New - BFP after IVF

Hey ladies

Sorry have been awol for a while - I had a week off work and then completely forgot about posting!

Glad everyone is doing well :happydance:

Love that scan picture Urchin

Glad youre both starting to feel better MM and Wishing

Congratulations on the twins babyhopes!

Sorry if ive missed anyone out - baby brain!

Still waiting for my 12 week scan appointment to come through (am 12 weeks this week). Ive left a message with the midwife this morning to chase it up but she hasnt got back to me yet. Ive ticked yes to having the NT test - hope that was the right thing to do?

Im feeling okayish - maybe a tinsy bit better than a few weeks ago, but still being sick everyone morning and am still really tired out and have been hitting the sact at 10pm, very unlike me!

We've told my parents so far, and a few of my friends but we're waiting til the scan to tell the ILs and everyone else. We decided not to tell the ILs as I dont think MIL will be able to keep it a secret, plus she is going to go baby mad when I tell her and I just couldnt cope with that along with being ill at the moment :haha: xxxxx
Hi Ratmagirl, Glad your feeling a little better but I feel for you being sick, I luckily havent yet just had nausea and that has gone now at 14 weeks. Cant believe you havent had a date for your 12 week scan yet, I would keep getting on at them every couple of days because the NHS is terrible at forgetting things. I'm a nurse I know how easy it is to forget, plus if your having the NT measured you will need it soon. I got the NT measured too just to see although if it came up with anything i def wouldnt get an amnio, wouldnt want to risk it. There is no harm in having it measured
Just want to say hi quickly. Off work again today as nausea has been relentless again since Friday - I am praying it goes at 14 weeks.

Buster - I cant imagine getting on a plane let alone working on one. Thank goodness you get to be grounded soon.

urc - thanks for the reasurance on the fibroids - I have a few so I guess they will scan me as I get further along too. Like you, I refuse to worry!!!!!!

Will come and post more when feel less :sick:
mrs max, forgot to say I have a fibroid too. Its was i think 4cm at my 12 week scan so just going to check it again at my 20 week scan. xx
Thanks wishing - my biggest was about 4cm too I think, with a few smaller ones. I think they are quite common and What to Expect book says they are usually nothing to worry about :) Fingers crossed.

having a non-sick today. :happydance: Hope this is the beginning of the end of my ms!!!!!!!!!!
Yay for non-sick day!!! I hope this is the end of your ms.
Woke up not feeling sick agin and yesterday had my first whole non-sick day for nearly 7 weeks!!!!! Amazing feeling. Dont have my appetite back yet, but that should come with time. Hoping today is another good one.

Is it the weekend yet?!!!
Bring on the weekend. Hope all you ladies are doing well.
Hi ladies! Mind if I join? I know it's still super early but this is my first ever BFP, 1st IVF and I am thrilled beyond belief. Having some AF like cramps which I hear is pretty normal. From what I can gather EDD 3/16/13. :baby:
Welcome to the thread noasaint. Congratulations on your BFP. This is such an exciting time, but I also know how nerve wracking it can be to. Feel free to ask us any questions you may have. And again congratulations!!
:wave: welcome Noasaint and congrats!!! This was my first IVf too and it makes you feel so blessed doesnt it, after all that struggling. :)

So, I am 14 weeks today (ticker behind), but still strugglilng with sickness. was sick 3 times this morning before getting to work. It is becoming more manageable but I am still waiting to feel normal like all the pregnancy books say I shoudl be feeling by now. Anyone else still suffering?
wow noasaint - just read your ticker and you have been trying for 4 years!!!! You must be over the moon - 2 years felt like a lifetime to me. masses of congrats - i am hoping for a boy too - although will be delighted whatever of course!! I feel guilty even having a preference after being so lucky to get my BFP :blush: glad I am not the only one.
Welcome noasaint, this is a lovely thread. Has it sunk in yet.. I have been waiting for this for 7 years so know the feeling and although i am getting a def bump and have heard the heart beat I really dont think it has sunk in yet... I think maybe when I feel it move it will feel more real.

Mrs max, I am pretty sure Im carrying a boy but I really wanted a girl as I have a son already and have always wanted the mother daughter bond that me and so many of my friends have but after waiting this long I just want a healthy happy baby.

My boss at work lost her baby, we are all still in shock its so awful and tragic I cant believe it but it makes you realise just how lucky you are and I am so thankful that I have this baby and just hope and pray that i have a baby to take home. But I think everyone has a preference at some point during there pregnancy. Not long now until we find out 4w2d and counting. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
morning all!

Just back from Belfast and got the delayed Monday-morning blues :((
Can't believe I still have another 7 weeks to go at work - when really all I want to do is slob around at home being pregnant!

still, on the bright side, I'm now officially in 3rd tri, down to double digits and Eenie is wriggling and kicking like a good un :D

welcome and congrats to noasaint :hugs:
I'm pregnant after my first IVF cycle too - and it really does feel like a miracle!
urhcin - keep counting down those day and congrats on getting the third tri.

Wishing, someoen at work lost their baby in the second tri - it scared the bejeebees out of me but makes me appreciate every day with this baba (even if he does make me sick!)

Cant believe you get to find out in less than 5 weeks what you are havig - soooo exciting. What date is your scan?

Also, where is your bump? I cant work out if I have one or not yet -!! :blush: I'm fairly slim, but always had a slightly rounded belly so hard to tell!!!
Hi ladies mind if I join your group? I'm 36 & just got BFP a week ago from HRT FET. I have 2 DD from previous marriage 14 & 11. I almost feel like a first time mum again with the age gap.
course you can sheri!
congratulations and welcome to the group :hugs:
Well, actually I've been trying 15 years total. I had tried in a past relationship with clomid. DH and I have only been married 2.5 years but we tried before that.

Trying to stay hopeful but 1st beta was 50 and 2nd was 128 with a doubling time of 53 hours. The low betas make me worry soooooo much. Next beta is Friday so I'm praying hard.

On my phone, will do personals later but I hope everyone is well
Welcome to the thread Sheri and Congrats on your BFP.

noasaint stay positive. I have everything crossed for you and your bean.
Thanks :flower:

Noasaint I know how you feel about worry, my clinic do betas every 7 days for 4 weeks & last night as I was going to bed I went to the loo & was spotting some darkish red blood no cramps though & it was all gone this morning. The nurse at my clinic wasn't worried she said all my levels from BT were good & just have the next BT on Monday as usual. So glad Im on holidays & got to spend the day on the couch.

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