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name change** new tww a/f due 14th sept come join me

Hope for future thank you so much I can't believe that opk was giving false results im happy you caught on to it ima try today another one and see what happens and thank you for clearing it up for me I feel like I'm a step closer to understanding these things :)

I couldn't believe it either! I had used CB OPKs with no problems for 9 months, bought a new pack which contained a new reader and ever since I started using that pack I didn't get 1 potitive result! I thought I was broken coz of exercising/stressing/just generally not Oing as I haven't exactly had the best of luck TTC!!! Then it clicked one day that -OPKs started the month I started using the new pack. My day 21 progesterone test confirmed I did O this cycle around when I thought I did.

I recommend OPKs as they give you peace of mind - they're really useful for tying all of the natural signs together - the mittelschmerz, if you get them, and the EWCM. I know how everything works with me now so am not too sad at the thought of not using them anymore.

I'll just have to make sure I regularly BD - such a shame! :haha:
OMG so pissed right now, a so called friend took it apon her self to send me a picture message this morning ... wait for it....... OF A CLEAR BLUE PREGNANCY TEST SAYIN 3 WEEKS PLUS! why she felt the need to share this with me I will never no :(
OMG so pissed right now, a so called friend took it apon her self to send me a picture message this morning ... wait for it....... OF A CLEAR BLUE PREGNANCY TEST SAYIN 3 WEEKS PLUS! why she felt the need to share this with me I will never no :(

Oh Char... sometimes in the excitement friends just don't think.

One of my best friends sent me a card with a big picture of her newborn baby on the front when she knew we'd been trying for a while. That hurt me but she didn't mean to.

Does she know you are struggling Char?
yea i think they are useful its just i dont think i know how toread them right and i know its pretty basic just have to look at the line but i feel like sometimes becuase i want it so bad i start seeing something that isnt there like yea the line may be there but it may not be as dark as its soposed to be and but i will see when i go in on the 7th for bloodwork and then ima see if i can but the opk with the circle instead of lines lol

come on you know you love bd =) or atleast he does lol jk :happydance:
hey Char

dont feel to bad shes prob. just as excited as we would be it just sucks cause we really want it and its seems like it wont happen be happy for her =) and dont give up girl !!
OMG so pissed right now, a so called friend took it apon her self to send me a picture message this morning ... wait for it....... OF A CLEAR BLUE PREGNANCY TEST SAYIN 3 WEEKS PLUS! why she felt the need to share this with me I will never no :(

Big hugs chick...Sorry you are feeling down.. Baby brain does she have maybe?

One of my mates is 4 months and as each month passes I feel more n more behind.... can u believe she wasn't even trying and fell whilst being on the pill!!!!:nope: x
Thanks everyone, bet I sound like a right bitch! I was just upset yesterday as she knows how we been struggling and how long everythings been taking and she hasnt even been trying she just got caught straight away :/. The amount of times I have stared at the clear blue digis praying for it to come up like that is unreal so to have it shoved in my face wasn't nice x
hey Char,

yea it sucks and you werent being a bitch just upset becasue of how hard its been :hugs: yourll get there when my sister told me she was pregnent i was so hurt like how the heck did it happen to you before me and i want it more then she did and then she would send me pics of her belly on purpose but i stayed positive i was hurting on the inside because it wasnt fair.. my sister never did have her baby she had an abortion abd that mad me hurt even more but you have to stay strong for yourself and never doubt it wont happen
Thanks everyone, bet I sound like a right bitch! I was just upset yesterday as she knows how we been struggling and how long everythings been taking and she hasnt even been trying she just got caught straight away :/. The amount of times I have stared at the clear blue digis praying for it to come up like that is unreal so to have it shoved in my face wasn't nice x

Not at all! My friend's card went straight in the bin - that made me feel horrible but it was just an instantaneous reaction to the shock.

We'll get there somehow...
i know how u feel Charbaby...Today I heard that one of my friends is 2 months pregnant n while Im happy for her, it did make me feel sad as I want a BFP so badly :( Noone knows we are TTC so noone can purposely make me feel bad but it doesnt stop me feeling down when I see/hear of everyone having babies! x
Its just hard watching everyone around getting pregnant, when its all I want, My nan let slip last night that my older sister is pregnant again only around 5 weeks gone at the mo thats prob why she is keeping it to herself for the moment and shes prob dreading telling me, which makes me feel bad cus its not her fault she has no problems concieving and its not like I can expect everyone to not have babies around me while I am trying :(
Pretty sure this is not the month for us :(
12 dpo today. Af due Saturday. None of my usual preggo symptoms. Blah.
:hugs: to u Jingles...dont give up yet tho - if AF hasnt arrived then u are still in with a chance! x

Charbaby - where u upto i ur cycle? How u feeling today?

ATM im on CD10 so its kinda boring. In the next few days ill start worrying about O n trying to catch it!

How is everyone else? x
Hello! AF due Sept. 11th, I'm 3 dpo. Feeling very crampy and bloated, tender bb's and backache. FX for a :bfp:! This is my first cycle ttc. We have an 8 year old and have finally gotten around to expanding the family. We're both 29, married for 9 years, and really haven't felt the pressure to try for more kidlets. But it's on like Donkey Kong now!
:hugs: to u Jingles...dont give up yet tho - if AF hasnt arrived then u are still in with a chance! x

Charbaby - where u upto i ur cycle? How u feeling today?

ATM im on CD10 so its kinda boring. In the next few days ill start worrying about O n trying to catch it!

How is everyone else? x

CD14 today hun, having signs of O, Lots of ewcm so hopeful that i am Oing today :D AF due 14th September. xx
Goodluck Charbaby! I prob wont O til cd15 or 16 so AF could come anywhere between 18th and 22nd Sept...hopefully i will have a better idea when O is confirmed x
Good luck Char!! Hope this is your month!!

Af got me this morning. :cry: Not surprised at all though. Had a little cry last night but feeling a little more hopeful for next month. Hubby and I had a little chat last night about how much bd'ing we need to be doing. Hubby was under the impression that once was enough. :dohh:
Good luck Char!! Hope this is your month!!

Af got me this morning. :cry: Not surprised at all though. Had a little cry last night but feeling a little more hopeful for next month. Hubby and I had a little chat last night about how much bd'ing we need to be doing. Hubby was under the impression that once was enough. :dohh:

Sorry AF got you :hugs::hugs:
I always have to fight the tears away when AF arrives, for me it just gets harder and harder to cope with every month she arrives! :( xxx
Sorry AF got u Jingles :hugs:
Me n OH have also had one of them chats about BD (a few of them actually)! He knows how much it hurts when I get AF n he wants a BFP too so he tries his best to make me feel better n a few times we've talked about 'trying more' next time but when it comes to it forcing BD isn't as much fun n we tend to miss one day which turns out to be the most important day! This month we are goin to try n hit O lol x
I know what you mean Char. My sister just announced her pregnancy and my sis-in-law is due soon. I just feel like I'm getting left behind and it's getting harder and harder to not be pregnant. And then there is the added stress of having had miscarriages.

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