my little superman max, 26weeks and 1day, 8weeks old today!!

Thats such a big bottle max you little porker!! Well done you now you get yourself out of there asap!!!
i know the bootle was big and the teat was massive i even asked if it was too big lol!!! nurse just laughed! i gave max a bottle yesterday and he took the whole feed 22mls!!!!!!!! bless him! now hes havin every other feed as a bottle!!! and big news hes been promoted to HD, yesterday morning on ward round :happydance::happydance:
What fantasic news!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance: Well done Max!
Another absolutely gorgeous baby:happydance:
It is so wonderful when they get must be so proud of Max...wait until you go into the last nursery near the exit...I cried my eyes out with relief...
Sounds like Max is doing so well and feeding really well - yippeee!!! Feeding is always a challenge, sounds like Max is having no pleased...x
So glad he has made it to the last room its a great feelin! He must be so excited to get out for Santa x
max is in a cot finally!!hes off his caffine so he got to be montired for 5 extra days and then he will be lead free and montier free (scary)!!!!!!!!!! been told he just gotta keep bein a good boy and sort his feeding out then it wont be long and we will be home!!!!!!!:happydance:
Brilliant it is so great when they get out of their fish tank, now you can just look down on them and lift them out sooo easy changing the bum is easier too! I hated not havin the monitors you just dont know what they are doin! The worst bit was when they took the apnea alarm off to and they did that on the 2nd nite i slept over NO SLEEEP!!!

Its funny as they put so many layers on them in the cot they look like a michelin man! I remember Freddys little arms just sticking up in the air with a vest sleepsuit and wooly cardi on then the 5 blankets on top!! They seemed to be obsessed with his temperature!!

Fingers crossed he will be home in plenty of time for Santa Love to you max and family! x:kiss:
Yay Max, it sounds like he is really flying and he is such a cutie too, it sounds like you will be able to take him home in the not too distant future, brilliant!
Fantastic news...yipee! It is amazing when they are in a just can't help but just stare at them and touch them...I was forever being told off for stroking Emily when asleep, they said I was disturbing her but you just can't help yourself.

I was relieved when all the wires and machines were removed towards the end of our journey I didn't believe what they were telling me as I was watching what Emily was doing, she was such a wriggler that they always went off without get to know your own baby like you probably know Max so well now...

Fingers crossed you get him home soon...x
i know what u men by the machine just going off for no reason i sit him up to wind him and they go off but he looks well and stays pink!!!!!!!! yh they have puthim in loads off layers bless him!!!! they dnt mind u touchin them at our unit his care is parent lead now!!!! he is such a wriggler lol always wrigging! around and makin funny noises! and u cant help but keep touching them wen there in the cot i know what u mean!!!!!! all wrapped up and asleep at me in my big boy cot!!!!!!! relly like this pic for sum reason half way getting him dressed lol
Wow in your recent photos he has really grown since the last set of photos you posted! Amazing! He looks so cute in his little outfits...and those cute chubby cheeks....
ah he is so gorgeous you must be so so so proud of him! You are a very lucky mummy to have such a brave strong boy! Lovin his chubby little legs!
hi ya every one, max is doing well, being offered a bottle at feeds if he is awake and can take anything from 15mls to 25mls, wen the nurses feed but i suppose they just dnt have the time to get him to take the whole feed because wen i feed him i get him to get the whole bottle takes a while though so probably why they dont!!!!!!!
had a bit of bad time today he had his 4th eye exam yesterday so far he has been clear of ROP but mr eyeman (as all the nurses call him) sed he has stage1, but sed he sure it will get better by its self??? not sure how i feel about this!!!! also yesterday he had his newborn hearing test, passed on the left ear, but completly failed in the right ear so he was been referred!! not sure how i feel about his either!:shrug: he been through so much i know these are small things compared to everything he been though and i knew it was very likely to get ROP and it is very common to fail tyhe hearing test on the first one!!!!!!!
Emily had stage 1 ROP but it improved and she was discharged from the Eye doctor whilst still in SCBU. I think Stage 1 is quite common in premature babies and most do go onto to improve. I would not worry too much about it...his eyes will mature over time and hopefully it should go away...
As for the hearing test I know if a baby fails the first one it is not conclusive and they will carry out another test to be sure that their is hearing loss. Babies have good days and really bad days in NICU/SCBU so he might have had a bad day and failed the test. Emily failed some of her physio tests the first time she had them, the next week she passed, the physio said maybe she was having an off day when they did the first tests.
I would not worry until further tests have been done and you get the final diagnosis.
Max is absoulutly gorgeous and sounds like he's doing so well x
hi everyone, max seems to be getting bk on track he is on full feeds agen now!!! ive stated that i no longer want them to try weaning him on to a formula with lactose in! so we will have to see what happens next!!!!! god it really seems like all the babies are going home apart from us it seem like we spent so long in intensivecare that now we r in HD all the babies we met in thre are off home:cry:!!!!!!!!!! im really happy for them but cnt help feeling sad!!!!! they are going to be cautious with him for now on his only problem is his feeds!!!!!! fingers crossed this gets sorted out sooner rather than later!!!!!!!!:shrug:
Max is so cute, love the last pic of his legs I see how you like it so much, the big socks half way up his legs are adorable I have a similar one and love it!

It is difficult moving rooms and starting over wih new families esp when they are going home, but it wont be long til its Max's turn :hugs: x
I know it is frustrating seeing other babies go home when you are still in HD...your time will come don't you worry. The feeding is always the most frustrating part as it is the last bit they need to get right...Emily stayed in the final nursery for what seemed like ages, I saw babies come and go as she was nearing her due date, she was always the oldest in the room but still desating, having bradys (apparently) and choking during her feeds at 38 weeks!!!
I know you feel really impatient but fingers crossed Max starts picking up a gear and soon you will be flying out that door...I have everything crossed for you!

Big hugs...x

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