) but they had to go through it to have their child right?
Just like you said, a bit more comeradery is what's needed.
We don't understand complicated pregnancies eh????
I guess we've had uncomplicated pregnancies eh? Maybe some of you should think before you type things like this as I couldn't have a more complcated gestational history, my 1st 2 babies died in my arms at just a few hours old and the other pregnancies were a mish mash of prem-labours, sciatica, spd, cyst the size of a melon on my placenta with my last one. Not to mention the severe depression etc ever since losing my 2nd child.
I won't go into Amy's situation as that's for her to say if she feels it necessary but I can assure you she far from "sails" through her pregnancies either
I am very understanding towards pregnant women, after all I have given birth 6 times and my youngest is only 1. I just don't know why some of you are arguing and trying to justify parking in space which isn't for you