It really has been grating on me the last couple of weeks.. so much so that I've been having trouble sleeping because of it

So yesterday I decided that I was going to try not to let it get to me because I know I have a backup, and I do adore my Tiffany dress, I just wish it was a size bigger! The way I'm trying to see it now (and I dont have alot of choice atm!) is that it wont be the end of the world, I do have a beautiful dress that I can modify to fit me and it'll be fine ... I just keep telling myself this over and over LOL!
It's been such a shock because Dress No. 2 was from China and I didnt have any of this trouble. I was able to track it across Europe and then into the UK, on the delivery van and at my door
I wont be doing anything about it tomorrow other than checking the tracking number for the delivery company this side of things, but that'll be it. I think I'll be waiting till Tuesday now, over the weekend there'll be nothing done so maybe something will happen Monday, but I'm not counting on it tbh
On a brighter note, we have a meeting with our registrar on the 10th August to go over all the details of the wedding and to pay her fees (a swift £390 - man I really need to train as a registrar

) and we're hoping to have a meeting with the co ordinator at our venue next week some time to pay some more of it off and to go over finer details and confirm the menu etc