New thread for recent losses TTC before the would have been due date...join me! :) xx

Hi to all the new ladies, so sorry for each of your losses, and best of luck to one and all for those beautiful rainbows, we're all a day closer to them now than we were yesterday! :) xx
Ok! So it has been a few days since I've posted here - I had a Dr.s appt on the 6th to see how my miscarriage was progressing and my OB ended up scheduling me for a D&C because an ultrasound confirmed my placenta was SUPER thick! So Thursday night I had the surgery and now here I am on Sunday, feeling kind of sick but happy to be on the tail end of this experience.

One thing I want to add! My OB told me that Doctors "USED" to recommend waiting a few cycles before trying again, but told me that some Swedish researchers actually did a study on couples trying to conceive and put them in control groups with some trying right away, others in 3 months, and others in 6 months. The couples that tried straight away had a greater success and pregnancy rate! So my Dr. said absolutely go ahead and try again as soon as we are emotionally ready (which is NOW! haha I want to be pregnant NOW!). He said I would most likely O in 2 to 4 weeks so I am charting and bought my OPK's. My temp this morning confirmed I am at my pre-O normal temp so I am ready to get BD'ing and get my BFP! :happydance:
Good luck AZ! Glad you're on the other side of it all now. I can't make any sense of my temps, they were so low yesterday and were taken two hours later than normal so should've been higher if anything. I wondered if they were just getting quickly back to pre O temps ready to go again, but they shot back up again today, and I seem to have had every possible kind of CM all in one day!
Bubbles - UGH! Talk about confusing!! It's such a pain going through this because even though we are ready to try again, it's really hard to determine where our bodies are at with our hormone levels, CM etc. Even though I feel kind of sick today, I actually woke up thinking about BD'ing! I thought maybe I'm feeling frisky because I might be going to O soon, but I think it's way too early yet! Pesky TTC problems!
Hey Ladies!

I too would love to join this thread! I had my first miscarriage on 10/15/12 with my first pregnancy. I stopped bleeding about 8 days later and my hubby and I decided to begin BDing the moment he returned home from a work trip on 11/8/12. Because this was 3 wks after my miscarriage so I believe we missed my O+ days but at that point I wasn't using OPK's. (Everyone who I have known to get pregnant right after a miscarriage does so by BDing 2 wks after their miscarriage started). Then, AF arrived on 10/24/12 and thank goodness was light and short. (Unlike the info I had read on what your first AF would be like after a miscarriage.)

I started using OPK's exactly 10 days after AF started, (CD1) and that same night I got a smiley face! So we BD'd that night but I feel like that may have been too late? Has anyone become pregnant if they BD'd on the day they ovulated? Or do you have to BD a few days before hand?

Either way we are still trying and I plan to test on Christmas Day! Wish me luck!

Lots of baby dust spread across this entire thread! :dust:
Hey Ladies!

I too would love to join this thread! I had my first miscarriage on 10/15/12 with my first pregnancy. I stopped bleeding about 8 days later and my hubby and I decided to begin BDing the moment he returned home from a work trip on 11/8/12. Because this was 3 wks after my miscarriage so I believe we missed my O+ days but at that point I wasn't using OPK's. (Everyone who I have known to get pregnant right after a miscarriage does so by BDing 2 wks after their miscarriage started). Then, AF arrived on 10/24/12 and thank goodness was light and short. (Unlike the info I had read on what your first AF would be like after a miscarriage.)

I started using OPK's exactly 10 days after AF started, (CD1) and that same night I got a smiley face! So we BD'd that night but I feel like that may have been too late? Has anyone become pregnant if they BD'd on the day they ovulated? Or do you have to BD a few days before hand?

Either way we are still trying and I plan to test on Christmas Day! Wish me luck!

Lots of baby dust spread across this entire thread! :dust:

Hi, so sorry for your loss. I just wanted to say that your timing sounds great, the smiley face shows your LH surge just before ovulation, not the ovulation actually happening, so it's the best time to BD when you get the smiley face! Fingers crossed you caught that egg an it's a sticky one :)
Bubbles - UGH! Talk about confusing!! It's such a pain going through this because even though we are ready to try again, it's really hard to determine where our bodies are at with our hormone levels, CM etc. Even though I feel kind of sick today, I actually woke up thinking about BD'ing! I thought maybe I'm feeling frisky because I might be going to O soon, but I think it's way too early yet! Pesky TTC problems!

I keep feeling sick too, and I know from previous cycles since coming off BCP I got nausea at O time. I really think it's too soon for me to be O'ing anytime soon though, my cycles had got so long before, and I'm sure the loss would've just made them worse. I want to use OPKs again at some point but keep forgetting to reduce my fluid intake and hold my pee!
I have to have surgery on Thursday and I'm worried that could delay my ovulation even longer :(
Bubbles - UGH! Talk about confusing!! It's such a pain going through this because even though we are ready to try again, it's really hard to determine where our bodies are at with our hormone levels, CM etc. Even though I feel kind of sick today, I actually woke up thinking about BD'ing! I thought maybe I'm feeling frisky because I might be going to O soon, but I think it's way too early yet! Pesky TTC problems!

I keep feeling sick too, and I know from previous cycles since coming off BCP I got nausea at O time. I really think it's too soon for me to be O'ing anytime soon though, my cycles had got so long before, and I'm sure the loss would've just made them worse. I want to use OPKs again at some point but keep forgetting to reduce my fluid intake and hold my pee!
I have to have surgery on Thursday and I'm worried that could delay my ovulation even longer :(

Awww shoot well good luck with your surgery! Praying for your fast recovery! I'm not sure if it will delay O but you might not feel up to BD'ing! I also hate having to hold my pee to use OPK's, but I feel like I'd be in the dark without them! I'm taking Maca and Royal Jelly to regulate my cycles and I'm wondering if I'm going to O sooner rather than later this time around. Guess we'll have to wait and find out!

BSelck - your timing sounds good! Once you get a positive OPK you should BD for the next 3 days!! GOOD LUCK !!!
Thanks AZ. I used to be a big fan of OPKs but I worry I'll make myself ill holding my pee and not drinking for so long when I can sometimes be using them for weeks at a time! Also put me off them a bit when I never got a positive at all last cycle even though I tested two or three times a day, although it was a batch I didn't trust anyway that I was using in the end. I was really hoping to just be able to rely on CM and CP for the first warning signs but not so sure they're going to help me this time!
Think my new batch of OPKs are dodgy too... They have bright pink handles and I've only seen green or blue ones before. Thought I'd test with FMU this morning which I would normally avoid, but not so great at holding it lately as I keep forgetting, so tried FMU today and even the control line is faint!

My temp is still all over the place too :(
I am so sorry for everyone's loss. It's a difficult thing that no one should have to go through, and yet so many of us do. :(

I lost just under two weeks ago and have been committed to trying right away ever since. This is my second confirmed pregnancy to end in miscarriage (I have had others when I was younger that were not confirmed by a doctor prior to bleeding.) After my first one, by the second cycle I had conceived my daughter. I found it really helped me, to have a child growing happily in my belly on my original due date. It also makes it easier knowing that if my first miscarriage had gone to term my daughter wouldn't exist. It gives the first one a bit of a purpose to me, like the daughter I do have was simply fated to be and I couldn't imagine a world without her.

Would very much like that to be the case again.

Though a part of my heart will always belong to my angels.

I hope we all get our rainbow babies soon. <3
Hey Maze :)

That's a lovely way to think of your daughter, I'm a big believer in fate which is one of the reasons I want to get my rainbow baby before my due date too.
I am so sorry for everyone's loss. It's a difficult thing that no one should have to go through, and yet so many of us do. :(

I lost just under two weeks ago and have been committed to trying right away ever since. This is my second confirmed pregnancy to end in miscarriage (I have had others when I was younger that were not confirmed by a doctor prior to bleeding.) After my first one, by the second cycle I had conceived my daughter. I found it really helped me, to have a child growing happily in my belly on my original due date. It also makes it easier knowing that if my first miscarriage had gone to term my daughter wouldn't exist. It gives the first one a bit of a purpose to me, like the daughter I do have was simply fated to be and I couldn't imagine a world without her.

Would very much like that to be the case again.

Though a part of my heart will always belong to my angels.

I hope we all get our rainbow babies soon. <3

I feel the same way about the sense of purpose to the first loss when you get pregnant again before your expected due date. Every time I get overwhelmed by longings for my first angel I remember that I could not have my son if I had kept her. I sort of feel the same about my son's twin. It was a troubled pregnancy start to end and I think my body would never have supported both babies. One had to go if the other had any chance of surviving. At least, that's how I choose to see it.

I'm sorry for all of your losses.:hugs:
I am glad that I'm not alone in feeling that way, I worry sometimes that it could be misunderstood, like I am looking to replace my losses or something. It truly is an emotional roller coaster... TTCing after a loss seems full of hope, doubt, excitement, fear, guilt and eventual happiness. It takes a strong person! That's for sure.

We're all very strong women indeed. :hugs:
How is everyone?

I still feel like I'm miles away from O and even further from that rainbow, but as I always say, I'm a day closer than I was yesterday, that goes for all of us! :)

I started OPKs again today even though it's probably ridiculously early. The ones I'm using are different to any I've used before and the control line seems really faint. Will keep going with them and see if I decide they're ok or not, will probably end up buying more but it's hard to find the same ones again when I get my ICs on eBay! Can't make any sense of my temps still so need to try OPKs to boost my chances of catching this next egg!
Hi again everyone! AF arrived today, two days later than expected, which pushed my projected O date to Christmas. With any luck, I can make the long drive out of town to where OH will be in time to catch the eggy. That would be the best present I could possibly ask for. This is my first AF since the loss, so I am not surprised that it was later than expected. I went out today and got my OPKs and we will be trying Preseed and Softcups this cycle in the hopes of increasing our chances of catching fast. This is our third cycle TTC. OH is very impatient and the chemical made me just as impatient as he is. Wishing all of you lots of luck!!

I just entered into my target window of potential fertility. (11-16th) So I am BDing every other day... and literally right before I go to sleep so I don't have to move all night. I know there is no real proof that it helps but... it worked last month, we got pregnant right away. So here is hoping that it works out! I am going to keep BDing after the calculator projected date because I suspect I am a late ovulator. (I have been BDing for a few days now too.) I bought OPKs but I apparently didn't purchase enough to really accurately predict ovulation. Which kinda sucks. I might have to buy some more before I run out.... Just as I wrote that I got a ridiculously sharp pain in my right side. Weird.

Anyway, fingers crossed my efforts will turn out.

What kind of methods do you guys use? Do you guys stay in bed after BD, or elevate? Or just continue on with you day/night? Do you think it makes a difference?
We normally BD before bed. I guess that's just how we do things. lol I try to wait a couple minutes before going to the bathroom afterwards but otherwise I don't do anything too special. I have no idea if the different tricks work or not. I think I tried them when TTC my first angel but I never conceived those cycles. All three of my pregnancies were conceived on months I thought I was 'out' for sure due to timing issues, etc.

We try to BD every other day during my fertile window though sometimes we throw a couple extra efforts in between if the mood is right.:winkwink:
Back to the TTC game! Had a D&C on November 1. AF has been for the past 5 days, and was really light but is slowing down and now we get to start trying again. :)
Maze - I also try stay in bed afterwards and not sure if it makes any difference but makes me feel better about it! Worked last time so I don't want to start gettin straight up just in case!

Megan - good luck :)

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