New cycle - onwards and upwards

Thanks Clairey:hugs:

Im going stir crazy in the 2ww :wacko:

Just want to find out one way or another. Im so :sleep: lol

Still in the 2WW? No AF or BFP or is your ticker out a bit? :flower:

Ha Storm yeah still in 2ww not changed my ticker cos af should have been here yest and no sign so far but bfn yest too so no idea whats going on -- hence other post lol

Morning all hope you all had a great weekend!

Did my first CBFM test stick this morning (2nd month of actually using it) so here I go again with the whole pee'ing on sticks again. LOL I was actually excited last night at the thought of testing in the morning. I use cheap internet tests to compare against each other.:wacko:

Today’s test was odd though I don’t normally even have a hint of a second line this early in a cycle (day 6) but there was a second line on both tests this morning, perhaps i will OV early this month who knows, let the countdown begin LOL.
Nat x

Morning - Im giving the CBFM a go this month too! It just arrived at the weekend so thinks im on CD6 instead of 7, but I reckon as its getting used to me this month it can't be that bad a thing. Did get to POAS this morning so that should feed my addiction for a while. This POAS is costing me a fortune - hope it works :)

We are practically on the same CD Nat, nice to have some ladies going through the same thing :flower:

Hello everyone else - how are we all getting on?

Hi Storm, how exciting about your CBFM arriving and you getting to POAS!!!:happydance: This TTC lark is quite costly when you add all the bits and pieces up.
I'm on CD9 today and I go for my fertility reflexology later this afternoon - quite excited about this.
Feel a bit down in general though this month. I'm trying to keep my weight in check but I'm finding it all a bit much:cry: I would say if I am honest that I'm probably a stone over my normal ideal weight. The problem is, as I ruptured my achillies tendon in Nov last year I wasn't able to walk for 2 months and now I am just about walking properly, but cannot go running/jogging/cycling or the like.
I used to run for exercise and my more sedentary life style at the moment has mean't I have put on weight and I feel p@*$ed off because of it. I just hope it is not this extra weight that is stopping me getting my BFP.
I will just add I am not huge or anything, just a normal size 14, but I prefer being a 12/14 (have big boobs:blush:)
Sorry for my rant! I hope the reflexology will destress me.


I know what you mean - I've chunked out since I got married, put on a stone in 3 months - no excuse really, just been eating too much! I'm a well hefty size 12 but pushing towards a 14 and I'd like to stay a size 12 before I get my :bfp: so its onto the healthy eating again! :hugs:
Morning all hope you all had a great weekend!

Did my first CBFM test stick this morning (2nd month of actually using it) so here I go again with the whole pee'ing on sticks again. LOL I was actually excited last night at the thought of testing in the morning. I use cheap internet tests to compare against each other.:wacko:

Today’s test was odd though I don’t normally even have a hint of a second line this early in a cycle (day 6) but there was a second line on both tests this morning, perhaps i will OV early this month who knows, let the countdown begin LOL.
Nat x

Morning - Im giving the CBFM a go this month too! It just arrived at the weekend so thinks im on CD6 instead of 7, but I reckon as its getting used to me this month it can't be that bad a thing. Did get to POAS this morning so that should feed my addiction for a while. This POAS is costing me a fortune - hope it works :)

We are practically on the same CD Nat, nice to have some ladies going through the same thing :flower:

Hello everyone else - how are we all getting on?

Hi Storm, how exciting about your CBFM arriving and you getting to POAS!!!:happydance: This TTC lark is quite costly when you add all the bits and pieces up.
I'm on CD9 today and I go for my fertility reflexology later this afternoon - quite excited about this.
Feel a bit down in general though this month. I'm trying to keep my weight in check but I'm finding it all a bit much:cry: I would say if I am honest that I'm probably a stone over my normal ideal weight. The problem is, as I ruptured my achillies tendon in Nov last year I wasn't able to walk for 2 months and now I am just about walking properly, but cannot go running/jogging/cycling or the like.
I used to run for exercise and my more sedentary life style at the moment has mean't I have put on weight and I feel p@*$ed off because of it. I just hope it is not this extra weight that is stopping me getting my BFP.
I will just add I am not huge or anything, just a normal size 14, but I prefer being a 12/14 (have big boobs:blush:)
Sorry for my rant! I hope the reflexology will destress me.


I know what you mean - I've chunked out since I got married, put on a stone in 3 months - no excuse really, just been eating too much! I'm a well hefty size 12 but pushing towards a 14 and I'd like to stay a size 12 before I get my :bfp: so its onto the healthy eating again! :hugs:

Glad I'm not the only one feeling this way. I'm trying to eat less and cut out any rubbish, oh and drink more water and less tea.
Morning all hope you all had a great weekend!

Did my first CBFM test stick this morning (2nd month of actually using it) so here I go again with the whole pee'ing on sticks again. LOL I was actually excited last night at the thought of testing in the morning. I use cheap internet tests to compare against each other.:wacko:

Today’s test was odd though I don’t normally even have a hint of a second line this early in a cycle (day 6) but there was a second line on both tests this morning, perhaps i will OV early this month who knows, let the countdown begin LOL.
Nat x

Morning - Im giving the CBFM a go this month too! It just arrived at the weekend so thinks im on CD6 instead of 7, but I reckon as its getting used to me this month it can't be that bad a thing. Did get to POAS this morning so that should feed my addiction for a while. This POAS is costing me a fortune - hope it works :)

We are practically on the same CD Nat, nice to have some ladies going through the same thing :flower:

Hello everyone else - how are we all getting on?

Hi Storm, how exciting about your CBFM arriving and you getting to POAS!!!:happydance: This TTC lark is quite costly when you add all the bits and pieces up.
I'm on CD9 today and I go for my fertility reflexology later this afternoon - quite excited about this.
Feel a bit down in general though this month. I'm trying to keep my weight in check but I'm finding it all a bit much:cry: I would say if I am honest that I'm probably a stone over my normal ideal weight. The problem is, as I ruptured my achillies tendon in Nov last year I wasn't able to walk for 2 months and now I am just about walking properly, but cannot go running/jogging/cycling or the like.
I used to run for exercise and my more sedentary life style at the moment has mean't I have put on weight and I feel p@*$ed off because of it. I just hope it is not this extra weight that is stopping me getting my BFP.
I will just add I am not huge or anything, just a normal size 14, but I prefer being a 12/14 (have big boobs:blush:)
Sorry for my rant! I hope the reflexology will destress me.


I know what you mean - I've chunked out since I got married, put on a stone in 3 months - no excuse really, just been eating too much! I'm a well hefty size 12 but pushing towards a 14 and I'd like to stay a size 12 before I get my :bfp: so its onto the healthy eating again! :hugs:

Glad I'm not the only one feeling this way. I'm trying to eat less and cut out any rubbish, oh and drink more water and less tea.

Got myself some decaf teabags today, so let's see how that goes! have also been drinking more water and I def thing the EPO has had an "effect" on the cm. will be very interested to see what it is like when I OV? I wonder if I get lots of EWCM, should I still use the preseed or not???
''Got myself some decaf teabags today, so let's see how that goes! have also been drinking more water and I def thing the EPO has had an "effect" on the cm. will be very interested to see what it is like when I OV? I wonder if I get lots of EWCM, should I still use the preseed or not???''

I'm having a coffee right now - but I do have some herbal tea for later! I haven't tried EPO (well not yet) - but if you have loads of EWCM I'd give the preseed a miss - might all get a bit 'wet' down there :haha:
Got myself some decaf teabags today, so let's see how that goes! have also been drinking more water and I def thing the EPO has had an "effect" on the cm. will be very interested to see what it is like when I OV? I wonder if I get lots of EWCM, should I still use the preseed or not???

I'm having a coffee right now - but I do have some herbal tea for later! I haven't tried EPO (well not yet) - but if you have loads of EWCM I'd give the preseed a miss - might all get a bit 'wet' down there :haha:[/QUOTE]

Well, I'm having a full caffinated cup of tea at the moment as I am waiting for the decaf tea to be delivered this afternoon.
I think your right,I will seehow much EWCM I get, otherwise we may be sliding all over the place!!! LOL:haha::haha:
Got myself some decaf teabags today, so let's see how that goes! have also been drinking more water and I def thing the EPO has had an "effect" on the cm. will be very interested to see what it is like when I OV? I wonder if I get lots of EWCM, should I still use the preseed or not???

I'm having a coffee right now - but I do have some herbal tea for later! I haven't tried EPO (well not yet) - but if you have loads of EWCM I'd give the preseed a miss - might all get a bit 'wet' down there :haha:

Well, I'm having a full caffinated cup of tea at the moment as I am waiting for the decaf tea to be delivered this afternoon.
I think your right,I will seehow much EWCM I get, otherwise we may be sliding all over the place!!! LOL:haha::haha:

Was it wrong that I marked up our BDing schedule on the calender and told my DH those where the dates I needed him :)
Got myself some decaf teabags today, so let's see how that goes! have also been drinking more water and I def thing the EPO has had an "effect" on the cm. will be very interested to see what it is like when I OV? I wonder if I get lots of EWCM, should I still use the preseed or not???

I'm having a coffee right now - but I do have some herbal tea for later! I haven't tried EPO (well not yet) - but if you have loads of EWCM I'd give the preseed a miss - might all get a bit 'wet' down there :haha:

Well, I'm having a full caffinated cup of tea at the moment as I am waiting for the decaf tea to be delivered this afternoon.
I think your right,I will seehow much EWCM I get, otherwise we may be sliding all over the place!!! LOL:haha::haha:

Was it wrong that I marked up our BDing schedule on the calender and told my DH those where the dates I needed him :)

LOL :haha: Oh my, I did laugh at that! I would call that forward planning. At least he knows what is required of him and when.
Myself and my DF are both feeling as if we are about to get a cold or something. I hope not, as this could ruin all my plans for BD'ing. I wonder if I could still persuade him if he is sick in bed??? lol :haha:
Got myself some decaf teabags today, so let's see how that goes! have also been drinking more water and I def thing the EPO has had an "effect" on the cm. will be very interested to see what it is like when I OV? I wonder if I get lots of EWCM, should I still use the preseed or not???

I'm having a coffee right now - but I do have some herbal tea for later! I haven't tried EPO (well not yet) - but if you have loads of EWCM I'd give the preseed a miss - might all get a bit 'wet' down there :haha:

Well, I'm having a full caffinated cup of tea at the moment as I am waiting for the decaf tea to be delivered this afternoon.
I think your right,I will seehow much EWCM I get, otherwise we may be sliding all over the place!!! LOL:haha::haha:

Was it wrong that I marked up our BDing schedule on the calender and told my DH those where the dates I needed him :)

LOL :haha: Oh my, I did laugh at that! I would call that forward planning. At least he knows what is required of him and when.
Myself and my DF are both feeling as if we are about to get a cold or something. I hope not, as this could ruin all my plans for BD'ing. I wonder if I could still persuade him if he is sick in bed??? lol :haha:

Oh no! I hope you don't get sick - I need someone to sit out the 2WW with me :hugs:
Got myself some decaf teabags today, so let's see how that goes! have also been drinking more water and I def thing the EPO has had an "effect" on the cm. will be very interested to see what it is like when I OV? I wonder if I get lots of EWCM, should I still use the preseed or not???

I'm having a coffee right now - but I do have some herbal tea for later! I haven't tried EPO (well not yet) - but if you have loads of EWCM I'd give the preseed a miss - might all get a bit 'wet' down there :haha:

Well, I'm having a full caffinated cup of tea at the moment as I am waiting for the decaf tea to be delivered this afternoon.
I think your right,I will seehow much EWCM I get, otherwise we may be sliding all over the place!!! LOL:haha::haha:

Was it wrong that I marked up our BDing schedule on the calender and told my DH those where the dates I needed him :)

LOL :haha: Oh my, I did laugh at that! I would call that forward planning. At least he knows what is required of him and when.
Myself and my DF are both feeling as if we are about to get a cold or something. I hope not, as this could ruin all my plans for BD'ing. I wonder if I could still persuade him if he is sick in bed??? lol :haha:

Oh no! I hope you don't get sick - I need someone to sit out the 2WW with me :hugs:

Oh don't worry, by hook or by crook I will be there!!!! at least if we are sick in bed we don't have to go anywhere to DTD! LOL
I have good vibes about April.
Hey ladies, just reading your post this morning!!

De-cafe tea is ok I drink it all the time and cant tell the difference, it was coke that I struggled to cut out I think I may of been a little addicted to the stuff.
Sick or not :sex: !!!just make it quick then you can lay there and fall asleep after :haha:
My husband makes me laugh, he knows my cycle as well I me and roughly when I am due to OV and will make sure he cuts out wine a few days before hand and takes his conception vitamins(daily) Bless him “HE” has decided that this month we will start to :sex: from CD8 (today) and every other day until I get a high reading on CBMF then everyday if until CBMF goes back down to low hopefully covering all bases. So here we go again wont be long till we are in the 2WW going crazy waiting :wacko:

Have a great day everyone.... the sun is shining down on the south coast of England and temperatures are rising... bring on the summer xxx:happydance:
Hi Nat - my DH is more than willing to participate in any scheduled BDing - thankfully for me he wants this just as much as I do - although is a little less obsessed! I just got a CBFM, we are starting tomorrow CD10 (had to skip CB8 as DH had a couple of night shifts) so its every other day from tomorrow then if I get a high on the CBFM its a few days in a row (will be using CB digitals too to look for smiley face) and hopefully that will do the trick.

I too have a really good feeling about April - so :dust: to us all!
Hi Nat - my DH is more than willing to participate in any scheduled BDing - thankfully for me he wants this just as much as I do - although is a little less obsessed! I just got a CBFM, we are starting tomorrow CD10 (had to skip CB8 as DH had a couple of night shifts) so its every other day from tomorrow then if I get a high on the CBFM its a few days in a row (will be using CB digitals too to look for smiley face) and hopefully that will do the trick.

I too have a really good feeling about April - so :dust: to us all!

I agree i think April will be a positive month too happy TTC everyone x:dust::dust:
April is going to be a GOOD month - fx'd for us all for those much wanted :bfp:s

Hey ladies, just reading your post this morning!!

De-cafe tea is ok I drink it all the time and cant tell the difference, it was coke that I struggled to cut out I think I may of been a little addicted to the stuff.
Sick or not :sex: !!!just make it quick then you can lay there and fall asleep after :haha:
My husband makes me laugh, he knows my cycle as well I me and roughly when I am due to OV and will make sure he cuts out wine a few days before hand and takes his conception vitamins(daily) Bless him “HE” has decided that this month we will start to :sex: from CD8 (today) and every other day until I get a high reading on CBMF then everyday if until CBMF goes back down to low hopefully covering all bases. So here we go again wont be long till we are in the 2WW going crazy waiting :wacko:

Have a great day everyone.... the sun is shining down on the south coast of England and temperatures are rising... bring on the summer xxx:happydance:

Hi Nat, I take it you mean Cola as opposed to cocaine?? LOL. I guess both are addictive, one more so than perhaps the other? anyway, I'm only kidding, just though it read funny that's all :haha::haha:
Yes, sick or no sick we will be :sex::sex: I can't miss this month, it would kill me!!
I too am trying to DTD every other day until I get the LH surge, then it's the sh@gathon! :blush:
It's sunny here in Hertfordshire too - lovely, shame I'm stuck indoors though.
Hey ladies, just reading your post this morning!!

De-cafe tea is ok I drink it all the time and cant tell the difference, it was coke that I struggled to cut out I think I may of been a little addicted to the stuff.
Sick or not :sex: !!!just make it quick then you can lay there and fall asleep after :haha:
My husband makes me laugh, he knows my cycle as well I me and roughly when I am due to OV and will make sure he cuts out wine a few days before hand and takes his conception vitamins(daily) Bless him “HE” has decided that this month we will start to :sex: from CD8 (today) and every other day until I get a high reading on CBMF then everyday if until CBMF goes back down to low hopefully covering all bases. So here we go again wont be long till we are in the 2WW going crazy waiting :wacko:

Have a great day everyone.... the sun is shining down on the south coast of England and temperatures are rising... bring on the summer xxx:happydance:

Hi Nat, I take it you mean Cola as opposed to cocaine?? LOL. I guess both are addictive, one more so than perhaps the other? anyway, I'm only kidding, just though it read funny that's all :haha::haha:
Yes, sick or no sick we will be :sex::sex: I can't miss this month, it would kill me!!
I too am trying to DTD every other day until I get the LH surge, then it's the sh@gathon! :blush:
It's sunny here in Hertfordshire too - lovely, shame I'm stuck indoors though.

:dohh:yeah i guess it does read that way ..... but i did mean cola he he he.
I am stuck in an office all day missing out on the 17oC outside booooo roll on 5pm ive got a lot of :sex: to get in before the night is done:haha: x
Hmmm so I don't feel so positive today - its CD10 and time to starting with the BDing - I think its just because I know I'm about to start the craziness again this month. We (like you all) want a :baby: so badly, this journey is starting to get a little painful and we are only on our 4th month, I don't know how many more months of this I can take :(

Hmmm so I don't feel so positive today - its CD10 and time to starting with the BDing - I think its just because I know I'm about to start the craziness again this month. We (like you all) want a :baby: so badly, this journey is starting to get a little painful and we are only on our 4th month, I don't know how many more months of this I can take :(


I'm trying to keep up the positive thoughts, but like you it is getting harder with each passing month. Trying not to get stressed out by the BD'ing timing etc, but it is always there in the back of my mind.
Let's hope this is the last month of having to do this!!!
April showers bring May flowers....that will be my take on the matter this month...especially since I found out my DH will be in China for business in May...over my birthday AND BD time (if there are indeed no May flowers)...

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