Need daily support buddies!

Sorry about AF Starluck :(

Wow, Buttercup, that sounds awesome! I really want to do a treetop assault course but have been putting it off incase I get a positive...if I'm out tomorrow which I think I will be, I may look at booking it :)
I've never done treetop assault course. That sounds awesome too. There's a mud race coming up but I'm not too sure about that one, Lol!!

Sorry about AF Starluck :(

Wow, Buttercup, that sounds awesome! I really want to do a treetop assault course but have been putting it off incase I get a positive...if I'm out tomorrow which I think I will be, I may look at booking it :)
Good morning ladies!

Thank you all for being so supportive. :hugs:

starluck I'm so sorry your AF showed up. I know how crappy that is. :nope: Hang in there. We're all in this together and we'll get through it together. :hugs:

AFM: Yesterday afternoon I seriously was EXHAUSTED!! :sleep: There's no reason I should have been either. I slept fine and didn't go to bed late. This morning I kind of feel icky. A bit of an upset belly. Don't know if it's because I'm stressing or because I am having what I feel like is pregnancy symptoms. Who knows. :shrug: My bbs still hurt and yesterday late afternoon/evening my achiness moved to my left side which was different?? I haven't checked my CM/CP yet today, but everything else is the same. I'm on CD 23 of 29/30. So getting to the point of being able to test here in a few days. Part of me wants to just say "yeah, I think I'm pregnant again." But I don't want to say that and be wrong and I'm imagining all these things. It would be awful lucky that I got pregnant the first time we tried after my mc, so I'm guessing the odds of that happening are against me. :shrug:
Thank you Pearly :hugs: ~ i hope you get your bfp this cycle, but if not you will go see the ob/gyn and get it sorted out :) i'm going to keep up the vitex and b vitamins too :thumbup: It's definitely not fair.

thanks buttercup :hugs: ~ i'm so grateful for my dh :) i can't imagine going through this with an unsupportive spouse/significant other. i'm sorry you're out this cycle too :( hey, now you get to do the 5k! i have plans to go ziplining at the end of september with a really good friend for her 30th bday, but if i am pregnant i won't be able to. so, i might have some amazing ziplining to look forward to!!

megan, i have my FX that your intuition is right and you have a sticky bean! :dust:

thank you everyone for being there for me <3 i realize it's only our third cycle ttc, but i just think 'what if something else is wrong too?!' and then it feels like getting pregnant will be some insurmountable task. my husband would be an amazing father and i can't wait to see it in action <3
Starluck, I am so sorry hun. I really had a good feeling for you this cycle! Your DH sounds like an absolute gem, I'm sure he'll take good care of you :hugs: x
yay for such great partner m so happy we have such great support system our oh
and really really feel lucky to have one!
well at the end of this month m going to have my bday so m gonna be having so much fun so looking fwd to vegas:D
starluck it took us 4 cycles to get pregnant the first time and I seriously had the fear that we were never going to get pregnant and that maybe something was wrong with my eggs or my husbands sperm and what if we can never have a child. My doctor said that I was worrying for no reason because we had hardly even been trying. My husband put it into a good perspective. He said "honey, if you think about it, that means we've only actually tried 4 times to get pregnant." Which sounds like A LOT less than 4 months which is actually true because you can't get pregnant every day of the month. He always has a good way of thinking about things! So technically, you guys have only tried 3 times and if there's only a 20% chance to get pregnant each time if both partners are healthy and everything is done correctly, then you're doing just fine!! :happydance: If this helps, here are the statistics for getting pregnant and how long it takes couples.

Of all couples trying to conceive, here's about how long it takes:
•30 percent get pregnant the first cycle (about one month)
•59 percent get pregnant within three cycles (about three months)
•80 percent get pregnant within six cycles (about six months)
•85 percent get pregnant within 12 cycles (about one year)
•91 percent get pregnant within 36 cycles (about three years)
•93 to 95 percent get pregnant within 48 cycles (about four years)
Well af arrived today. It means I can start tracking my cycle :thumbup: all I gotta do is wait out these next 7 days :coffee: then I can bust out the fertility scope and opks :happydance:

Aww starluck :hugs: I'm so sorry the witch got you! Fx'ed for next cycle :flower:
Best of luck for your new cycle Jay!

I'm feeling out. I've had pale red CM when wiping now, was brown before - sorry for TMI. I definitely feel crampy. Only 8DPO. Expecting a temp drop tomorrow and for the witch to appear properly x
thanks megan for posting the statistics! it's good to have that reminder that it's normal for it to take some time. Our first cycle i think we missed our bd timing - right when we got back from our honeymoon, my mother in law was staying with us (which was really annoying and unexpected, but anyway..), so we did not bd as much later in my cycle. knowing now that i ovulate later, i'm sure we totally missed our chance. so maybe we've only really had a chance for 2 cycles.

loobs, i have my fx for you that it is not AF coming!!! ugh i hope she does not show for you!!

pearly, your bday is going to be so much fun!

yay Jay! looks like we are cycle buddies then :)
Nice to join a forum where people respond every day lol! Just an intro, married since Feb of this year, been with DH almost 8 years (October) and been ttc since February. I have tried ovulation app, Clear Blue opks, tracking cm; I just started temping the end of this cycle so, i dont really know when im actually ovulating (according to opks it is cd11) so, hopefully temping will narrow it down for me. Also, trying preseed this month, anyone uses that here? 6th cycle coming to end and im sure AF will show up today :-/.... tired of seeing her lol.
Loobs with you being at CD 8 could it be implantation bleeding???? That's right around the time it could happen???

Welcome cdelmar!! Your introduction is about like mine! Married since July 2013, I've been with my DH almost 9 years (November), and we've been ttc since February as well!! We did get pregnant in June, but unfortunately lost it at 5.5 weeks. So we had to skip month 5 due to the mc and now I'm in the ttw for month 6th of trying. Glad you decided to join us!!! Keep us updating!! :hugs:

Good luck with this new cycle Jay900! Keep us updated!! :thumbup:
Welcome cdelmar :) My DH and I just got married this May 31 and TTC since then :) We've been together for 10 years next month <3 I hope AF doesn't show for you!
Hi cdelmar! I've been using CB OPKs and preseed this cycle too. Had never tried preseed before but thought we would give it a go cos last cycle I didn't have very much EWCM. I'm new to temping too! Hope you get your BFP soon!

MrsR - I have been thinking that it might be implantation but yesterday (TMI alert!!) it went from being brown or pink when I wiped to being a light red/orangey colour. Not dark red like AF when she comes. I was feeling crampy too so popped on a liner thinking she was coming. There's nothing there this morning, not even when I wipe. Totally confused! I thought IB was meant to be brown or pink. And if it turns out not to be IB, why am I bleeding in the LP? That's a sign of low progesterone I think. Why is this TTC business so difficult?!?! X
AF didnt show up yesterday but i took 3 hpts within the past week and nothing (plus i dont feel pregnant)...going on CD 35 today...havent seen that number since last June....For the past 9 months or so my cycles have ranged from 28-31 so not sure what is going on but maybe its stress of ttc???? (I have felt anxiety maybe 3 times this cycle for no explainable reason).....

Also Im new to this website/forum I am loving those little signature tags at the do I do one myself?
Well, my opk is negative today. My temp still did not rise too hight, I hope it will tomorrow so in a couple of days I will know if I actually ovulated or not.

What is preseed? Is it important to use? I don't have to much EWMC neither lately...
it is a lubricant for women ttc that helps the sperm along, especially for those that dont get much ewcm around ovulation. its about $20 where I live, i havent bought it yet but i saw it in CVS...must be "injected" before BDing
it is a lubricant for women ttc that helps the sperm along, especially for those that dont get much ewcm around ovulation. its about $20 where I live, i havent bought it yet but i saw it in CVS...must be "injected" before BDing

I see. I will get one as well. Since we stopped birth control I dont have as much as I used to have.
AF got me. Might start thinking about trying preseed, not sure if I'm getting much EWCM either...
For signatures cdelmar, I think it's under something like 'user control panel'. I found it confusing but got it working in the end :)
Loobs with you being at CD 8 could it be implantation bleeding???? That's right around the time it could happen???

Welcome cdelmar!! Your introduction is about like mine! Married since July 2013, I've been with my DH almost 9 years (November), and we've been ttc since February as well!! We did get pregnant in June, but unfortunately lost it at 5.5 weeks. So we had to skip month 5 due to the mc and now I'm in the ttw for month 6th of trying. Glad you decided to join us!!! Keep us updating!! :hugs:

Good luck with this new cycle Jay900! Keep us updated!! :thumbup:

Sorry to hear about the mc :-/ good luck with this cycle, looking forward to hearing your updates!

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