my first baby buy :)

Had my glucose test today - it was vile! Have to wait for tomorrow to get my results but it was so boring! I felt sorry for my OH! I've told him next time he doesn't have to come and I will bring a few magazines!

Hope everyone had a good weekend :flower:
I went with my friend when she had it done, was it for the gestational diabetes? X
i need find out when to have mine done what is the drink a few people have said its just lucozade but others say it tastes horrid :/
Yeh it was for gestational diabetes.

You normally have them at 28 weeks and if mine are clear I will have to re-do it then.

I think it depends on where you are, mine was horrid and not lucozade, that I could stomach but the drink was kept by the window and was really warm and disgusting! Se asked if i wanted the orange colour or the blue one - i went with orange!

It's normally really really sweet and most say it's not nice but you can drink it down fine.

Why did you have yours done now then Lola if youll have to re do it x
yeah think id go for orange dread to the think of all the e numbers in the blue one lol was in the bath yesterday and the baby was moving and kicking me so my tummy was moving :) x
It's normally really really sweet and most say it's not nice but you can drink it down fine.

Why did you have yours done now then Lola if youll have to re do it x

Because I have two close family members who have type 1 diabetes so am higher risk

This is a HUGE message ......

Hello ladies, hope you're all ok !

Kelsey - so sorry to hear about you and James !

Hayley - yay for you finally getting through and being on the list ... another step closer !

Jennie - congrats on the finding out you're having a boy :) any names?

Lola - not long til you find out !

So Isla bear is 15 days old ... Already ! So I updated you on the Wednesday and told you I'd been told. Was being induced due to high blood pressure. On the Friday I ended up in hospital with swelling and a constant headache , I had tests done, was put on a drip and monitored. I was let home about 5 hours later, on our way home I had really, really painful contractions in the car, I got home and was in tears, mum thought that was it and I was in labour, the hospital told me to go back in but I wanted to see how I went. Anyways they only lasted an hour, a longgg hour lol and that was it I had nothing else !

So ... Sunday came and I was so nervous ! Mum, dad & my brother took us to the hospital (so we didn't have to park and they could use the car) we checked in at 2.30 and went up to the ward. This rude women saw us to our room , and started questioning why I was being induced so we told her what we were told. She took my blood pressure and was like well it's ok today so we might send you home ... I was fuming !! Then this English lady from Nottingham came in to see us, so I explained I wasn't happy at all, so we spoke and she said she'd talk to the doctor. I was going off on one telling hubby if they sent me home I was going to put a complain in, surely they wouldn't mess a 40 week pregnant woman about ... She came back after an hour and a half and said they were going to induce me ... So she explained everything. She was my midwife, a fellow pom and lives in the house directly behind ours lol, her names was caz, she as lovely and we got on well and we actually requested her for the monday when she was back on shift. Caz gave me an internal and my external cervix was open but my internal was closed, she inserted the gels*at 4.30pm*and I had to lie in bed for 45 minutes to let it soak. I asked caz how many gels she thought I'd need and she said 2 and that if I hadn't dilated anymore they'd insert more*at 6am*the next morning We ended up moving rooms as I wanted a water birth and caz was accredited :) caz finished her shift*at 9pm*so Ste and I settled down for the night ... It was just a waiting game. I had a midwife look after me during the night, I can't remember her name. I had cramps during the night but nothing too uncomfortable. At 2.45 i woke up needing to pee, I went and finished then I had a huge gush of water I was like Oohhh, I woke hubby up and was like I think my waters just broke, so we buzzed the midwife and she came in, gave me a pad and it was just like I was peeing myself lol. She took the pad and tested it and she said the test never came up that it was my waters (I knew it was, I wasn't peeing myself lol). I had to have a drip inserted by this weird doctor, she was really rough and hurt like hell, it was inserted into my left arm, I was then given antibiotics through the drip for my strep b. (Ste's just filling me in with the details lol as I don't remember alot) ... We stayed awake and at 4.30 I was getting stronger cramps so the mw gave me a low dose of pethidine and had an internal, i was 1/2cm dilated, it was given through a needle into my thigh. I then slept*from 4.45-5.45*and was in quite a bit of pain, I went I the toilet and I had blood, so Ste buzzed the midwife and she said it was ok. I was then walking about in pain, trying to rock to see if it helped. The mw said a shower would help. I couldn't get in the bath due to the pethidine, it needed 4 hours to ware off. No one would give me an internal to check how dilated I was because it was nearly time to change over so no one would give me any pain relief ... I got in the shower at 7 and Ste let my mum know that she should get to the hospital. Ste held the shower head to my back and I was leant forward on the rail trying to concentrate and breathe, they were so so painful, I was half crying lol. I kept getting this urge to poo, so I kept pushing, then I got on he toilet thinking I needed to poo but the pain was sooo bad ! Then as I walked out the bathroom caz came in :) this was at 7.45, I was like caz I'm in so much pain I feel like I need to poo, she said that was a good sign and it was baby's head, she asked if I wanted her to give me an internal, I was like YESSS. So she checked me and I was NINE cm dilated. Ste text my mum saying 'quick !!! Chez is 9cm dilated' I asked if I could have any pain relief she said no it was too late so she gave me gas and air ... A few puffs on that and I was OUT OF IT. My mum arrived at 8 and it was like I was hammered lol. I got into the bath at 8.30 when the pethidine had worn off, I could barely lift my legs over the bath to get in, my contractions were so painful. I had gas and air in the bath but I think caz turned it down as I was pretty out of it, first I lay down in the bath but found I couldn't push too well so I squatted which was much easier to push but hurt my feet sooo sooo much. It got to the point where caz, mum and Ste could see Isla's head with a mirror, they told me she had dark hair. Between contractions I'd doze off I was so out of it. My mum had to leave the bathroom as she was in tears, I think it got a bit too much for her seeing me in so much pain :( I pushed 3 times per contraction for 10 seconds each push. I got out the bath at 10.30 and got on the bed, I had to pull my legs up and bear down when I had contractions. I was pretty calm with everyone I think. But when I got on the bed Ste gave me a hug and was telling me something and I pushed him in the stomach away from me, I heard I'd winded him I felt soooo bad and kept saying sorry :( but he didn't care lol I still feel bad now ! I had such bad backache when I got on the bed and It got to the point where I said I couldn't do it anymore.*At 11am*caz realised Isla was back to back, it was impossible for me to push her out without any help. Caz said Isla would have to be vacuumed out but then they decided on forceps but my vagina had swollen up so much caz didn't want to give me a episiotomy. they decided I'd have to go to theatre so Ste quickly changed into scrubs and I got prepared to go, there was about 10 people in the room, I was completely naked and these two men walked in (I wouldn't have minded too much if my top half was covered tut but I was too out if it) while all these people were in I was of course still contracting so still pushing and yelling in pain. They only at 11.10 did a scan to be certain Isla as back to back, she was so I then got taken down to theatre, they told me I'd more than likely end up with a c section. I would have been taken sooner but Isla's heartbeat was ok, she was happy! *My mum gave me a huge cuddle before I went down. We got into theatre and there was about 18 people in there in their groups. In agony I had to move from my bed to the the theatre table , I was given some sort of fluid (not a clue what for) into my drip but it was sooo painful as I'd knocked it in the bath and my arm was sooooo bruised so I had to have a new one inserted in my right hand. I was put on my side which was agony while I was contracting, so painful!!! I had to have an epidural, the guy doing it didn't insert it right the first time so had to do it again. While this was happening Ste was getting so annoyed, and was crying because I was in so much pain, it was hard for him to see!!! I had a nurse/doctor (who knows) by my right side throughout it all that was talking to me and I had Ste on my left holding my hand. Once the epidural kicked in it was GREAT haha I was talking non stop lol. They told me i had to push when they told me to ... I was like how the hell do I do that with no feeling, they said to do it like I was doing all morning *It was a guy who was down there seeing to the birth and he told me he had to give me an episiotomy but I was still out of it so didn't care lol. Caz felt my tummy and when I contracted they told me to push ... I was like am I doing it, lol. I think I pushed through 2 contractions and she was born with the help of forceps, I never saw them. We heard her cry :) she was born at 11.50am. They put her on a towel on my chest, I was too scared to touch her lol it was so surreal ! You see it on one born every minute but to be there myself was just overwhelming ! Isla got taken to be cleaned, weighed, check out etc and Ste went with her. Ste was crying and came over and showed me photos of her then brought her over and we had a few photos, then the lady put Isla on my chest :) *at some point, I guess when The doctor was delivering my placenta and stitching me up Ste went to tell my mum as we were gone a while and he knew she'd be worried. We got taken back to birthing and labour and me and Isla had skin to skin time, I'd say I was still pretty out of it for a few hours. My dad and brother arrived and everyone had cuddles :) I couldn't feel my legs properly for about 4/5 hours, I had a catheter. We got taken to the post natal ward about*4pm*and stayed there for 2 nights.*Isla had a very bruised, sore head :( and I was in pain with my whole body and my stitches, I had to be helped in and out of bed, to walk, to get changed lol. We're both recovering well now though :)

So Isla was born Monday 19/03/12 at 11.50am, weighing 7lbs7oz and measuring 48cm.

She was born 7.7 on the Monday, dropped to 6.7 by the Wednesday, was still 6.8 on the Saturday so the mw came back Monday as they wanted to keep an eye on her as she wasn't gaining enough weight and she was 6.9 and we haven't been seen for over a week but will have someone coming in the next week. She was also slightly jaundice but that cleared up in a few days. Poor monkey has wind at the moment so a bit unsettled. I'm breast feeding which is so amazing :) takes some getting used to the lack of sleep and not being able to do what you used to and pop here and there lol. I gained a stone and 6lbs and I've lost 2 stone 5lbs in 15 days ! My pre pregnancy clothes are too big lol.*

So there is my longggggg birth story lol it's taken me 2 hours to write in my phone :O sorry if I bored you !


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Glad you and Isla are both recovering well :flower:

I got my glucose results back and they are normal :happydance:

Hope everyone is having a good day :)
You haven't bored us at all Cheryl!! It's lovely to hear your story, sounds a bit scary but bet it was amazing and so worth it!
I still want a home birth, but have to wait and see if I have 1 or 2 babies coz that could change my thoughts ha

Glad your both recovering, she is so so beautiful Cheryl! She really is a cutie. Bet you miss your family already.
Is steves mum and dad there now?
Glad your taking to breast feeding the bond must be amazing.

Oh Lola I see about the diabetes.

I hope Kelsey still comes on the site or I'll miss her x
Thank you hayley :) I know this sounds crazyyy but I have like a craving to go back and be in labour and give birth again ... I don't know why lol. I think because I wasn't really with it maybe? But I don't think I'd have gas and air next time, it never made me feel sick but made me feel very drunk. I'd have an epidural though that's for sure lol.

Thank you hun, she's changing so quickly !! It's scary lol.

I miss my mum, dad and brother so so much !!! I've said bye a few times over the years with them living in Cyprus for 2 years and us living here for 18months but this time was by far the hardest !!!! I just wish they were living here so I could take Isla to see them ! Gets me pretty down if I'm honest. In-laws are here ... Yay (NOT) they leave in the 16th and I can't wait to have my house back and get into a routine, breast feed in my lounge, walk around in my underwear lol and it just be the 3 of us !!!!

So what's the next step hayley? Do you know roughly how long the waiting list is? Hope you're not waiting too long !!!

In-laws have just gone to the beach for the day , I've caught my father in laws cold and feel like pooooo :( trying not to kiss Isla as I don't want her to get it.

Yes I've hears that of you truly don't remember or felt the labour that women Want to try again and do it differently next time. You just don't know what to expect with your 1st.

We are waiting for a hospital appointment for law at the urologist, to see why his count is low. Which could help us have another baby naturally or with clomid etc but still bring refered for ivf.

So waiting for a call from London hospital to have a talk about it, then hoping to get started a few months after. So might have a baby by next year. Can't wait to find out.

Why can't you breast feed in front of them? Id feel the same, I'd just want to space.
They be gone soon.
Don't worry too much, babies are quite hardy.
Eliza was in contact with lots of people with colds when she was born and didn't catch Anything x
hiya really enjoyed your birth story cheryl :) thanx no names as yet was writing down names i like for him last night :) seem to be in to writing lists atm got lists for everything lol
Hey every1, how are u all??

im good thanks getting there trying to sort things out ect

birth story was amazing cherly :)
jenn i think we need to see a bumpy pic :)
hayley any news on hosp ect or anything?
lola how u finding being pregnant?

thougth id still come on and chat to u ladies, who no's i might be bk trying again one day. Xx
im sure you will be one day kelsey i hope your ok i wil take a bump pic and stick it on fb think iv finally got a little bump he was kicking so much last night could see my belly flickering lol x i had a good easter ta how was all yours x
Hey all

I've not heard anything from hospital yet, got to wait for law to get an appointment 1st.

Arw yea Jen get a photo up, bet you've grown since the last time we saw you.

Not really been up to much, just working as usual x
i will get a pic done for you! went morrrisons yesterday and huggies nappies are half price so brought 7 packs :blush: lol and got him loads baby johnsons stuff and some simple wash from poundland really goood in there i got him the bedtime bath cos i want to use bathn as part of rountine before bedtime i paid a pound in poundland ovs :haha: went morrisons it 2 pound something in there x
I think if you see bargains jenn you got to stock up, it will save you loads x

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