New - BFP after IVF

Hi Ladies,
Add me to the feeling like crap group too. I had to call off work yesterday. I hate doing that as I don't have any sick time left and I'm just so frustrated that I can't do the things like I normally do. (like household chores) Dh is really trying hard to understand how I feel, but let's be honest ladies the guys just don't get it. LOL I have my next OB appointment on the 13th. I can't wait til then becuse I'll get the results of my blood work as I think I may have low iron which is why I'm feeling so wiped out. Anyway end of my moaning hopefully we will all be feeling better once we hit 2nd tri.

Rozzie great news about your scan. I'm sure you are over the moon.

Hang in there everyone we'll all get through this together. :flower:
Oh no! Get well soon Wishing - am glad the doc signed you off, I really hope it helps chicker. I think with your job being on your feet for long shifts is bound to take it out of you :hugs:

Yes babyhopes - I had a day when I felt fine and not sick, then started worrying about lack of symptoms :lol: doh!

Yes MM - we are well within our rights to have a moan aren't we? Tis hard work this pg malarky!!!

I'm clutching to the hope I will feel more 'normal' after 12 weeks like the books say, but in reality, I know it can carry on - sometimes through a whole pregnancy eeeeeek!!

I've booked a week off work in 2 weeks :yay: and am hopefully going away for a couple of days, but not sure how up to it I'll feel? I'm dreading being sick in public and was very close to being sick at work today :(

Mr RG made me chuckle earlier as I had bought 2 bars of chocolate for our dads for father's day, and he said 'where's mine'? :lol: ahhhh bless - I told him that he'd have to wait until next year!! :lol: :lol:
well, I feel so much better reading this thread. I called in sick today and was feeling so guilty, but now I dont feel so bad knowing I am not the only one who is struggling with constant tiredness and sickness. Sorry to hear you are all sick of course :blush:

This is actually the first day I have had off for MS, despite pucking 2-3times a day at work I have pushed through as I had 2 weeks off for IVF and 3 days for the threatened miscarriage so I feel like I am letting them donw - not to mention the general redundancy warning they gave a couple of weeks ago, but as DH says, baby bean has to come first.

Let's hope we all get lucky and feel better at 12 weeks - anyone thinkinng of asking for anti nausea drugs? They scare me, but will talk to mwife tomorrow.
Mm I know what you mean about feeling guilty, I was meant to work till 9pm yesterday and today and someone else will be asked to do it instead which makes me feel terrible because it was my turn. I dont feel too bad if I rest and just laze about so then I think why am I off I feel fine but I know as soon as I start doing stuff I will feel really ill again.

It must be awful for hyou all being sick all the time, I hate being sick more than anything, luckly I have just felt nauseaus and not actually been sick. My heart goes out to you all.

Welllets relax and have a happy phoned in sick for work day together and not feel guilty about it, afterall we are growing a human being and that takes a lot of hard work. X x x
Thanks Wishing - that makes me feel so much better. Am going to stay in bed a while longer and then migrate to the couch!!! Have a good one x
OH NO - I feel so badly for everyone that is so sick. I have my fingers crossed that everyone starts to feel some improvement very soon. It must be so terrible to feel so awful all the time. I totally agree that you need to take time for yourself because if you push yourself too hard when sick you are just going to set yourself back and you certainly don't want that. Hopefully the rest will really help and at least allow you all to get your strength back at least. Hang in there ladies.
Can I join you?

I've started with a miserable cold :(
Take care poorly ladies :hugs:

Glad you're feeling okay Rozzi :)

I was sick twice yesterday (always when brushing my teeth) but today I've felt a lot better and have actually fancied eating! Hopefully it doesn't mean somethings wrong with bean as now I'm worrying - doh! I'm sure its just a one off good day!

Hope the days off made you feel better xxx
Oh no Urchin not a cold. I was there a couple of weeks ago. I hope it leaves you quick and you feel better soon.
Still sick. Was sick 5 times yesterday and it was horrid. Was going to try to go in to work today but DH said no way, but have just checked all my work emails :blush: I seem to get worse from midday onwards, so opposite to morning sickness. I am seeing the midwife for the first time this afternoon, so excited about that (let's just hope I m not puking then!!)

Hoping the rest of you are surviving!
MrsMax - I feel so bad. Let us know how you make out today. I think the meds might be worth it for you to look into since I'm sure you can't keep up your strength when you are so sick. Keep us posted. Thinking of you.
I agree with rozzi, def ask about the meds, its better that than you end up dehydrated and in hospital, your probably already dehydrated. X x im sure there will be ones safe for pregnancy. X x
Hope you got on okay MM - there is defo something they can give as a friend on another forum has HG (severe vomitting) and had to be hospitalised due to dehydration.

I had a slight panic this morning as there were a few tiny specks of red in my Crinone discharge. I've been checking all day and haven't found any more - its so bloody worrying though :( roll on 2nd scan next week when hopefully little beano will have a placenta and cord.

I'm feeling mega tired and bloated, oh and sick but just usually first thing. It must be horrid being sick all day :hugs: xxxx
For all the girls fighting with MS: try a combination of unisom tablets (half the tablet)+10 mg vit B6, it works wonders. These are the same ingredinents as in Diclectin, an antinausea medication for pregnant women ,available in Canada. Ask your doctor.
I took unisom+vit B6 the last 3 days and I feel much better. It makes you sleepy, but I prefer to sleep rather than feel sick and miserable. It is perfectly safe, ask your doctor. I have a friend in Canada who took it and has a beautiful girl now. Another medication is Zofran (generic Ondasetron), but for me it doesn't work so good. It does nothing for the nausea. I take it only when I feel I will throw up.
I take Cyclizine - not sure what that might be called in america though ... I was prescribed it at the hospital and is defo safe for pregnancy :thumbup:

I've just been sat watching Eenie kick my belly :cloud9:
Sadly, Mr Urch was in the bathroom - I think Eenie knows when he's out of the room! :rofl:
Thanks ladies - yesterday was horrible and the midwife wasnt very helpful. She just said dont get dehydrated. That was it!!! If im not better by Monday will have to see GP as I am losing weight :( Happy weekend ladies! The sun is finally out here - hoping I will get out to enjoy it :)
Oh that was very helpful MrsM :growlmad:
As if you would be getting dehydrated on purpose!
Wow, sorry the midwife wasn't very much help or supportive. Go see your GP and ask for the meds. You've suffered long enough and deserve relief. I'm sure the doctors wouldn't give you anything that would harm your baby.
MM - that sucks :(

Urchin - awwww little Eenie kicking :D :D :D

Thanks for the meds info Babyhopes and Buster - my MS isn't too bad and am hoping it goes at 12 weeks.

I've been sick twice today which is unusual for me and I noticed I felt worse last weekend too. Perhaps not having the distraction of work is making me focus on feeling poorly?

I've had a call for my first midwife appt :yay: and have our final scan before being released from the clinic this week - yipee!!!

Hope everyones okay and had a good weekend? Xxx
Mr Urch felt her kick today for the first time :cloud9:

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