Just popping in a breakdown of the next couple of months
*Stuff to do this Month - July*
- Make an appointment to see our Co ordinator at our Venue -
* Confirm Menu
* Confirm Numbers for sit down meal
* Speak to Co ordinator about food allergies (Nuts and dairy)
* Clarify evening buffet and amount needed (Also confirm price)
* Ask if we can put out placecards/scatter crystals the evening before - this is all dependant on when they set up the room
* Check out venue's sound system and make sure their music system can play burnt discs
(We do need to ask about other stuff too but I cant remember for the life of me what it is!

- Hopefully get my dress
- Get dress altered if needed
- Get Jay's wedding gift
- Get Best Man gift
- Get parents gifts
- Speak with the Registrar
- Have a chat with Best Man about the day
*Stuff to do next month - August*
- Get flower girl shoes
- Get flower girl cardis/boleros
- Get wedding undies
- Get wedding lingerie
- Speak to our "photographer" friends about our list of pics that we want
- Get wedding makeup and do a trial run of it.
- Speak to the DJ
*The 1 Week Lead Up to the Wedding*
- Dye hair - still not decided on scarlet red or stick with my blonde highlights

- Last minute checks on the venue
- Check that cakes and favours are done and ready to picked up when needed
- Check that my dad is ok for travelling down from Wales
- One more makeup trial
That's all I can think of for now, will add to it if I think of anything else!