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name change** new tww a/f due 14th sept come join me

HopeforFuture - Do you usually feel like that after O? I say if it is feels different to normal then it must be a good sign! But know what you mean about not wanting to get your hopes up! This wait is torture!
I had twinges in the TWW in December, and since then nothing. It's not a normal feeling for me and I've never felt this heavy feeling before nor the achiness in my back - I don't even get that with AF - all the aches are at the front when she visits.

8 days to testing - I'm gonna keep myself busy and try not to think about it! Knowing me it's probably either in my head or something like a bladder infection! Lol!

Best of luck to you this month! :dust: x
Sorry to intrude ladies. My temp went back down this morning so i guess yesterday was just a rouge temp :-(
That's great, Beeka. Hopefully you get your BFP!! I haven't really been feeling that bad so I don't know. I feel like I'm not pregnant but then I'm like what am I saying?! I've gotta have hope! :dust:

Question though.....has any one been STARVING?? Like the second you wake up if you don't eat you feel like you might die?? :shrug: I usually only eat like this right before AF but witchy isn't due for like 10 days.....weird
Hi ladies! I am joining all of you on the 2WW. I am currently on 7 dpo and :)blush:) have tested twice already despite knowing it won't do any good.

A little about me...I'm a mom of a precious 3 and a half year old girl. She is my princess ... in combat boots! haha! My husband and I have been married almost 6 years and have been together since 8th grade. <3
My husband and I always said that after her delivery we would not have anymore. It was awful. It took me 8 months to heal after her ... and it was not a C-section. :wacko: .... However we have since changed our minds and thought to start ttc in June or July of this year ... :blush: as you can see I am 7 dpo and impatiently awaiting a + result already. I have been off of birth control for almost 2 years because it did insane things to my body. We kick it old school and still giggle when we go buy a box of condoms. One night, in the heat of the moment, neither of us cared as to what may (or may not) happen and just went with it. Since 3 dpo I have been crampy/twingy, for the last 2 days my boobs are sore to touch (which is not normal), and mostly STARVING. Typing that word makes my stomach growl. I ran across this site in doing searches for early pregnancy symptoms and the 2WW and am excited to have some ladies to share this wait with. Good luck to all of you!!
I just found the link to the abbreviations. Some of them I didn't know when reading other postings! Whew! Now I can keep up :)

Here's hoping for a BFP soon
Hello to all new posters :D
Hope everyone is doing well and staying POSITIVE!!!!!
Well I still have nothing to report yet, Really wanting to poas! but holding myself back, when i need a wee i hear them calling me lol but I am determined to make it till late next week. Think by wednesday i might give in tho xxxx
Hi everyone ,

hope all is well..i think i am imagining things but i have noticed today that i am more tired then usual i have no energy whatsoever cant be asked to clean the house and i even left to my sisters early in the morning as i couldnt be asked to stay home lol..i also did had a good night sleep kept on waking up and i was cold weird i know..i woke up 4am to go to the toilet :S

i also have noticed that i have white thich lotiony cm sorry (Tmi) and few shooting pains near my nipples and the side of my boobs

i think this aint possible but we will wait and see..am currently 2-3dpo *sighs*
I think we should rename this thread the Symptoms Spotters Club, hehehe. :happydance:

I was sooooo tired I could barely function yesterday. Today, so far, I'm feeling more awake and alert than I have in weeks. Strange really sticky CM yesterday which is new for me but that has since dried up. Boob pain today though, hooray!! Never thought I'd get excited to have sore boobs, haha. :happydance:

I also have a confession.... I tested. BFN of course, but I had to!! :blush:

This is why I buy the ICs.. How did women survive before at home pregnancy tests?!?!
lol @ renaming this thread ...but i heard you only get symptoms when implantation takes places which is around 6dpo right?
That's when the pregnancy symptoms start because the production of hCG doesn't take place until implantation takes place, but there really isn't much out there on what symptoms happen when conception takes place.

Theoretically there should be changes to the body at that point but I haven't really found much on it. What little I have found would indicate pretty negligible symptoms at best. Things you really wouldn't notice unless you were really really watching and could just be chocked up to regular hormonal fluctuations on any given day.

I choose to believe I am pregnant until proven otherwise though, and these are all wonderfully uncomfortable signs. :winkwink:

I swear I've found out more about the baby making process here than from my doctor or my other doctor (google :p)
Hi ladies! Happy Saturday!

Nothing to report from me - 3dpo and nothing out of the ordinary symptom wise.

Lol to renaming the thread!
Trissy, I tested too! Dang it all, I knew it would be negative, lol... Ah well, now at least my FMU is gone and I can get on with the day and wait to test again tomorrow. I promised myself I'd wait until 10 dpo this cycle, but I couldn't do it!

No symptoms to spot for me, unfortunately :( My bbs are sore, but they always are during the TWW. Other than that, I think I'll go out and enjoy the sun today and get some exercise :D
LOL to renaming the thread! It so should be called that

I feel embarrassed now though that I am one of the people who instigated that name change!:blush:

I'm ignoring any potential signs from now on - sign spotting will drive me :wacko:!!!
LOL to renaming the thread! It so should be called that

I feel embarrassed now though that I am one of the people who instigated that name change!:blush:

I'm ignoring any potential signs from now on - sign spotting will drive me :wacko:!!!

I say let the madness begin!
No symptoms to spot for me, unfortunately :( My bbs are sore, but they always are during the TWW. Other than that, I think I'll go out and enjoy the sun today and get some exercise :D

Are yours always sore the entire TWW? That's what happens with me and since the day before ovulation they've been sore, so I'm getting worried it's a bad sign because there's no change so far.. they normally only stop hurting a day or two after AF comes
Hello ladies . Can I join the two week wait please ? Not temping but I am charting and had positive opk's. Had ovulation pains Thursday so keeping fingers crossed.

Had the mirena coil removed in feb , ovulated in march but had no Af until 2nd April so was going out of my head thinking my bits didnt work :-(

I have a fifteen year old son and so want to have a baby again. I have a wonderful fiancé who will be a lovely daddy so really am keeping my fingers crossed that our wish comes true soon.
Symptom spotting wise , my lillian's are feeling heavy and tender and I want to wee alot!

I wear a moonstone bracelet and. Tonight is a full moon , a time for new beginnings and positive changes ........ Sending baby dust to all and hoping for lots of lovely BIG FAT POSITIVES in two weeks time xxxxxxx
No symptoms to spot for me, unfortunately :( My bbs are sore, but they always are during the TWW. Other than that, I think I'll go out and enjoy the sun today and get some exercise :D

Are yours always sore the entire TWW? That's what happens with me and since the day before ovulation they've been sore, so I'm getting worried it's a bad sign because there's no change so far.. they normally only stop hurting a day or two after AF comes

Yep Yep... the first month TTC I thought it was a for sure sign, but then it's happened every cycle. Hormones? IDk... annoying? definitely!!
Evening ladies! Hope you are all well. No symptoms for me to spot just really thick cm (sorry for TMI) no sore boobs had some cramps yesterday and now nothing else, just the urge to poas!!! Resisted so far but only as I only have 2 in the cupboard!!

GL to everyone and lots of :dust: and figers are firmly crossed!! x
Good morning :)

A good temp rise this morning which definitely confirms ovulation, however FF have moved ovulation from CD74 to CD76. I felt ovulation pain on CD75 so I am going to say 5dpo.

I can't help but symptoms spot....had some light cramping last night and awful wind :blush: Still very tired but no sore bbs. I really NEED to test soon but don't have any in the house :dohh:

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